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ESPN: Samuels May Sit Rest of Year/Retire


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Well....that is horrible. That's one hell of a stinger. When I saw it I expected he tore and tendon or something cuz his knee had that little twinge/ went the wrong way for a second. Who knows...

Whatever happens best of luck to you, Chris. You always gave it your all.

Our offensive line is in shambles.

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Out for the year with a stinger? Pardon my french that is BS. Either his injury is more serious than that, or he just is looking for an excuse to not play and retire.

He is suffering from Stenosis and significant knee pain. How about actually reading the article before opening your mouth.:logo:

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Chris- Thank you for being a Redskin, you have been the only dominant O-Lineman in the last ten years here. Do what's best for you.

Vinny- You are a complete jackass, way to not draft a single O-Lineman, I'm sure you'll blow our first round pick on Javier Arenas or Trevard Lindley, can't have too many defensive backs eh

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Those lambasting the FO for "ignoring OL" have not considered we did bring back Dockery, we drafted Rinehart, and aren't considering what has been available when we drafted in recent years.

The same used to be said about the DL, that the team was "ignoring" it. A poster in this thread even alluded to that old argument by mentioning us passing on Calias Campbell. But then Haynesworth became a free agent, Orakpo luckily fell to us in the draft, and we were able to get Jarmon in the supllemental draft as well.

Hopefully next offseason we have such luck in that the pieces fall for us for OL as they did for DL.

I wouldn't mind those saying the team purposely ignores OL, and saying we should have already drafted Samuels' replacement, actually showing who they have in mind that we should have drafted or picked up instead.

Yeah, luck is the strategy that I like to use when building a team too.

And God forbid that we actually try and draft someone to coach up to be a great lineman. It's not like we have a good OL coach or anything.

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Hope he'll be alright, Best wishes Chris! There is certainly life after football, you're one the best Redskins this franchise has had. Hopefully it doesn't end up being that serious whether it be career ending or changing the quality of life. Hopefully he'll be back in the trenches again, but your health is most important.

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Yeah, luck is the strategy that I like to use when building a team too.

And God forbid that we actually try and draft someone to coach up to be a great lineman. It's not like we have a good OL coach or anything.

Wow, way to not get the point at all. Luck had something to do with all those guys being available to us, not at all with the strategy of bringing those specific guys in.

We drafted Rinehart recently, we got Dock back who we drafted and previously coached up, we had Samuels and Jansen previously. The entire unit has degraded, and typically replacing an entire unit takes a few offseasons. We were able to take care of DL, so hopefully OL is finished up this coming offseason. Pointing being every single problem can't be addressed in one offseason. We drafted Rinehart, we brought Dock back, it's a process.

Like I said in the post, please list some players we could have acquired in recent years for the OL, specifically Samuels replacement. I mean, why even bother quoting me if you're not going to address any of my points?

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Maybe I'm being too optimistic but ESPN is simply regurgitated what we already know about the situation and are putting an ending to it without confirmation.

Chris has been playing with some of this stuff anyway and I have a feeling he isn't done for the entire year. Let's wait til next week and see.

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Wow, who would of thought injuries would mount up on along our aging offensive line.

I guess not Vinny! Keep up the good work Vinny! Looks like there are some good receivers available in the first round next year.

Are you serious? This is much bigger than Vinny....

Hope Chris is okay! One of the best OT in the league when healthy! He is a true Redskin! Thanks for all you have done! Wish you a speedy and full recovery.

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I'm sure he will be ok, if it's just a stinger. He's been overrated for a couple of years now. He's the only Redskin that can go to the pro bowl just by showing up to the football game. It's about time we look for some young, fresh athletic talent on the O-line.

Yea I thought I was the only one that noticed Batiste made Samuels look like the UDFA. :doh:

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I'm sure he will be ok, if it's just a stinger. He's been overrated for a couple of years now. He's the only Redskin that can go to the pro bowl just by showing up to the football game. It's about time we look for some young, fresh athletic talent on the O-line.

He has narrowing of the spinal column. As someone that has this too, I can tell you that its just not a stinger. I think he should retire and I wish him the best.

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Yea I thought I was the only one that noticed Batiste made Samuels look like the UDFA. :doh:

Thank you, Vinny. This is the kind of thinking that got us an old, often injured O-line with no depth. This is the kind of thinking why we don't have a legit QB on the roster. This is the kind of thinking that will give the Redskins a 4-12 or worse record this year.

Too bad we don't have somebody like Bill Polian who told Marvin Harrison we will not pay you a big salary to stay here...we can win without you.

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He has narrowing of the spinal column. As someone that has this too, I can tell you that its just not a stinger. I think he should retire and I wish him the best.

If true, then he should retire. He's rich already. There is no good reason to risk being paralyzed the rest of his life.

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In the last few years, There was a run on tackles when we took the receivers in the 2nd round. We could have taken Sam Baker with the 21st pick we gave to Atlanta. He is there starting left tackle. If we went the running back route we could have had Chris Johnson to take over for Ladell Betts that we should have traded that year anyway.

Lets go over last year for instance taking Orkapo was a good move but your center is in his early 30's and has had injury issues. We could have traded back picked up Wood or Mack plus Britten or Oher. Two years of not addressing it could have solved the problems with the age and injuries on this line. This problem with the current redskins is strictly on the Front office. Blaming Zorn is good for the media but the Front office never tried to change the team to fit the west coast system. Dockery is not a west coast lineman nor is Rabach.

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Wow, way to not get the point at all. Luck had something to do with all those guys being available to us, not at all with the strategy of bringing those specific guys in.

Like I said in the post, please list some players we could have acquired in recent years for the OL, specifically Samuels replacement. I mean, why even bother quoting me if you're not going to address any of my points?

I am not suggesting that we have a polished LT ready to go. All I am saying is that there has been a steady drum for a while now that we lack depth, especially on the OL. This is not something new. But I find it odd that despite the overwhelming evidence that our aging line might have issues staying healthy, across the board, we added one player of above marginal ability this offseason to the OL.

Now I don't have time to cross check the past five years of the draft to do a where-are-they-now on linemen around where the redskins could have picked, but I find it hard to believe that given the way our OL finished last season, we did not do more to address it. ESPECIALLY given that our entire identity on offense is Clinton Portis. As Portis goes, so goes our offense.

So why in the world, given all our myriad of needs, yes we needs DL, yes we needed LB, yes we needed a CB, why oh why was this the least addressed issue, since our offensive identity for the past five years has been a power running game despite all the ways in which we try to dress it up. Now we have an absolute disaster on the OL, and we are forced to play to our weaknesses on offense instead of our strengths.

Thats just poor management in my opinion. And maybe you feel differently. But you have to have plans for when the **** hits the fan. And I don't see a plan, other than hope that no one gets injured and maybe we'll be ok.

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