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My Life as a Skins Fan...Hows yours???


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I live in the Martinsburg WV/ Winchester VA area. For those of you who don't know where that is its about an hour west of DC in the Northern Virginia area. The area that I live in was once SKINS COUNTRY, but sometime in the last decade it became STEELER/COWBOY/RAVEN COUNTRY. Almost everywhere I go in town I am always sporting my Redskins Cap and I get heckled everywhere I go. I am constantly being told about how much the team sucks and about how much people feel sorry for me. The amazing thing is that I live an hour away from DC and FedEx Field and I get ridiculed and laughed at. Everytime I pay for gas, go to the movies, the drive thru, a restaurant I am finding someone who will say something or send me an evil smurk. I was visiting an old friend of mine last week at a house warming party and I was wearing a Skins Jersey. And my buddy who has been a Skins fan his whole life told me that I have a lot of balls wearing anything burgundy and gold.

Is this stuff happening to you guys? I'm sure most of us are in the VA/MD/PA/DC area, so can you guys relate to what I'm saying? I just find it amazing that I can't go somewhere w/o being constantly reminded of how bad this team is in the Redskins own backyard.

PS. I'm not complaining or whining about the heckling or razzing, I could care less, sometimes its even fun to get into with the right person, I just wanted to know if you guys are experiencing similar things.

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Wow dude. An hour and it's like that?

Sounds almost like in the 80's when I saw someone wearing an ugly ass Orange TB Bucs hat or shirt.

It was like "DUDE, are ****ing kidding me?"

I guess the Skins are one of the jokes now right there with the 80's Colts/Bucs/Cards/Lions, or the 90's Bengals/Rams/Browns. WTF happened here, Snyder?

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i live just outside London in England - i dont remember the last time i met a skins fan(my earliest memory of the Redskins is watching the 1983 playoff season as a 5yr old lol) but my brothers follow the NFL and so i get mocked every week especially on a Monday

luckily for me my 3 brothers support the Dolphins, 49ers and Raiders so i can give as good as a i get haha

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I used to live in Maryland and PG County is Cowboys country..... when the Skins are down you never hear the end of it....when the Skins are winning and Cowboys lose its heaven on earth.

I now live in Alexandria, I dont see any Ratbirds fans....a Dallas fan occasionally but more Steelers fans than anything (besides Skins)...surprisingly people still rock their Skins gear. The people i know, run into etc...are more feel sorry that we have to put up with such a dumpy product.

The haters that need attention are the ones who like to ruffle feathers, I dont run into to them personally but im sure they are out here where i live.

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Lucky for me I live down in Richmond. Hanover County is Redskin/Steelers country but mostly Redskin. You won't get attacked by other fans since their the minority. I go to VCU and when I walk around campus I see tons of Redskins shirts and caps and no one says anything about it. My friends who have other teams just say they think Zorn should be fired and Snyder should be dropped off in the Sahara desert

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Central VA is no longer Redskins Country. There are still many diehards left but no young Redskins fans to speak of. Can't say I blame them. I grew up with the Over the Hill Gang and then was blessed with the golden era of Redskins football under Gibbs 1.0. The younger generation has rarely seen a competetive Redskins squad. But I still rock the gear and even have a Redskins license plate. Whenever I get grief I tell folks I support the home team. Always have, always will.

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I had a guy tell me that I am a true fan b/c I was wearing my Skins jacket, hat, t-shirt and sweats today. I said that's right I hold my head high even when we suck. I get heckled everywhere I go but I'm used to it by now. This isn't anything new for those of us who live in Hampton Roads. Steeler fans and cowgirl fans have taken over here.

I was in Applebee's last nite and the staff there wears jerseys on Monday nite b/c of MNF and there were 4 employees wearing Skins jerseys! I was glad to see that. 2 Portis', 1 JC and 1 Haynesworth. The guy in the Haynesworth jersey was taking crap from a Steeler fan and the Haynesworth jersey guy told him he was the one "out of place" b/c this is Skins country! I got up and high fived him and said, You got that right bro!

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One of the managers in my office is from NY and is a huge Giants fan

My manager is a Vikings fan

Even though the Giants got pounded, and the Vikings barely survived, I overheard them yesterday mocking the 'Skins

Its one of those in the family thing, only I can mock and be mad at my family, not some outsider

Not much I can say this year though :(

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I have made a point of wearing the colors whenever I go out quite specifically because things are so bad. You stick w/ your team thru thick and thin, no exceptions, no explanations necessary.

On a (somewhat) related note, IFC is having a Monty Python-A-thon this week, with some great documentary interviews with the cast, etc., and showing some of the greats- Holy Grail, Life of Brian, etc. Couldn't come at a better time. It helps to put things in perspective to remember that even when the Skins suck, watching someone get slapped with a fish can make it better.


