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Another Job Gone


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Worked for a stable company, but a new Director came in and wiped out over half the staff... I think anyone who made a decent salary (the company wasn't hurting for money). Sucky thing to do to people the way the job market is these days.

I live in Charlotte and I've got a web marketing and web design/development background. If anyone knows of any openings PM Me, please. My wife doesn't work either, so we are pretty screwed at the moment. Don't know what we are going to do.

I'd be willing to move to Richmond, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Raleigh Area... I have family here I need to stay with, otherwise it wouldn't matter where I went.

I read this board everyday, but I rarely post. I feel like I know a lot of you. I guess I'll be hoping football season does a lot more distracting than it used to.

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I know a lot of people in your position. Good luck! If you are good, you will find something soon just make searching for jobs your current job. 8 hours a day should be spent looking for and applying to jobs. I had my wife do this when she lost her job and fortunately she was only out for a little over a month.

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I live in Charlotte and I've got a web marketing and web design/development background. If anyone knows of any openings PM Me, please. My wife doesn't work either, so we are pretty screwed at the moment. Don't know what we are going to do.

Hey bro take a look at banking. I bet there are some openings in that industry in CLT. Lots of luck going forward.
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I live near Charlotte too and work down in lancaster sc. I don't think my company is hiring right now (insurance co, fears of bad things coming if certain reforms go through). I'll make some calls to see if there is anything in your field.

Also, I've found that indeed.com has a ton of positions in charlotte listed. Might be a good place to check.

edit: almost forgot to say that i'll be praying for you and that you have only my best wishes!

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good luck in getting a new job. Hope it all pans out. Same thing happened to me last November....closed office in South Florida, consolidated, and made me move to Orlando to work out of their corporate office. It wasnt what I wanted so luckily my old job gave me another chance and Im happily living in S. Fla again.

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Damn shame. I bet those at the top aren't hurting as a result.


yeah no kidding...

my buddy works for Baker Hughes and they had some major reduction in the work force in the past year...

Bakers Hughes just bought out another company for 5.5 billion dollars... so I guess the cuts weren't due to cash problems...

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I dunno guys. There was something going on at that company. I don't think anyone left is getting a raise. There's no money trouble, but I think they are going to redirect a bunch of funds elsewhere.

I was in this boat last fall and got real lucky in six weeks. I hope I can beat that record this time. I at least have an interview lined up for something part-time. Better than nothing.

Thanks for the prayers, too. And really, everyone needs them these days. It's ugly out there. Lots of decisions being made for the wrong reasons.

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I'm sure they'll get a raise. After all, that money they saved on laying people off has to go somewhere.

Are you really that ignorant of how business operates in the "real world" A layoff does not automatically mean a fat bonus for the guy trying to keep the business afloat (sometimes things look rosier to the field than they really are. and sometimes their are things that Management knows that are coming down the pike and they are simply preparing)

Your post reeks of jealousy that you are not now and never will be "the guy" in power. sorry but that is how I read it.

to the OP:

Hold your head up high, even in bad times, good people can thrive, use this as an opportunity (the old adage, when life gives you lemons make lemonade) Don't get caught up in thinking that any condition is permanent, things are never as bad as they seem nor are they even as good as they seem. Persevere, and you will be back on your feet in no time.

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Good luck man. I know how you feel. I got laid off in July and I'm still searching. I live in Wilmington NC and there's just not much here so I've been looking in other areas. I've gotten a few bites in the DC area and I actually have an interview there next week. But I've tried Raleigh and Charlotte but NC seems to be pretty slim pickins job-wise.

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Are you really that ignorant of how business operates in the "real world" A layoff does not automatically mean a fat bonus for the guy trying to keep the business afloat (sometimes things look rosier to the field than they really are. and sometimes their are things that Management knows that are coming down the pike and they are simply preparing)

Your post reeks of jealousy that you are not now and never will be "the guy" in power. sorry but that is how I read it.

It was a sarcastic comment and not a statement of absolutes. While a layoff does not always equate to a bonus it doesn't exclude the possibility either. There are more than a few examples of jobs being shipped over seas or terminated completely followed by huge executive pay increases. In fact the focus on meeting short term goals to earn bonus pay at the cost of long term stability and well being have been much discussed in the US. It's the reason many CEO's are described as "mercenary" and one of the major warning signs investors like myself look for when deciding on companies to invest in.

I am not even slightly jealous of people that have to make those decisions. I personally wouldn't want to lay people off, perhaps that gives you a little power buzz. I handle my business and try to stay as free as possible because having options is freedom IMO. Being attached to any business in order to survive isn't something I want. I work in sales and frankly the only thing my career does is fuel my investments because I don't plan on playing this losers game for a day longer than i have to.

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It was a sarcastic comment and not a statement of absolutes.

Sorry then, my sarcasm meter must need a checkup:silly:

I personally wouldn't want to lay people off, perhaps that gives you a little power buzz.

Not me either, I am not in that position, but I think I have an understanding of the thinking of some of those who are.

I handle my business and try to stay as free as possible because having options is freedom IMO. Being attached to any business in order to survive isn't something I want. I work in sales and frankly the only thing my career does is fuel my investments because I don't plan on playing this losers game for a day longer than i have to.

Being your own boss is truly the only way to be "Rich" and "Free" It can be hard work but the risks and the rewards are all yours.

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