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Redskins Plane Spotted in Denver (Redskins Deny it is Football Related) MET


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I will be happy to post false information in the future in order to validate everyone's preconceptions ;) In truth, I really did not have internet access other than a Blackberry (I thought someone could find the thread via Google). I understand the skepticism and will not post without an appropriate link in the future.

What dose that mean

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I would be extremely surprised to see Shannahan here in only 4 games into the season. If they can get him in here and get rid of Zorn and Cerrato, I might be willing to see. I doubt that is what is going to happen so I think that Shannahan will be here in the off season.

Shanahan will be coaching the Cowboys in 2010...yet that won't stop Danny from trying.

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I will be happy to post false information in the future in order to validate everyone's preconceptions ;) In truth, I really did not have internet access other than a Blackberry (I thought someone could find the thread via Google). I understand the skepticism and will not post without an appropriate link in the future.

Timmy, wait a little while till your next thread. Wait a month or two. :)

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and when Mike Vick came to DC it was for so called "non" redskins related business

wink wink nod nod....

oh,...wait :doh: he signed with Philly

Yeah, and the media said we were all hot for Cutler, and then Sanchez after him. Of course, those rumors turned out to be just that, rumors. Oh...wait. :doh:

Sometimes, where there's smoke, there is indeed fire. ;)

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they really did work out vick? i know he was in the area, but a work out?

no, they didn't work out vick. vick was in the area visiting deangelo hall, he pretty much admitted it in an interview with 106.7 (either the junkies or lavar and dukes. they aksed him, he paused, they said 'oh ok, can't talk about about it?' and hall said 'yeah, no comment'). So the vick sighting was real - he just was hanging out with hall not snyder - which makes sense.

we also said we weren't going after haynesworth, and cutler, and sanchez. our front office lies so much that we can never tell when its telling the truth anymore - even if all the facts line up with what they're saying, you still have to wonder if they're lieing again, just doing a better job than last time.

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I am sure that there is someone "in the know" that can confirm Vick worked out for the Skins.

the front office sucks at keeping secrets.

i got to believe that if they did, we would have heard about it by now. thats the only reason i don't think they did. and deangelo hall basically gave the reason why vick was in town, if they didn't work him out.

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Hmmm, this would be interesting. Would Zorn be demoted to offensive coordinator (in name only) & quarterbacks coach while Shanahan is the head coach and calls the offensive plays? Or would Zorn want out of Washington altogether. BTW, I don't think Shanahan is the longtime solution.

bring in shanahan as a GM, he's been very good with talent over the years.

people have revisionist history, and say he got fired because denver had such bad records the last 2 seasons, and forget to mention that the broncos (like the seahawks) were riddled with injuries and players breaking rules/getting suspended.

bring him in as a GM, and let him coach for a few years, until he builds the team up to a 'take over' point, and he can ge tin a coach he wants and can mentor. Then go soley to GM and 'coach mentor' position, and supply the guy with tid-bits and good players.

but it requires blowing up what we have, which I don't think fans here will support. To truely rebuild this team to be something that the steelers, colts, patriots, and giants are now (which is a plug-and-play team, ie: this guy is gone for injury/contract dispute/free agency, so call up the 2nd string, and watch him win defensive MVP - the steelers last year) you have to spend years rebuilding. You can just get 24 guys that are great, you have to get 24 starters that are great (11 + 11 + kicker + punter), and 29 backups that can step up when called. That takes a few years.

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