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Netflix Or Blockbuster online


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Blockbuster has

A. A store to support its online customers

B. No extra chages for blu ray

C. Get movies in the store as well as online

D. 95k movies to pick from

E. A exclusive aggrement with the Wienstien company ( due to the first rental doctrine this pretty much means netflix can rent these titles but must be bought from another source)

Netflix has

A. 5k more titles then BBV online

B. Stream movies to your blu ray player tv x360 for free.

C. Generally a cheaper price point.

D. Customer service thats in American!!!!!

I have done both i prefer BBV because i watch alot of blu ray.

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BitTorrent and a DVD burner

you know showing off about pirating makes you look like the ultimate douche.


also with BBV do also get to stream movies straight to your computer? I had netflix and I really liked that but the selection they had for streaming was pretty small.

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you know showing off about pirating makes you look like the ultimate douche.


also with BBV do also get to stream movies straight to your computer? I had netflix and I really liked that but the selection they had for streaming was pretty small.

1. Well Said!

2. No they do not. You can stream blockbuster movies threw tivo but its a pay per view system.

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1. Well Said!

2. No they do not. You can stream blockbuster movies threw tivo but its a pay per view system.

so i guess it comes down to do you want to be able to stream (for free) or do you want the convenience of having a store nearby?

personally I'd go for Netflix... streaming movies wins out.

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What happened?

Nothing much(that was the problem LOL), they put the account on hold when the CC expired date came up.

The helpful:silly: customer service apparently could not get if off hold(despite dozens of calls/e-mails) over three months time.

I'm rather patient,but I hate incompetence.

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I am on a grandfathered blockbuster plan and pay $19 a month for

3 out at a time

Unlimited in store exchanges

1 free video game rental a month

If you play video games and can get this plan, to me its a no brainer. The video game rental alone is $8 or something and if you watch movies a lot its easy to just go back in the store and get what you want anytime.

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I am on a grandfathered blockbuster plan and pay $19 a month for

3 out at a time

Unlimited in store exchanges

1 free video game rental a month

If you play video games and can get this plan, to me its a no brainer. The video game rental alone is $8 or something and if you watch movies a lot its easy to just go back in the store and get what you want anytime.

How did you get that deal? That's awesome!

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If you don't care for unlimited streaming to your compatible blu ray players or 360 I would definitely go with Blockbuster Online since they don't charge you extra for Blu Ray movies and some plans, like the very first one are cheaper than Netflix. OTOH if you prefer a bigger selection like unlimited streaming, and don't mind paying a little extra go with Netflix. I've used both an I use Netflix because I've got a 360 but if I didn't I definitely would go with Blockbuster because I find it unfair I'm getting charged extra for Blu Ray movies.

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netflix? blockbuster? have fun with that I am already enjoying X-men origins in blu-ray quality

Good for you...because there is nothing wrong with pirating. :doh::doh::doh: Unless of course you bought it...but I highly doubt you would brag about actually purchasing a movie. Paying for things is totally uncool.:cool:

Sounds like Blockbuster is a little better than Netflix considering you can get in store rentals and they do not charge extra for Blu Ray.

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