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So, Blache Needed a Break (Did Chernobyl Just Happen Yesterday?)


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I have no idea on what the rules of questioning a coach but it seems that some of the questions are on the cusp of being rude. I truly believe that Blache needed a step back from the media because I think he was about to punch someone out probably because he has a "personal issue" with a certain reporter. So instead of keeping himself in that situation, he stepped out. Imagine if your worst enemy in the world always nagged you every week, regardless if you won or lost and how sucky you did and there's nothing you can do about it. You tried jabbing back by asking what he would've done in that situation. None of this new. All started back with Matich during one of the preseason games...

Oh please. Matich asked about defensive pressure. Big ****ing deal. Media scrutiny - and by extension fan scrutiny - comes with the territory.

I don't have any real problem with Blache bowing out of media interviews. If he thinks it will help him do his job better, fine.

But it gets real tiresome when people villainize reporters for asking questions. I will say that Blatche didn't seem to mind the questions when the defense was doing well and he was the toast of the town with his witty quotes. That said, I hope all's well with Blatche. He seems like a decent guy.

Losing sucks. So does all the scrutiny and second guessing that comes with it.

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He's fed up with the media. He's fed up with the stupid questions the reporters try to ask him to rue him into talking into a corner so the media can take it out of context.

Stupid questions like "Why can't you generate a pass rush" or "Why are you taking the best Defensive player in the draft who's a pass-rushing monster and making him play LB" you mean?

Poor guy, I feel so awful...

Hopefully he can hop on the quickest northbound skunk out of Ashburn.

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So we find out that Jim Zorn contacted the league himself to let them know that Greg Blache wants out of the weekly press conference. He "needs a break" according to Zorn, for "personal reasons."

This whole things stinks to high heaven.

It reeks of BS.

I kinda wonder if Blache got demoted?

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Something is definately wrong.. London Fletcher was almost in tears after the Bucs game in the locker room. His eyes swelled up and was saying that it hurt because he knew what type of pressure Blache was going through with them playing as bad as they were. Something might seriously be wrong with Blache...

Well, despite my feelings about him and his coaching at times, I certainly hope this isn't the case. I'd like to see the man able to enjoy his retirement, not falling ill. Let's keep our fingers crossed that he's healthy.

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Well, despite my feelings about him and his coaching at times, I certainly hope this isn't the case. I'd like to see the man able to enjoy his retirement, not falling ill. Let's keep our fingers crossed that he's healthy.

Yes. This is a whole other level beyond football, if there's anything to this speculation.

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Stupid questions like "Why can't you generate a pass rush" or "Why are you taking the best Defensive player in the draft who's a pass-rushing monster and making him play LB" you mean?

Poor guy, I feel so awful...

Hopefully he can hop on the quickest northbound skunk out of Ashburn.

lol, gotta hate those tough questions like "what exactly are you doing?". hes a highly paid professional coach, you dont just tell the media youre not talking anymore, its part of the job. if he cant handle it or doesnt wanna handle it, he can be shown the door. frankly his system is way underachieving with this group anyways.

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lol, gotta hate those tough questions like "what exactly are you doing?". hes a highly paid professional coach, you dont just tell the media youre not talking anymore, its part of the job. if he cant handle it or doesnt wanna handle it, he can be shown the door. frankly his system is way underachieving with this group anyways.

Underachieving as an understatement... :D

When you answer questions about your Defense with nonsense that sounds like you're going senile, people will keep digging. That's part of a Coach's job Gibbs hated it and never became good at it, but he never sidestepped it.

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Blache is looking like a coward.

From what I read, Blache will still be making statements to the press and then he will leave and let Gray finish and address the questions.

Now there may be something legit and the NFL allowing this does give it some weight, but if Blache can't deal with the press once a week for a personal reason, why is he still going to be able to give a statement to the press but not spend another 15min or so to answer the questions?

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You got to remember these coaches are MEN... They were superior in P.E, and always had talent and probably was picked the first person to form a team or maybe even team captains. They know football. They dont need any geek from english class trying to pin them in a corner.

Remember kids P.E. is what being a man is all about. :doh:

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reminds me of that scene from bull durham


It's time you started working on your interviews.


What do I gotta do?


Learn your cliches. Study them.

Know them. They're your friends.

Zorn hands Blache a small pad and pen.


Write this down.


"We gotta play 'em one day at a





Of course. That's the point.


"I'm just happy to be here and

hope I can help the ballclub."




Write, write--"I just wanta give

It my best shot and, Good Lord

willing, things'll work out."



"...Good Lord willing, things'll

work out."

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He's fed up with the media. He's fed up with the stupid questions the reporters try to ask him to rue him into talking into a corner so the media can take it out of context. All these coaches are done with the media, especially Zorn. If they just had th balls to say Go f yourself and find yourself another team to root for, I'd be a happy fan. At least I know they care about their team and have pride in what they do. You got to remember these coaches are MEN... They were superior in P.E, and always had talent and probably was picked the first person to form a team or maybe even team captains. They know football. They dont need any geek from english class trying to pin them in a corner. Watching the coaches and how their body languages are when dumb questions are asked, they just have this "Are you kidding me?!?!" look.

This isn't serious is it? :hysterical:

I mean, if not a joke, this has to be the most ridiculous post I've seen on this board in a long time (and I've been debating with ThePreciating a lot).

So, you're saying that jocks are cooler than nerds and therefore Blache shouldn't have to fulfill his contractual obligation to answer for his team's performance? Sounds reasonable and well-adjusted to me!


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This isn't serious is it? :hysterical:

I mean, if not a joke, this has to be the most ridiculous post I've seen on this board in a long time (and I've been debating with ThePreciating a lot).

So, you're saying that jocks are cooler than nerds and therefore Blache shouldn't have to fulfill his contractual obligation to answer for his team's performance? Sounds reasonable and well-adjusted to me!


Reporter: I wanted to ask you about the defenisve line adjus.....


Reporter: ...........um, maybe lik....

Blache: SHUT UP NERD!!!

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Two ideas here in my mind.

(1) **** the media, it's inhibiting my productivity and precluding me from doing my job.

(2) Dan said not to speak to the media any more because something's afoot. "Yes Masta!"

I really believe it's idea number 1 because Blache has always came off as a legit dude. And we can all admit, the media in this town is going ****in' CRAZY...because the SKins are 2-2.

I agree with #1. The problem with Blache is that he says whatever is on his mind and sometimes it gives the wrong impression. I would much rather they have a Bellicheat type attitude with the media.

My question is, why did the NFL PR folks let this fly? They gave him the OK for this, but why?

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Kinda hard to judge the man when you don't know what the reason is. Hell, for all we know it could be for health reasons. Dealing with the press isn't exactly a low stress activity and Blache isn't exactly a young man.

Whatever the reason, the team needed to get league approval to do it. That gives an air of legitimacy to it.

Yeah and coaching football isn't a low stress job, if he can't handle talking to the media how can he be trusted to handle the stress of coaching.

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