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Jason Campbell is playing like a stud ...


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JC finished the game with a higher QB rating than Eli.

He made a mistake or two, but we lost this game for a bunch of reasons, not just him.

1. Playcalling - awful, Gibbsian.

2. Secondary - terrible, let down the front four. Hall and Landry whiffed all day.

3. O-line - getting eaten alive most of the day. Heyer cost us a couple first downs.

4. CP - guy just doesn't have the speed anymore.

5. JC.

OLINE actually held up pretty well against one of the best (if not the best) dlines in the league... pas protection was fairly good... it was the run blocking that was not very good (which killed Clinton today)...

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YUP! I echo all that's has been posted.

Jason Campbell is NOT a STARTING NFL QB. Never will be. :mad:

IF we are serious about winning, time to bring in Todd Collins.

I agree 100% Campbell is a loser..... Hell i wish we would have signed Mike Vick even though he is a lilttle rusty i would prefer him over Campbell's sorry ass!!!!!!

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OLINE actually held up pretty well against one of the best (if not the best) dlines in the league... pas protection was fairly good... it was the run blocking that was not very good (which killed Clinton today)...

I just didn't see that at all. The Oline looked fairly horrid the whole game. I agree they looked FAR worse for run blocking (is Tuck so small that they just don't notice him running to get to the handoff before Portis does?), their pass defense only looked better by comparison.

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The problem with Campbell isn't that he can't play. He made a number of really nice throws today. It's that he consistently makes 3 or 4 mistakes that can kill you in a close game: delivering the ball half a second late, forgetting to step up into the pocket, blowing an audible, targeting the wrong receiver. You just can't rely on the guy to keep things under control.

Does Jay Cutler win this game? Most likely. Todd Collins? Probably....

Cutler win this game? Hmmm...no...not so much. Cutler looks fairly pathetic right now - makes Campbell seem accurate and cerebral by comparison.

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i just didn't see that at all. The oline looked fairly horrid the whole game. I agree they looked far worse for run blocking (is tuck so small that they just don't notice him running to get to the handoff before portis does?), their pass defense only looked better by comparison.


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I just didn't see that at all. The Oline looked fairly horrid the whole game. I agree they looked FAR worse for run blocking (is Tuck so small that they just don't notice him running to get to the handoff before Portis does?), their pass defense only looked better by comparison.

OK, let's state this again---you are one of a handful of people to say the line played 'horrid.' You also have no established cred as some sort of prophet or football analyst. So, because you wish to absolve Campbell or others, you decide the line played poorly.

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As much as it pains Zorn to do this, if he wants a job next year, he has to let Campbell pass on first down to set up the run. Our offensive line can't run block and Portis isn't that good anymore. I know people hated his fumbles, but Anthony Aldridge should have been kept. Ladell Betts and Rock Cartwright are terrible.

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he STILL is throwing behind receivers, over-throwing receivers,and hasn't shown a hair of improvement from last year.
Nope. Accuracy wasn't an issue for him this game.
Your stats mean squat; take away that "gimme" td at the end of the game, and he throws for what, 175???
The NYG weren't in prevent D; Cooley beat them DEEP. So...not a "gimme TD."
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OK, let's state this again---you are one of a handful of people to say the line played 'horrid.' You also have no established cred as some sort of prophet or football analyst. So, because you wish to absolve Campbell or others, you decide the line played poorly.

Hey, thanks for reinterpreting my comments in a bizarre way that supports your arguments with others. In no way have I absolved Campbell. Nor, incidentally, did I hear the football analysts in the game extolling the virtues of the Redskins incredible Oline play. Nor have I recognized the "established football analyst cred" of virtually anyone here. If you work for Fox sports as a Football analyst, my apologies. But for some reason, I'm going to go out on a limb and say you probably aren't a football analyst either.

Bottom line, the fact you post in a more obnoxious manner does not mean you are any closer to the truth. While I'm truly happy you love our Oline play and even though you fully expect to see probowlers emerge, realize that others disagree with you.

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different year same results. this guy sucks as a qb. he just doesn't have "it". he has a cannon for an arm but mush for brains. his confidence has been gone for awhile now. i have no doubts daniels who was cut or brennan with this amount of time in this system could outperform campbell hands down. i don't care if we win 8 games this guy needs to find another home asap.

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a lot of people are panicking already... but last time i checked the giants are easily a top 5 defense? we couldnt establish the run, yet campbell still moved the ball fairly well and was poised and confident in the pocket against one of the top defenses in the NFL. the jury is still out on this one, im not ready to throw JC, zorn, or the o-line under the bus. thats not to say that we don't need to improve, we do, but this was only the first game of the season. if we make the right adjustmetns, we should be fine. so calm down everyone.

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Nor, incidentally, did I hear the football analysts in the game extolling the virtues of the Redskins incredible Oline play.
They did exactly that when Osi stripped Campbell. They even did a camera shot from Jason's POV so you could see the huge pocket in front of him.
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Your paragraph got longer but you still haven't backed up anything you've said. You claim Campbell cost us this game, prove it. The best you come up with is "Campbell aint the guy". The best response you have to what I've said is that I'm making "excuses". You're not even original. You're just following the script of so many others on here. And the script doesn't even work here because I didn't make excuses I pointd out the POSITIVES of Campbells play. I'm still waiting on you to talk some football and drop the cathc phrases and corny "womb" jokes.

I guess you don't count facts as, um, FACTS. Did you ignore the mention of the interception and the fumble? Who needs to be original when you're talking to a recording. You sound like PeeWee Herman saying, "Yeah, I know you are but what am I?" no matter what anyone else says. Better yet(and more in your wheelhouse), you sound like Jim Carrey's character Lloyd in Dumb & Dumber when he asks the girl what the chances are that she could be with a guy like him, "one in a hundred?", he asks. She responds, "More like one in a million." To which he opines, "So you're still saying I have a chance!"

Keep on drinking that JC KoolAid, bud, and thinking that he's gonna lead us to the promised land.

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They did exactly that when Osi stripped Campbell. They even did a camera shot from Jason's POV so you could see the huge pocket in front of him.

Then you were listening to a different game then me. Troy called Jason out a couple times saying the oline was doing their job.

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I think the whole team looked flat. JC didnt help with the turnovers, but I cant pin the INT on him. The DB made a GEAT play on the ball. Santana needs to step his game up.

The fumble was vey much his fault... but upo the replay, you could see there was no-one open, and if you look at the player/coach exchange on that one, it looks like Zorn asks what happened, and JC states that a player ran the wrong route... AGAIN.

All that said, I cant obsolve JC from wrong doing. He needs to elevate the team when the chips are down. I was hoping for some fire from him... but sadly, I just dont think he is that kind of guy.

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I think the whole team looked flat. JC didnt help with the turnovers, but I cant pin the INT on him. The DB made a GEAT play on the ball. Santana needs to step his game up.

The fumble was vey much his fault... but upo the replay, you could see there was no-one open, and if you look at the player/coach exchange on that one, it looks like Zorn asks what happened, and JC states that a player ran the wrong route... AGAIN.

All that said, I cant obsolve JC from wrong doing. He needs to elevate the team when the chips are down. I was hoping for some fire from him... but sadly, I just dont think he is that kind of guy.

Time for the Skins to put in some young blood in the game.

We aren't going to get any better if the coaches like Greg, who don't like rookies, are not going to change their tune.

Personally, I think Greg called a very poor game. With all that he had he still couldn't pressure Eli enough times!

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