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So, Blache Needed a Break (Did Chernobyl Just Happen Yesterday?)


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[Forward: for those of you who are too young to remember, Chernobyl is a nuclear power station in the Ukraine that had a partial melt down in 1986 due to monumemtal incompetence by their Executive Vice President and meddlesome belt buckle wearing owner. First there we had complete silence from the USSR's leader Gorbachev, then geiger counters started going crazy on our side of the Iron Curtain. I think geiger counters are going off now. Fights between players... new set of eyes... DC publically gagged... hmmmm.]

So we find out that Jim Zorn contacted the league himself to let them know that Greg Blache wants out of the weekly press conference. He "needs a break" according to Zorn, for "personal reasons."

This is the outspoken Blache with a witty quip for everything and homecooked wisdom which has endeared him to the media and fans alike?

He's said in the past that he didn't like press conferences with colorful metaphors featuring medical procedures he'd rather endure. Still, one wonders whether that breakdown he had with the mea culpa was more than it apparently seemed.

I'm not one to question the toughness of this defensive leader on the team, but Zorn clearly telegraphs that as team leader he had to intervene in a humanitarian sense for Blache because he "needed a break." What the heck? Jim Zorn is many things, but he is fundamentally an honest man. If he said he intervened on Blache's behalf then it's probably true.

Is the stress of losing (again) too much for this guy? He's gotten nothing but accolades from fans and the press for as long as he's been with the Skins. Strange.

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i said it another thread regarding this, but unless blache is truly going through some sort of family situation or serious personal problem, hes being a huge ***** regarding this. coaches dont just quit talking to the media after 4 games.

and if whatever "personal" going on is so much that he cant talk to the media, how is he supposed to continue coaching?

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It's hard not to read too much into this.

But, taking it at face value, it's a pretty disappointing move. You're getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to coach football and you can't even answer a few softball questions from the media?

Bad form on so many levels.

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i said it another thread regarding this, but unless blache is truly going through some sort of family situation or serious personal problem, hes being a huge ***** regarding this. coaches dont just quit talking to the media after 4 games.

and if whatever "personal" going on is so much that he cant talk to the media, how is he supposed to continue coaching?

Sorry but I will disagree with you on this one. After all we all humans and take stress differently. It is also possible that he might be having some personal issues.

I am not sure where it is written the coaches HAVE TO talk to the media. Plus he is not even the HC. I don't remember GW or AS talking that much to the media. Please correct me if I am wrong.

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All this happened during a week where the team won a game. Imagine how INSANE it would have been if the redskins lost to tampa bay.

You know in a sick sort of way I would have liked to see how this week could have went if they did lose.

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I wished he would just leave now. I don't see what all the hoopla is with this guy. the interviews come with the territory. This reminds me of a person trying to have it both ways, if we were lookin good on defense I bet his big behind would be up there taking the credit for it. Reminds me of Vinny

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I am not sure where it is written the coaches HAVE TO talk to the media. Plus he is not even the HC. I don't remember GW or AS talking that much to the media. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Bi-weekly pressers are the league minimum. If you look at NFL.com and go to each of the 32 teams you'll see all of the other coordinators in the league answering questions on a weekly basis. It's part of the job.

I don't know what's going on with Blache. I find it hard to believe he just got "tired" of talking to the press. He seemed to actually enjoy it, especially on Comcast.

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He's fed up with the media. He's fed up with the stupid questions the reporters try to ask him to rue him into talking into a corner so the media can take it out of context. All these coaches are done with the media, especially Zorn. If they just had th balls to say Go f yourself and find yourself another team to root for, I'd be a happy fan. At least I know they care about their team and have pride in what they do. You got to remember these coaches are MEN... They were superior in P.E, and always had talent and probably was picked the first person to form a team or maybe even team captains. They know football. They dont need any geek from english class trying to pin them in a corner. Watching the coaches and how their body languages are when dumb questions are asked, they just have this "Are you kidding me?!?!" look.

Imagine JLC when he tries to drum up intrigue within the Redskins organization with his beady little four eyes. However, I'm pretty impressed with the players' answers but also believe they dont want fans to turn on them. They saw what happened to T.O. and how the media just hates T.O. and always want him to be an ass because it's "news worthy". These media folks are not journalists... they're bloggers who think they are journalists...

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He's fed up with the media. He's fed up with the stupid questions the reporters try to ask him to rue him into talking into a corner so the media can take it out of context. All these coaches are done with the media, especially Zorn. If they just had th balls to say Go f yourself and find yourself another team to root for, I'd be a happy fan. At least I know they care about their team and have pride in what they do. You got to remember these coaches are MEN... They were superior in P.E, and always had talent and probably was picked the first person to form a team or maybe even team captains. They know football. They dont need any geek from english class trying to pin them in a corner. Watching the coaches and how their body languages are when dumb questions are asked, they just have this "Are you kidding me?!?!" look.

