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Hindsight is 20/20 but don't we sure miss Cutler? Sanchez? Even Vick?

Ellis Dee

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The infatuation with this idea of Franchise QB is beginning to become dumb. I acknowledge that you can't win without a consistent QB, but honestly you can't be effective on the field unless both parties are doing their part not to mention the whole offense, but that comes to the head coach to ensure. I still think we beat Detroit this week and all the detractors will SHHHH! HTTR!

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Yeah, appareantly JC was "impressive" yesterday with his NO TD performance according to some people it's sad really. Anyways we tried our best to get Sanchez and Cutler......JC will NOT be resigned and we draft a QB next year either Sam Bradford, COlt McCoy, Jevis Snead or Clausen the QB form Notre Dame who I think is the most pro ready of the bunch. We aint making the playoffs this year with JC just watch

Apparently you missed the 2 drops in the end zone. Quesion: if the passes had been thrown by Sanchez, Culter, or any other QB, and had hit the reciever in the hands, would there be a better chance of them getting caught?

Just curious how a QB forces a reciever to catch the ball if the ball hits them in the hands.

I'm not a JC apologist or anything. I don't think he's very accurate in general, and certainly not on deep throws. But you can't quibble with the 2 throws into the end zone to Thomas and Sellers. No QB could have thrown them better. And they were dropped.

So how does JC fix that. I'd sure like to know.

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I'm not glad we missed Sanchez. He is breaking out in New York.

Cutler is a different story. Gunslinger had a great opening day game. Good job there champ

Breaking out give me a break. Sanchez is being asked to make a play here or there and he is making it. Rex Ryan knows how to coach a QB and it shows. The only deference between JC and Sanchez is the fact the Rex shows confidence in his QB. Zorn on the other hand has no balls and plays soft, because he has no confidence. If Rex Ryan was our coach this team would be 2-0 as well.

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Ironically for a team that is known to be interested in EVERYONE, it was more the moves we did NOT make which may hurt this team in the future?

I'm hearing things like 'JC played respectable' and 'JC didn't make mistakes' but with either Cutler or Sanchez as our QB we would have a lot better future don't you think?

We haven't had a franchise QB in almost 20 years (B. Johnson doesn't count). IMO looking back on things Cutler was probably the answer along with getting Shanahan next year. After all we love to deal with the Broncos anyways!

Discuss yet again!

Culter sucks and turns the ball over all the time. Turn overs lose games why don't you ask Romo sits to pee about that. Cutler has never been that good it's fans like you that read into the hype. To bad for us Skins fans our owner reads into the hype too. JCs passer rating last year was just as good as Culters and the completion rating was the same. The only diference is that Culters coach let him throw the ball over a 100 more times than JC. Vick on the other hand is good if you want a running back. When it comes to passing Vick sucks I mean just look at the stats. His last 3 years before he got into trouble go like this. In 2004 Vick had a 78% PR in 2005 he had a 73% PR and in 2006 he had a 75% PR. So I mean come on Vick has never been a good QB. This is you again reading into the hype.

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At this point this teams struggles go way beyond QB and coach.

This organization is rotten at the top and nothing will ever change as long as Snyder owns the Skins.

It would have been nice to talk about making the biggest TWO off-season splashes with Haynesworth AND Cutler/Sanchez but I will save my excitement for when Snyder leaves town.

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At this point this teams struggles go way beyond QB and coach.

This organization is rotten at the top and nothing will ever change as long as Snyder owns the Skins.

It would have been nice to talk about making the biggest TWO off-season splashes with Haynesworth AND Cutler/Sanchez but I will save my excitement for when Snyder leaves town.

I think Snyder would be fine. He just needs to fire Vinny. That is the biggest problem with Snyder is keeping Vinny around.

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I think Snyder would be fine. He just needs to fire Vinny. That is the biggest problem with Snyder is keeping Vinny around.

What makes you think Snyder would be fine?

He is a meddling owner who only lures players here via the big payday, not to come win championships.

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What makes you think Snyder would be fine?

He is a meddling owner who only lures players here via the big payday, not to come win championships.

There is nothing wrong with getting big name players. Portis, Moss, Fletcher these are some of our big name players. The only problem we have is we trade all our draft picks away, I blame that on Vinny. If Snyder woke up and got a real GM we would be fine. Snyder wants to win and will spend money to do it. There is nothing wrong with that he just needs the right bug in his ear. That will help him make good decisions. You need to learn how to build from both the draft and free agency. That and find the right coach for the job.

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Campbell is performing "ALRIGHT". All I have to say is 1st pass against the RAMs. Granted Sanchez or Cutler makes that throw for 6. I'm glad we don't have none of them ( wasn't trying to give up the farm for them). QB is not really the BIG issue. It's indeed a problem, but not the biggest. The playcalling must get better. When JC is in rythem, he is very good. Can't just call plays to where he throws ONLY on 3rd downs. We need to let him create his game.

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Surprisingly enough I am going to come to Jason Campbell's defense. Campbell hasn't played bad football over the last two games really. The mistakes he made against the Giants i.e. not running when he had the chance and trying to force the ball downfield and not stepping up in the pocket he corrected in last weeks game. Campbell showed field awareness, great mobility, and the ability to make time for his receivers.

On another note ARE did a great job of coming back to the ball against the Rams and not giving up on routes until the whistle was blown. He is really impressing me this year in the slot.


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There is nothing wrong with getting big name players. Portis, Moss, Fletcher these are some of our big name players. The only problem we have is we trade all our draft picks away, I blame that on Vinny. If Snyder woke up and got a real GM we would be fine. Snyder wants to win and will spend money to do it. There is nothing wrong with that he just needs the right bug in his ear. That will help him make good decisions. You need to learn how to build from both the draft and free agency. That and find the right coach for the job.

Snyder's ways have gotten the Skins nowhere.

Portis, Moss and Fletcher have brought the Skins exactly ZERO lombardi trophies so I am not so sure you want to hitch your trailer to that wagon.

Wanting to win, and actually winning are two completely different concepts that I am surprised many of you here continue to blindly, hopefully stick up for.

What have the Skins won since Snyder has been here?

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