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WTH is going on here? (MET--Your Official Random Rant and Fume thread. Be warned)


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One more try......Standard Editor option changed. Thanks....MTH !

Ode to the Redskins

There once was a man named Vince

Who when he lost would just wince

He taught us to fight

With all of our might

And pride was instilled by this Prince.

There once was a man named Cooke

Who from his L.A. mansion said, "look!"


There's a fan base to be

...and a flight to DC he would book

Cooke came to town and did wondrous things

He built us a team - he brought home the bling!

Lombardi returned in the form of a trophy - and play LOUD did the band!

Three times over a Super Bowl champ, and life was just grand

Coach Joe moved to Nascar and Norville came in

We hired a Cowboy - our first cardinal sin!

Coach Norv had excuses, but he spoke with a grin

We got sick of that voice. Just shut up and win!

Jack built us a new home, though he never did see it

He built us a new home, hoping we could win in it

RalJohn was formed

The stadium was adorned

90,000 fans could now see it

There once was a man named Snyder

Who's shiftier than any living spider

He knows how to make bank

Even when his ships sank

And he spins every story with delight

He bought our dear 'Skins for a whole lotta dough

And he promised a return to the big Football Show

We all got excited

We all were delighted

As he began playing fantasy football with his dough

Now Deion, Now Adam, Now Jeff and Now Bruce

Now Marty, Now Steve - aw, hell what's the use!

You added no value

You talked a big game

You used us for money

And left all the same

There once was a man names Zorn

Who stumbled into a head coaching job forlorn

He talked very softly

He walked very lofty

He was polished - not tattered and torn

But when he met the Red Zone

He freaked out - oh my!

What play should I call now?

What next shall I try?

I've got a 300 pounder who wears 45

I've got a tall Kelly named Malcomb who can fly

Then there's CP who's not all he's cracked up to be

And don't forget about Cooley - who's really very cool-y.

And what about Antwaan....that side stepping vice

Who dances and prances and smiles so nice

And Moss who is fast, but not very tall

He is not a good option in the Red Zone at all

Leave it up to Jason? That drone of a QB

That mouth breathing vet who still plays like a newbie

He's got a strong arm - yes, it is true

But his inability to improvise is, well, nothing new

Touchdows. We need them but none can be found

We've looked in the air and down on the ground

Our blocking is awful, the running game bleak

And our secondary is shredded like swiss cheese every week

As a fan this is frustrating

It's so hard to watch!

We've not won that much

Since I bought my Swiss Swatch!

This past weekend - it was the last straw

We lost to the Lions! (not the ones with 4 paws)

They'd not won a game in almost 2 years

But were happy to hear that the Redskins were near

Last year was the Rams who got their first win

Not from the Lions, but from our dear 'Skins

And the Lions were happy we came to Ford Field

They knew we would crumble - we had no forcefield

They beat us - how could they? On paper we're better!

Just read the fine print in Hayneworth's offer letter!

He was carted off the field? What?!?! Are you kidding?!?!

This team is headed for a big wreck...the tires are skidding.

The wreck - it did come in the form of a loss

To the winless Detroit Lions and their Car Owning boss

And Danny, old boy, just keeps spending money

He thinks he can just buy the Trophy Lombardi

He still doesn't get

That this game ain't a big bet

After all of these years he still ain't learned nothing yet!

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Use this thread to vent your frustrations about the Washington Redskins...

It's the next morning and I'm not quite as mad as I was after the Lions game yesterday. Right after the game I HATED the Redskins. Hated yall.

And I love the Redskins...

That's what allows me to hate them. I cannot, even if I choose to or wanted to with all my heart, feel the same way for another team. Football would not be the same for me. I am tired of the last decade, damn near 2 decades of mediocrity. I want a team that can be respected.


OK so it's Wednesday now..... I am feeling much better and ready for the Tampa Bay game. If we can win this game and get better each quarter of the season than we can easily make the playoffs. ESPECIALLY since we still have 5 division games left.

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