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I Hate Lavar and Chad


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IMO, the vast majority of fans get that the organization has been run terribly the past 20 years. but- now that snyder finally appears to have given up the reigns, a little positivity couldnt hurt. honestly, fans are tired of rooting for a bad team. it sucks going to work during football season after seeing your beloved team suck. now that they have a chance to do something good, i dont want to be reminded of the past 20 years of suckage. its just very annoying.

Like I said previously, until they have consistent success on the field and starting wining ball games more often than not most reporters, radio guys and me personally are not going to give them the benefit of the doubt. The track record of failure is too long. I love what they've done this past off season and for the most part I think they're moving in the right direction, but I want to see positive results.

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Like I said, I turned them on right when I got in my car after work and listened to them my whole way home from NW DC to Fredericksburg, VA...not one mention of the other signings. It was all "more of the same" talk and they actually had a bunch of the fan base buying off on it because Jarmon was traded for Gaffney.

You obviously aren't a fan of the team or you don't know the history of it's free agency signings, but we never invest money in the lines (Haynesworth aside) with guys who are coming into their prime. The moves of Cofield, Bowen, and Chester were landmark signings of the regime in my opinion. Were they world beater signings? Not really... well... time will tell... but is it evidence that the franchise has changed? Absolutely. No time was given to that on the show, it was more, "the sky is falling" with Stallworth and Gaffney.

Then they spent two hours on Chris Cooley not practicing with the first team and never once mentioned that he was hurt. Are you kidding me? That is another clear example that these guys are just in it for the negativity.

If you love the show, bring some good points to the argument.

"The moves of Cofield, Bowen, and Chester were landmark signings of the regime". OMG,....you mean the Shanny/Allen regime? They've been here less than two years,......holy hell,.....

On the surface it looks like things have changed, hopefully so. We'll see,.....

Yeah, I'm not a fan,....I know nothing about the Skins. I'm not even going to go down this road with you.

I like the show and will continue to listen. Yes they lean negative, but considering how long I've been a fan and what I've seen the team become I can handle it. Some fans can't. Sorry you can't.

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probos, you actually listen to the talk about devin thomas, for example? how they let him go cuz of shannys ego (i dont even know how that makes sense). it was some kind of conspiracy about how they could let go of this supreme talent.

legit criticism i get, but the wacky criticism for the sake of schtick (either that or its just blind hate) is too much. as a fan, its unlistenable. i really dont get how a fan could listen to it.

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The Station is stale. Yes we get it! Snyder blows and vinny swallows. But there is only so much I can take. For the past 3 weeks they have been discussing the same F'n thing. Rex Grossman and John Beck.

Now I'm a realist and I know that Grossman and Beck are far from world beaters. But they are what we have for now. Given this 4 week indoc period a FA or rookie QB would have been pwned.

Dukes has no business discussing sports, he's never played. He is a stage actor. His rants and faux passion are just an act. LaVar is a moron. He can't produce a thought with out a 5 min tangent. It's no wonder the Postons took him for a ride.

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"The moves of Cofield, Bowen, and Chester were landmark signings of the regime". OMG,....you mean the Shanny/Allen regime? They've been here less than two years,......holy hell,.....

On the surface it looks like things have changed, hopefully so. We'll see,.....

Yeah, I'm not a fan,....I know nothing about the Skins. I'm not even going to go down this road with you.

I like the show and will continue to listen. Yes they lean negative, but considering how long I've been a fan and what I've seen the team become I can handle it. Some fans can't. Sorry you can't.

To each his own. I can see that crabby attitude that the show is putting you in...you're like...circling the wagons on here or something. If you find solace listening to guys who will complain if we sign Braylon Edwards because it'll be a big name signing and more of the same....and then when we don't sign him....they complain by saying we missed the boat.... be my guest.... it's your blood pressure, lol.

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Two year old thread is two years old,.....haha,....

So much butt hurt and hate,....it's laughable. I like the show -- I like 106.7 The Fan.

Just out of curiosity, what do you like about their show?

What exactly is their "bias"?

For realz player? You don't think they are biased?