Imagine JLC when he tries to drum up intrigue within the Redskins organization with his beady little four eyes. However, I'm pretty impressed with the players' answers but also believe they dont want fans to turn on them. They saw what happened to T.O. and how the media just hates T.O. and always want him to be an ass because it's "news worthy". These media folks are not journalists... they're bloggers who think they are journalists...

Jeez, excuse the media for asking these coaches why they have sucked hard at doing their jobs so far. Must be so hard for these coaches to be questioned about their jobs :doh:

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Nope... not gonna excuse the media... they know exactly what they're doing and what they are trying to get out of the coaches. Intrigue... so they can throw it out on the air to show how Snyder blows and how this organzation blows. Also, how do they know it's the coaches fault? How is a coach success measured? Only way I know is through wins and losses and probably how their respective positions are ranked against the whole league.

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I have no idea on what the rules of questioning a coach but it seems that some of the questions are on the cusp of being rude. I truly believe that Blache needed a step back from the media because I think he was about to punch someone out probably because he has a "personal issue" with a certain reporter. So instead of keeping himself in that situation, he stepped out. Imagine if your worst enemy in the world always nagged you every week, regardless if you won or lost and how sucky you did and there's nothing you can do about it. You tried jabbing back by asking what he would've done in that situation. None of this new. All started back with Matich during one of the preseason games...

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Kinda hard to judge the man when you don't know what the reason is. Hell, for all we know it could be for health reasons. Dealing with the press isn't exactly a low stress activity and Blache isn't exactly a young man.

Whatever the reason, the team needed to get league approval to do it. That gives an air of legitimacy to it.

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Two ideas here in my mind.

(1) **** the media, it's inhibiting my productivity and precluding me from doing my job.

(2) Dan said not to speak to the media any more because something's afoot. "Yes Masta!"

I really believe it's idea number 1 because Blache has always came off as a legit dude. And we can all admit, the media in this town is going ****in' CRAZY...because the SKins are 2-2.

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Something is definately wrong.. London Fletcher was almost in tears after the Bucs game in the locker room. His eyes swelled up and was saying that it hurt because he knew what type of pressure Blache was going through with them playing as bad as they were. Something might seriously be wrong with Blache...

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Maybe he's just tired of trying to take the blame for his defense that has no chance trying to hold it together for an offense that refuses to put points on the board until they are down 2 scores.

Our defense would be great if we score a td in the first half every game and 20-35 a game. We don't. No team wins scoring 10 a game on offense, all coming in the 2nd half. It's not possible to keep doing it.

Then last week when he does try to take credit for the problems, maybe to spark his guys or let them know that despite them trying to do the impossible he has their back, Zorn comes out and tries to trump him in the media. "Oh, it's not Blache, ITS ME!!!"

Of course it's you Zorn. Everybody knows it, but when your DC does that don't belittle the stand he took. Especially when your offense is by far the problem with the team.

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All this happened during a week where the team won a game. Imagine how INSANE it would have been if the redskins lost to tampa bay.

You know in a sick sort of way I would have liked to see how this week could have went if they did lose.

I was thinking the same thing. WHAT is going on up there? Why do I have a really sinking feeling that everything is about to blow up? I haven't been able to stay as glued to here as most times so I can't figure out why, after a win, is everyone still so pissed off. ESPN is losing it on us, the ES members are more bitter and frustrated than normal. I have my old numb, "hey we got a win!" feeling that something is obviously going over my head.

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I think everyone needs to calm down and take a step back. All evidence so far shows that Zorn is honest to a fault and rarely resorts to coach speak. This move violates league rules, yet the NFL sanctioned it.

I can't help but believe there is something serious going on with Blache right now and I just hope his health and that of his family members is alright. Some of you are going to feel pretty bad if his "personal reason" comes to light and it turns out to be a serious health issue in his family.

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I think everyone needs to calm down and take a step back. All evidence so far shows that Zorn is honest to a fault and rarely resorts to coach speak. This move violates league rules, yet the NFL sanctioned it.

I can't help but believe there is something serious going on with Blache right now and I just hope his health and that of his family members is alright. Some of you are going to feel pretty bad if his "personal reason" comes to light and it turns out to be a serious health issue in his family.

dude, he probably just said screw it.... handed the reins over to Gray... and drove off into retirement with the top down.

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Wow, all the media bashing.

It's part of the job. You're a DC? then you have to speak to the press. Don't like it? Don't take the friggin job.

All this personal reasons stuff has an air of legitimacy, because it had to be approved by the league, but in my mind it's weak. Pure and simple.

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