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Top 10 things you wanna see in Preseason game 2.


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No injuries, especially to any key players/positions

Play with some fire, urgency, intensity. I know it doesn't count yet but sheesh have the mentality when you step on that field it's game time!

Campbell get a little more work.

Haynesworth and Portis, for one series. (Ok, not really I'm, just anxious to get rolling lol)

Thomas and Kelly to show their stuff and one emerge.

Orakpo looking unblockable and getting to the QB.

The defense tighten up, more sure tackling.

Tryon to redeem himself, he got picked on and was beaten but I think he may still have something.

Really though I just want to see some bright spots/surprises from the 2nd year guys, and the rookies, UFA, etc. Sleepy Davis come on man, show some toughness and hold the rock!

A few pts on the board would be nice, I don't care about wining or losing so much at this point but yeesh.

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#1-I want the 1st team OL to continue to keep Jason clean and give him time

I want the 1st team offense to stay on the field until they get into the RZ twice.

I want Devin and Kelly to be featured weapons the enitre game.

I want them to develop Marko Mitchell as the 5th WR, get him in on some plays where he can be successfult to build his confidence.

I want to see Rock Cartwright get more carries.

I want to see the Tryon and Barnes back out there again and see if the improve.

I want to see Colt: stick with the play and not be so quick to leave the pocket, get the ball out at the top of his drop stay, and not throw balls up for grabs

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I still want to see the Back-ups and the Rookies play more than the Vets.

I know what the Vets will do but it's the other guys we need to view in order to see where we are on the depth chart.

A loss to the Steelers (even if it's 35-0) doesnt bother me.

Now knowing the depth of our team does.

I agree.

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I just want to see a team continue to grow from the previous game (not to hard) It wasn't like Baltimore just lit up the Redskins 1st teamers. The three biggest weapons on the Redskins didn't even play in the game, just laughing at everyone making a big deal about that game.

1. No injuries

2. A Scoring drive by 1st team off.

3. Some good blocking

4. More continued involvement from 2nd year WR

5. Some FG kicker competition.

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1. No injuries

2. Display of nasty-football-playing-attitude (that includes the coaching staff)

3. Scoring drive by 1st team on either 1st or 2nd possession (then get them off the field)

4. 2nd year WRs man-up and make some plays

5. Force turnovers

Doesn't matter who wins the game, I would just like to see some improvement. Nothing really excited me about last week.

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