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i want to add that i dont dislike the show because they bash the skins, albeit excessively- i'm good with criticism. i've bashed them when they've made dumb moves.

but i think theres legit criticism and then theres bashing.

one thing i cant stand is tuning in and hearing mis-information. i tuned into the junkies last week, for example, and one of them says "i cant understand why they havent resigned doughty". doughty was signed the previous day. lavar and dukes are guilty of it, wise is guilty of it.

these people do this for a living and should know, for pets sake. drives me nuts.

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Then they spent two hours on Chris Cooley not practicing with the first team and never once mentioned that he was hurt. Are you kidding me? That is another clear example that these guys are just in it for the negativity.

Yea, that had to be one of the dumbest wastes of a segment EVER. You had Chicken Little Chad going nuts, making up nonsense like how the Skins treat Cooley that way and how this organization isn't loyal BLAH BLAH BLAH. It was ridiculous.

I swear Chad Dukes is like the Rush Limbaugh of Redskins sports talk. He makes up some stuff, runs with it, and gets a bunch of morons to trail behind him.

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Then they spent two hours on Chris Cooley not practicing with the first team and never once mentioned that he was hurt. Are you kidding me? That is another clear example that these guys are just in it for the negativity.

i want to add that i dont dislike the show because they bash the skins, albeit excessively- i'm good with criticism. i've bashed them when they've made dumb moves.

but i think theres legit criticism and then theres bashing.

one thing i cant stand is tuning in and hearing mis-information. i tuned into the junkies last week, for example, and one of them says "i cant understand why they havent resigned doughty". doughty was signed the previous day. lavar and dukes are guilty of it, wise is guilty of it.

these people do this for a living and should know, for pets sake. drives me nuts.

this sort of thing is my biggest problem with them. they are clueless. as someone who follows many sources for my news, and (in general) i'm on top of what the stories are involving football and the redskins specifically, i already know the story when they start to go into it. i find more often than not (much more often, unfortunately) they leave out key details, and crucial information. sometimes (i think) they do it because they honestly don't know the information (despite it being part of the original story they read, and i read... i mean thats where I got it from...), but other times its painfully obvious they're skipping over the detail(s) because it doesn't jive with their agenda.

i don't care if you disagree with me... and honestly, i loved Chad's over the top personality when he was on the big o and dukes show (one of my favorite shows ever). but if you're going to present yourself as a source of information, then you need to be a source of accurate information. i don't appreciate being mislead (either due to an agenda, or ignorance/stupidity). because then I sound like the jackass when i repeat the information to my friends/family and get instantly corrected by someone who had a much better source.

you just can't trust them for anything. they're good for some laughs, but that's it. for christ's sake their sources are pro football talk, and florio. do we know of any reporter that's more worthless than that? they are the definition of 'throwing **** against the wall and seeing what sticks'. they patrol our forums to get their information for crying out loud!

lavar and dukes are hacks, and they're not even good hacks at that.

i look forward to the skins being good, and them being run out of town.

again, i encourage you guys to listen to espn 980. they're opinions are very diverse, and said opinions are actually logical and based on facts.

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Just out of curiosity, what do you like about their show?

I actually find the show entertaining and think Chad and Lavar make a good duo on the radio. Yes, they can be overly negative and even a fan like me gets sick of it sometimes and will turn it off, but for the most part I like their take on things.

For realz player? You don't think they are biased?

"For realz player?" - Wow, you sound like Lavar.

Chad's a fan, a huge fan. He's beat down like a lot of us that have watched this team go from one of the premier, cornerstone franchises of the league to what a lot of people think is a laughing stock. I mean, there are predictions out there saying the Skins are going to be the worst team in the league -- I never remember that happening, ever. Do I think it's going to happen, no.

Lavar's a fan too. He's had his axes to grind, etc, etc, but overall I believe he still roots for this team to be successful and win.

---------- Post added August-15th-2011 at 10:19 AM ----------

To each his own. I can see that crabby attitude that the show is putting you in...you're like...circling the wagons on here or something. If you find solace listening to guys who will complain if we sign Braylon Edwards because it'll be a big name signing and more of the same....and then when we don't sign him....they complain by saying we missed the boat.... be my guest.... it's your blood pressure, lol.

My "crabbie attitude" has nothing to do with the Lavar and Dukes show -- trust me. It was there long before those two were on the air together.

