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Week 2 Insomniac's Thread: Rams @ Redskins


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Fellas, I'm sorry but it's as good as a loss. The Skins fortune is tied to how the Terps do (about two-three years worth of history here) the day before and my Terps loss today to a team we shoulda beaten...and lost to last year.

That's all I'm gonna say and well...I feel bad about tomorrow :(

No, I hate to put myself out like this but the skins destiny is determined by whether or not I get laid Friday or Saturday night, if I do- they loose... and ummm cut this one in for a win.... I'm already home.

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No, I hate to put myself out like this but the skins destiny is determined by whether or not I get laid Friday or Saturday night, if I do- they loose... and ummm cut this one in for a win.... I'm already home.

See...and I was totally convinced that the 'Skins gameday performance was tied directly to which underwear I choose to wear on Sundays. I guess I'm off the hook, though.

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Being 19 I dont know if you can find at sports bar? Try to stay low key. If not try a hooters or some place like that, a lot have sunday ticket.

Even Buffalo Wild Wings or something like that would work.

A lot of bars are restaurants during the day,

So as long as you don't sit at the bar, you should be okay.

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Despite.... Let's go!

Thought about starting a thread entitled despite.... lets go!

Instead, those rare few that read this thread will get a recap.

Despite the offense failing to produce... let's go kick the ram's ass

Despite the Giants controling the ball for 40 minutes.. Let's get a shut out

Despite the week of second guessing... let's rock for our team.

Cannot wait for the game,


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