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WTH is going on here? (MET--Your Official Random Rant and Fume thread. Be warned)


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I can't even blame Zorn. It's the defense and the o-line. The defensive scheme is so bad and conservative it allowed a rookie QB on a horrible team to go 8-10 on 3rd down. The O-line is so bad we can't even attempt to run the ball. Thanks Snyderatto.

80% ON THIRD DOWN!!! :doh:

116 yards rushing to ZERO!!! :doh:

Those two things right there sum up this game so far.

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Question, If Zorn and staff are shown the door,who in their right mind would want to take over as head for the Skins? I'am sure everyone will start screaming for coach Cower to take over in D.C. But I do not think Cowher will want to take over in D.C, knowing the mind set of ownership, and having to deal with a real mess of a franchise.

What a sad day:logo:

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You can blame the HC if you want

You can blame the DC if you want

You can blame the O-line, D-line, QB, receivers, and secondary if you want

But ultimately, the person who is responsible for the embarrassment you see on the field is the owner who wants to be the architect of a champion but has no clue what he's doing.

Dan Snyder, you need to step aside.

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Fassel will probably be the only guy we can get as long as Vinny and Danny are still calling the shots, which they will be.

Spags and Schwartz turned Dan down for a reason.

May be hard to believe but Spags wasn't believed to be very prepared for his interview compared to other candidates.

Which should tell you something about the interview process lol Who wouldnt kill for Spags with this talent---or Schwartz even maybe..

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I have always been a Kool-Aid drinker, even during Spurrier and that's saying a lot, but come on. Where should I begin?

The players are playing with no fire whatsoever! Like they do not care, like they are not worried about their position. I'm sorry but attitude reflects leadership. Keep medium...my butt! Any player who puts themselves before the team should not be playing Professional Football let alone on my beloved Washington Redskins.

Offensive Line is just that, offensive.

Clinton Portis, I am sorry but either you need to give it your all or move out of the way. And no I am not talking about Betts, who seems pedestrian in his carries as well.

Malcom Kelly, get off the field. I don't care how acrobatic you are. If you take plays off, you shouldn't start, period.

Jim Zorn, seems like he is just rolling over and dying. Light a fire under the team's butt or step down, and pass the Head Coaching job to anyone that is willing to bench the players that are not giving it their all. If only we had a Mike Singletary as a coordinator for Jim Zorn to pass the reigns to. Jim Zorn has lost this team.

Consider me a diabetic. I've had enough Kool-Aid...


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This is the facts and truth! I am all for Danny to step in and fire Blache and Jason Campbell. I don't give a damn about all the JC lovers, when he can't throw anything accurate over 10 yards, it makes us 1 dimensional and easy to shut down. Thanks to Moss, he made the TD out of another mid range pass that even a 3rd string QB could have completed. that short pass. We get momentum then the idiot throws an interception to kill another drive. On 3rd and 15, he throws the ball 7 yards, pure stupidity and no excuse for it.

Blache doesn't know how to get to a QB even with sack a specialist, and now we lost Haynesworth. I would love to interview Blache now, especially after his rant on Trevor. When he ask me how I felt about his defense, I would tell the man strait up that he screwed up what could be a sack machine and championship defense. Then hand the wussy a pink dress to wear on the sideline, since he wants to play his defense like their not suppose to get near the QB.

My rant with Zorn is his play calling sucks, he gave up 3 points by going for it on 4th and goal. I like the guts but hate the play he called, the ball should have been hammered strait into the line, not another sweep or off tackle. He continues to believe in a QB who can't throw anything over 10 yards accurate, and does nothing but hold back an offense that could be very good and dangerous.

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