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The Register: Swedish military bras burst, melt during 'rigorous exercise'


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Swedish military bras burst, melt during 'rigorous exercise'

Young female conscripts forced to strip hastily

The Swedish armed forces have been hit by a major equipment problem, according to reports. Flimsy military brassieres are unable to stand up to the strains imposed when female Swedish troops perform "rigorous exercises", routinely bursting open or even catching fire - so forcing busty young conscripts to hurriedly strip off in the field.

The revelations come courtesy of the Gothenburg Post and English-language Swedish journal The Local. The Post reported yesterday on concerns raised by the Swedish Conscription Council, an organisation concerned with the rights of conscript troops in the Swedish forces.

Click on the link for the full article

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Not clicking it but who doesn't know that Busty, Swedish females are really hot?? :D :D :)

I still believe that every since I first went there back in the day, that all ugly Swedish babes were either kept hidden in the basement or moved to England and Greece making all three countries prettier.

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Why doesn't the Washington Post write in this style (an actual sentence from the article):


"...the problems have persisted for twenty years, with generations of young Swedish womens' tophamper routinely breaking free of confinement to oscillate wildly during army PT sessions and field exercises - presumably often followed by impromptu stripteases as the more jubtabulously fortunate female troops sought to re-fasten their flimsy government lingerie."


Why can't I see the tophamper of some jubtabulously fortunate Swedish soldier oscillate wildly in flimsy lingerie, followed by impromptu stripteases? Is that too much to ask?

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The Swedish armed forces have been hit by a major equipment problem, according to reports. Flimsy military brassieres are unable to stand up to the strains imposed when female Swedish troops perform "rigorous exercises", routinely bursting open or even catching fire - so forcing busty young conscripts to hurriedly strip off in the field.

:wtf: Somebody's gonna hafta explain that one to me.

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This story from the same paper is kinda funny. Note the story at the link isn't filtered for profanity (word starts with a C):


'Do You Want To See My ****?' asks budding author

Look out Dave Gorman

By Reg Books Desk

Posted in Bootnotes

18th September 2009 12:36 GMT

The world of books is buzzing about a new publishing sensation to rival Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol, industry sources have revealed to The Register.

A groundbreaking proposal from new North West author Duncan Webster arrived at the office of publishing giant Random House last week, but quickly leaked to rivals and has sparked much discussion among London's literati.

Webster's working title for the project is Do You Want To See My ****? We'll let the talent explain, in his (genuine) pitch:

4th September 2009

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to ask whether your company would be interested in an idea for a book which I had recently. The theme of the book would be similar to the challenge/travel adventures of authors like Dave Gorman. The idea came to me during a recent visit to the doctor's in which I asked if I should take off my pants to show the doctor the rash on my leg. She asked if she could see without, I said yes, to which she said "In that case, no". But doctors have to see anything you show them, and so my idea is to see how many people I can get to see my penis without getting arrested.

As I said, doctors would be an easy start, but there's only so many time you can do that in the same surgery without getting a ban, which is what would make the challenge interesting. My immediate thoughts are then GUM clinics, life modelling, art installations, etc., but I would be willing to push the boundaries a bit for the good of the book and await your suggestions.

Initial ideas for working titles include "Do You Want To See My ****?", "Can I Show You Something?" and "Balls To The Wind". I think we could probably find something better. I have also done a couple of sketches for the cover if you want to see them, (don't worry they're tastefully done).

I was thinking we could do this project as a charity tie-in, to raise money for testicular cancer, for example. I don't have cancer, but am aware of the importance of raising attention for the cause.

So, all that's left to say is Do You Want To See My ****?

Duncan Webster

Small wonder Duncan has prompted such excitement. Several major publishing houses are today considering their response to his offer, we're told. ®

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