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i want to add that i dont dislike the show because they bash the skins, albeit excessively- i'm good with criticism. i've bashed them when they've made dumb moves.

but i think theres legit criticism and then theres bashing.

one thing i cant stand is tuning in and hearing mis-information. i tuned into the junkies last week, for example, and one of them says "i cant understand why they havent resigned doughty". doughty was signed the previous day. lavar and dukes are guilty of it, wise is guilty of it.

these people do this for a living and should know, for pets sake. drives me nuts.

Agree. This is what gets me the most

I have been very hard on the team since 2009, which I think is completely fair considering the results

However I have my facts straight. 106.7 is so terrible with getting basic facts correct I simply cannot listen to it, because it compels me to call in to correct them.

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I actually find the show entertaining and think Chad and Lavar make a good duo on the radio. Yes, they can be overly negative and even a fan like me gets sick of it sometimes and will turn it off, but for the most part I like their take on things.

Chad Dukes has ZERO sports knowledge, he creates controversy just to drum up ratings.

Like another poster said, he's like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, all he does is hate and get people pissed off.

Once we get back to winning, those two will slowly disappear.

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If you guys dislike them so much, why do you listen?

My reason...they pretty much talk non stop Redskins when I am in the car on my way home. However, I agree with a lot of what is said here. They love conflict and understand it sells. Chad is praising the Eagles for their FA signings. We all know how different it would be if we did this. Even if they fit our scheme as Chad claims that of Philly.

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If you guys dislike them so much, why do you listen?

It's because a majority sound like the callers into their show, being called out for being homers.

Meh, I listen to the show but I take nearly everything they say with a grain of salt.

It's not necessarily 100% correct as far as actual sports facts/talk, but it's entertaining. I pull most of my "real" sports news from the various online media outlets, so sports talk I want something entertaining.

Chad Dukes;people love to aim first at how much of a sloth he looks like, but as such a polarizing person, makes for hilarious radio IMO

Lavar is a bit much, and definitely at times a bit too over the top...but I still find him amusing

But like someone said before me, some people are too serious to handle the ridiculousness of their show.

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The reason that I listened to them is that I can't stand the John Thompson show. And, the day I found myself actually turning over to 980 to get away from Lavar and Dukes was the day I decided to stop listening. Honestly, it isn't because I'm a blind homer, or that I can't stand hearing negative comments about the team. It is because, in my opinion, they make for terrible radio. Someone has already said it before, but Lavar is not so articulate, especially when interviewing folks. I find myself saying: Shut up and let your guests talk. They have a 5 minute appearance, and you have the next 4 hours to discuss your take on the situation.

I take issue, as well, with having callers call in and then talking over them or slamming them for an opinion, or whatever. I blame the callers a little bit, of course, because what did you expect when you called in? But really, I just dislike listening to that kind of stuff. Others may think it is fantastic when Dukes goes nuts, but I think he sounds like a giant fool and it really gets to me.

I guess if you think it's great radio, then listen on. I, however, will not.

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What I hate more is the fact that people call into the show and say stuff to boost Lavar's already inflated ego.

"Lavar, you are my favorite Redskins player. Thanks for ending Aikman's career!"

So many of those calls, no wonder Lavar thinks he's loved in this town. The guy was a borderline bust here.

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What I hate more is the fact that people call into the show and say stuff to boost Lavar's already inflated ego.

"Lavar, you are my favorite Redskins player. Thanks for ending Aikman's career!"

So many of those calls, no wonder Lavar thinks he's loved in this town. The guy was a borderline bust here.

Borderline is being very kind. I was so excited when we got him... too bad he could never learn to play within a scheme and be a team player.

---------- Post added August-15th-2011 at 12:28 PM ----------

Chad's a fan, a huge fan. He's beat down like a lot of us that have watched this team go from one of the premier, cornerstone franchises of the league to what a lot of people think is a laughing stock. I mean, there are predictions out there saying the Skins are going to be the worst team in the league -- I never remember that happening, ever. Do I think it's going to happen, no.

Lavar's a fan too. He's had his axes to grind, etc, etc, but overall I believe he still roots for this team to be successful and win.

Can you honestly, honestly say that they don't drum up controversy?

And I don't think Lavar is a fan of this team, I feel he roots against the team because he doesn't want them to succeed with out them.

And of all of the times they trash Danny....all of the things they say about him.... what did they do when they got him on the show? The cowarded up. That's right....your heros showed their true colors.

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