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As a JC critic, I was impressed yesterday.

blue collar

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I'm not on his bandwagon, but I thought JC played a real good game yesterday. Other than the near safety, he was really good. I particularly liked how he stepped into the pocket to make some clutch throws and the way he used his legs to scramble out of pressure. What was he like, 26-34 for over 250 yds? I'll take that any day.

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I have been down on Campbell as well and can say that he was pretty good yesterday. I also have to realize he was playing against the Rams who are awful. I am still not completely sold on him but if he can put up a good performance against some better talent we might be getting somewhere. I am also begining to think that more of the problem might be Zorn then Campbell.

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I've been very critical of JC too... but I've been impressed with him so far this season. He had two dropped TD passes yesterday. He took the team up and down the field against the Giants and the Rams.

He is playing well enough to win games right now. He is no world beater, but I think the D and the rest of the team is good enough that we don't need that.

The rest of the Team, and most importantly the scheme and playcalling, need to get better.


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Jason has the skills to be a successful QB at this level. His only real faults are that

1) He holds onto the ball to long sometimes. Most of the time he will throw it away, which pisses people off, but it's the right thing to do.

2) His release is slow and defenders can easily see who he is targeting.

It's not his fault that he threw a touchdown pass to Sellers and he dropped it. The pass to Thomas was basically un-catchable. You can't throw a ball that hard from 10 yards away at a WR's hip and expect anyone to come down with it, even an NFL WR.

On the upside he really has great escape ability. He played very well yesterday, and Zorn handcuffed him in the redzone. Next week we will see a very different JC in the redzone, almost guaranteed. I think Zorn doesn't really realize what he's doing until he sees it on tape the next week.

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He was 23-35 for 242 yards. Would've been 25-34 for 255 yards and 2TDs had it not been for those two drops.

If I'm not mistaken though...

The two TD drops were both in the first half.. So it would have been 17-7 at halftime. Had we had that we could have easily gotten into the 28 range if we had continued marching up and down the field and scoring in the red zone.

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He has looked okay against awful teams before. Regardless of drops etc. 9 points against the Rams is unacceptable. Todd Collins gets us at least 21 yesterday.
man the campbell bandwagon is on fire today. its amazing what a decent performance against the worst team in the league will do to peoples perceptions!

If Collins is that answer, then Zorn needs to make that change. Why in the world isn't he playing Collins if Campbell is struggling so much to run his offense?

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If I'm not mistaken though...

The two TD drops were both in the first half.. So it would have been 17-7 at halftime. Had we had that we could have easily gotten into the 28 range if we had continued marching up and down the field and scoring in the red zone.

this is taking into account the santana moss fumble?

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If Collins is that answer, then Zorn needs to make that change. Why in the world isn't he playing Collins if Campbell is struggling so much to run his offense?

collins isnt "THE" answer, but hes a potential solution for our woes. until we get to see him drive this car, were gonna continue to speculate this season.

itd be great to see collins come in, so we could finally put this all to bed. its probably all for not anyways, both zorn and JC are gone come january.

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I thought he showed improvement but I am still extremely unimpressed with his inability to make quick reads, throw the ball away, step up into the pocket, and make accurate deep ball throws... I did like him taking advantage of the scramble in the first half and he made some great passes to cooley...

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I was a staunch Campbell defender for 4 years, check my post history. The game against NY broke my back and I went off on him maybe worse than anyone. I'm ready to back off of all that a little bit but he'd better keep getting rid of the ball as fast as he did yesterday. At this point I still don't see him as being very smart and that's something that will not change.

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If Collins is that answer, then Zorn needs to make that change. Why in the world isn't he playing Collins if Campbell is struggling so much to run his offense?

Are you serious?!?!?!? You don't know?!?!?!

Jim Zorn has a PERSONAL VENDETTA against Brandon Lloyd Christmas and refuses to acknowledge that BLC, in fact, has the greatest football mind in the history of professional football.

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