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WTH is going on here? (MET--Your Official Random Rant and Fume thread. Be warned)


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You do know that Zorn is just the offensive coordinator and Synder is the head coach. What this team really needs is for it to be sold. And with this post I will never post on this site owned by danny s. snyder ever ever again.

yes, synder is a problem.. the bigger problem is his pet monkey cerroto... they are nothing but a joke... this team has just given up.... clearly getting ready to give up more points.... they suck... worthless team i have ever seen in my life... for those here who wanted gibbs out, well, they never played like this... this is just horrific

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I gotta say I'm completely shocked at how bad we look on both sides of the ball. If they thought things were bad last week at home wait till next week when no one shows up. Would not be surprised at all if Zorn has no job on Monday. I want them to blow this team and organization up and start over. This whole team stinks to the core. Find me some guys who want to play.

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The defense is worn out by the second quarter because no one can call/make a play to get a first down on offense.

I can guess damn near every play Zorn calls...since last year. If that' true, the professional teams should be able to do that 100% of the time.

Albert Hainsworth can't play every down with out throwing up in his own mouth...100 million dollars for that kinda crap and I get sent to Iraq for a measely $40,000 in the Army...what a planet...

I would pay all of my savings to be able to chew all of their (Redskins and coaching staff) asses during halftime. Half of them would try to kill me and the other half would be in tears.

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The offense struggling is one thing, but now the "D" is just plain aweful vs the Lions? Portis cant score from the 1 ... vs the Lions? But let me guess, it was run up the middle. Since when has Portis ever been able to run up the middle on the goal line? Never. Thats not his strength, never has been and its not going to change now.


Weak O-line, scared and confused QB, bad play calling and a weak and pathetic defense.

This is going to be a long and frustrating season

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At the halftime when players were walking in the lockerroom, they had a camera on CP and he didn't look happy. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the locker room right now! Maybe TC will come out for the rest of the game, SOMETHING, SOMETHING, PLEASE!!! This is nowhere remotely close to being Redskin football, and nothing will change as long as Zorn is HC and JC is qb, period!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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