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Screw it


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We all been there. I only been stood up once but it sucked and it was after a really good impromptu meeting. I think someone "got to her" about meeting me the second time. But oh well, I done better than her afterwards and sadly, that's the attitude you gotta take.

You'll have better, you've had better. Brush the haters off and keep moving.

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I completely disagree. When she apologizes say "that's ok, don't worry about it" and than walk away. after a couple steps, turn around and say "btw, for the sake a of the next guy that you stand up, be big enough to call him that day and tell him you aren't interested." Smile and walk away.

Well, that's certainly a good point. In reality, I would probably deal with it in a similar manner you describe: "oh no problem" then ignore the person for the rest of their entire life, lol. Although personally, I wouldn't even do the turn-around thing, that's wasting too much effort.

The reason I gave a bit harsher advice to SP, is that I've just seen a tendency of him, at least by the stories he posts here, to let girls walk all over him and be very insecure with them. Take this case, he had been stood up by her before apparently, yet he agreed to go out on another date with the wench. If he acted nice, my guess is that she would bat her little eyelashes, weasle her way back into his good graces and convince him to set up another date somewhere down the road and continue the cycle of getting crapped on. So that's why my advice was more in the "nip it in the bud" department. Let her know straight up that her jig is up with him and not to even try her little apology routine. Maybe give him come confidence, make him feel like he didn't accept getting crapped on, and make it a bit less of a grey area with her...like, don't even try.

I don't know, whenever my friends ask me for advice, if they have a tendency to be insecure a bit with the opposite sex, or have a propensity to be easily manipulated into allowing a jerk to weasle him/herself back into their lives, I advise them to draw the line in the sand early on with that crap. But really, take whatever I say with a grain of salt...I just downed an entire bottle of red wine, hahaha

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How the **** do you go from never being stood up before to having the **** happen twice within a week from the same *****!!!

It's my fault for taking her word on what happened.


What did she say happened last time?

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Hmm... I see this ending badly. Spjunkies do not buy a hand gun in the near future... or with a wedding in about six months.

Nah... I'm not a vindictive person, but this just makes me remember why I came up with my idea from a few months ago where you pay for what you want.

I'm sick of it.

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What did she say happened last time?

She said that she lost my number and also said that she never got my call. I found out today that she had put the wrong number in my phone because some Hispanic dude answered when I called and said that I had the wrong number.

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Who cares

It is what it is.

Hard for you to believe now, but it's better to know now rather than later.

Feel bad for yourself for the weekend (drinking lamp is definately lit), then move on come Monday.

We've all been there, and we feel for you.

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She's just not that into you.

Haha! For the record, I loved that SATC episode.

I get that, but it's not that hard to say "I have a boyfriend" or "I'd rather not" don't play silly games.
No, all the signs are there, you are just delluding yourself into seeing what you want to see. That's why whenever you start these threads, we all give you the same advice yet you don't want to listen. Seriously, you keep delluding yourself here. Unfortunately, a lot of this you are bringing on yourself :(
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Hard for you to believe now, but it's better to know now rather than later.

Feel bad for yourself for the weekend (drinking lamp is definately lit), then move on come Monday.

We've all been there, and we feel for you.

Disagree. It would have been much better if he had tagged it first. Then he could just tell all his friends that she smells like cabbage.

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