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It's actually not bad here in Chicago most Bears fans actually feel sorry about what has happened to The Redskins most knowing they were a class organization a while ago..... Although Bears historians always bring up the 73-0 in the 1940 Championship game

Plus I never get any flak I wear my Jersey,hat..etc no problem the most they say is tell the owner to just write the checks and nothing else...blah blah blah

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Lots and lots of Ravens fans here in Annapolis and the redskins fan I do see try to hide their shame under their coats. I was at the grocery store on sunday morning in downtown annapolis and I saw two redskins fans covering their shirts with their coats halfway zipped up. I counted 14 ravens shirts/hats etc, 4 redskins fan (counting myself), 3 cowboys fans, 2 steelers, 1 colts, 1 eagles. Sad indeed..

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I'm used to the ribbing I get when I wear my Skins gear (or when I pick up my daughter at school because of my Skins plate) simply because of where I live. This area is primarily full of Eagles fans. The Steelers fans have been poking their heads out over the last 2 years, as well.

The difference now is that the comments are laced with pity. It's just not as fan jawing back at someone who really isn't ripping the Skins, but is acting as though my pet has just died. So I keep wearing my jersey and sweatshirts and caps and just shrug at the idiots who can't see someone wearing anything other than green without opening their mouth. :rolleyes: I know that as soon as we start winning again, the real ribbing will return. And no matter what, I'll always be wearing the B&G.

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After moving from Baltimore to Delaware (Philly country for those not in the know), I'm used to it.

Last year it upset me because we started off SO well and ended up losing to the Ravens.

This year, though, I just look at the people giving me hell and say, "Man, I got nothing. I hate this damn team more than you do right now." Not only is it true, they usually stop and almost pity me.

This year is not a year to defend. The Redskins are like my own child, but in this case, my child has ****ed up so badly that I just have to let him weather the storm without my vehement protection.

And yes, it's red shirt and tie after every game, a picture of RFK is still in my cube, and my Redskins lanyard always holds my ID. I show my support, but there's no reason to fake any sense of pride.

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I live just outside of Baltimore (grew up in the DC 'burbs going to see the Skins since I was a tyke), and I might be the ONLY non-Ravens fan in vicinity. It's awful, man. Putting the Skins' problems aside, the worst part about Ravens fans is their attitudes. They scream "WE'RE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL" every time somebody on the team farts. In preseason, they so much as move a yard, "SUPER BOWL!!" They complete a pass, "SUPER BOWL MAAAAN!!!" Get a first down, "SUPER BOWL!!". They SUCK. They are worse than Philly, Dallas, and Pittsburgh fans COMBINED. I loathe them, man. One of their fans shot their mouth off at me in the coffee shop over the weekend, and I asked the douche, "Why do you hate Pittsburgh so much? Because they are your main division-rival, or for another reason?" He goes, "No, because we hate their fans". And I go, "Well, you guys act WORSE than any Pittsburgh fan I have met, and that is why we hate you guys. Look in the mirror." He didn't have a response. Douchebags.

"Like school on Saturday... NO CLASS."

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I am in Alexandria, and of my closest circle of friends 2 dont follow football, one is a Ravens fan, one is a Bengals fan, one is a Colts fan, one is a Patriots fan, and one is a Cowboys fan. The sad thing is that all but one of them was a redskins fan 3 years ago. Now they give me **** every sunday because I stuck with my team.

As soon as the skins start winning then the hating and abuse will stop and everyone will pull that old B&G sweater out of their closet...

heres hoping it happens sometime this century so I can witness it.

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What I do love is when I see someone and they see me rocking a Skins hat/shirt whatever and they shake their head and their like "Skins huh?"...and im like yeap...and i wait for them to say something/anything...and they will be like not looking good this year and im like no, really? I say who's your team and they will say ________ and i will be like so if your team hits hard times will u be repping them and they dont really have an answer....Im like yeah i thought so.

I hate to knock the DC area cuz this is my home and ive been born and raised here and its my blood but the level of fanfare is pisspoor. Everyone is so eager to be cool and root for a winner that they root for some other team and even if they are Skins fans they will downplay it.

What i love is in '05/'07 when we got hot and when Taylor died Skins gear filled the streets. Now so many people sit here and claim to "root" for the Ravens or Steelers or some other team.

Maybe thats how it is in Every city when the hometeam struggles....perhaps an out of town Skins fan can confirm that DC isnt alone in bandwagon-ism.

Be a man and stick with your team!

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i live just outside London in England - i dont remember the last time i met a skins fan

We were on holiday in Northumbria from the Wirral near Liverpool (UK) and walking down Holy Island wearing the Redskins coat I got earlier in the year when we paid a visit to Washington, someone started to sing Hail to the Redskins. We met again a little later in the Priory shop and had a shirt on, his daughter had season tickets. Wish I did.


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