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Hindsight is 20/20 but don't we sure miss Cutler? Sanchez? Even Vick?

Ellis Dee

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Ironically for a team that is known to be interested in EVERYONE, it was more the moves we did NOT make which may hurt this team in the future?

I'm hearing things like 'JC played respectable' and 'JC didn't make mistakes' but with either Cutler or Sanchez as our QB we would have a lot better future don't you think?

We haven't had a franchise QB in almost 20 years (B. Johnson doesn't count). IMO looking back on things Cutler was probably the answer along with getting Shanahan next year. After all we love to deal with the Broncos anyways!

Discuss yet again!

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Ummmm, it doesn't mater who's the QB here.

Look, switch Campbell with Sanchez and because of their emotional coach and hands off ownership. We'd still be in the same situation.

If Jason leaves for another team which is solid. He'll be good there, and win a bunch of games. Maybe never be a MVP. But he's not a bad QB. We're a bad team with bad leadership.

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I'm about 1000% sure we missed out on Sanchez and what he'll be capable of doing in the future. The FO did make efforts to get either of them in the offseason and anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling himself. Not sure how serious they were about possibly moving to get Sanchez, but they wanted him if he fell to them.

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I don't think it's hindsight when the FO did everything they could to land Cutler and Sanchez. They knew what we had at QB, Zorn knew what we had at QB and now we play this season with what we have at QB.

Yeah, appareantly JC was "impressive" yesterday with his NO TD performance according to some people it's sad really. Anyways we tried our best to get Sanchez and Cutler......JC will NOT be resigned and we draft a QB next year either Sam Bradford, COlt McCoy, Jevis Snead or Clausen the QB form Notre Dame who I think is the most pro ready of the bunch. We aint making the playoffs this year with JC just watch

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Ironically for a team that is known to be interested in EVERYONE, it was more the moves we did NOT make which may hurt this team in the future?

I'm hearing things like 'JC played respectable' and 'JC didn't make mistakes' but with either Cutler or Sanchez as our QB we would have a lot better future don't you think?

We haven't had a franchise QB in almost 20 years (B. Johnson doesn't count). IMO looking back on things Cutler was probably the answer along with getting Shanahan next year. After all we love to deal with the Broncos anyways!

Discuss yet again!

I don't see it as "hindsight" because they did try and get Cutler/Sanchez in the offseason. It just didn't work out. I'm not completely sold on Cutler and not sure he was the answer but Sanchez would have been a keeper. In hindsight we should have hired Rex Ryan.

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I'm confused. How does everyone know we tried our best to get Sanchez and Cutler? The fact is we DON'T know. Maybe we could have offered more, maybe not but who really knows.

I DO know after this weekend its hard to argue with Cutler and Sanchez's performance knocking off the Steelers and Pats, supposedly the 2 best teams in the AFC.

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Ummmm, it doesn't mater who's the QB here.

Look, switch Campbell with Sanchez and because of their emotional coach and hands off ownership. We'd still be in the same situation.

If Jason leaves for another team which is solid. He'll be good there, and win a bunch of games. Maybe never be a MVP. But he's not a bad QB. We're a bad team with bad leadership.

So you don't think after 39 NFL starts Sanchez would be better then he is now, which by your statement is at least even to Campbell already. After his first two games I tend to disagree with you. If Campbell is so admired around the league were where the line of suitors when the Redskins where trying move him for Cutler?

The guy is only valuable to half the fan base and will be Patrick Ramsey after this season. You remember the Ramsey fans that told everyone we'd be regretting his release.

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So you don't think after 39 NFL starts Sanchez would be better then he is now, which by your statement is at least even to Campbell already. After his first two games I tend to disagree with you. If Campbell is so admired around the league were where the line of suitors when the Redskins where trying move him for Cutler?

The guy is only valuable to half the fan base and will be Patrick Ramsey after this season. You remember the Ramsey fans that told everyone we'd be regretting his release.

I'd have to agree. I assess Campbell as just not having the intangibles for being a QB in this league. He can't read defenses worth a lick and is slow to react to particular plays. Just no improvisation.

Make no mistake. ANY QB in this league can beat you if they are given time. Campbell is plagued with the same problem as other QB's with a great arm but no head (Leftwich, Ryan Leaf, Kyle Boller come to mind).

If Todd Collins had Campbell's arm strength he'd have had a great career and I firmly believe that.

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Same basic stats as Campbell yesterday except for 2 TDs.

I love these comments. Same stats minus 2 dropped passes for TD's. Maybe Cutler had some dropped passes too? Compare the last few years numbers along with wins if you want. Campbell won't be nearing 4000 yards/season anytime soon.

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Sanchez or Cutler improve our "money" sweep to the left?:confused:

If you want to make the point that Zorn would be more comfortable with one of them and willing to let the guy throw the ball regardless of field position, then that might be a valid point. But still thats a bit of speculation.;)

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You guys are comparing Campbell's performance yesterday but looking long-term this team would be better off with Cutler or Sanchez.

Hasselback put up 28 points on this Rams team. ALL the blame can't go to Zorn's playcalling for only scoring 9 points. I really think its a combination of 2. He just never takes a shot down the field. You can't tell me every play has nobody running a post or fly? There are opportunities to go down field but the QB also has to take the chance!

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I'm hearing things like 'JC played respectable' and 'JC didn't make mistakes' but with either Cutler or Sanchez as our QB we would have a lot better future don't you think?

Here we go again.


I don't think Cutler or Sanchez would be doing better.

Heck, Cutler isn't doing better right now he cost his team their 1st game.

And if we had Culter or Sanchez we probably wouldn't have Orakpo and we be on the hook to those guys for a grip of money.

The only move i wish we made was a move we never even considered.

Hiring people form the Broncos offensive coaching staff like:

Jeremy Bates, Rick Dennison their OC or their WR Coach

Re: Hindsight is 20/20 but don't we sure miss Cutler? Sanchez? Even Vick?

Now, i would love to have Vick as our 3rd QB maybe he could help score in the RZ?

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