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VOR/STB21's Training Camp Recap (Day 4)


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I'm really gettin nervous over the OL.This is not good

I would not be too worried... yet. The D always has the upperhand this time of year. It seems to be normal every TC start.

I would be more worried about the D-line looking so great so early. The O-line isnot up to snuff yet, so i hope they stay motivated out there.

The rest of the D sounds great. I think we are going to have a hell of a ball hawkin defense out there... ala Buccs early 2000's.

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This was probably the best recap I've read anywhere. Wow. Thanks for keeping us west coast fans up to date!

Oh and as a side note..The OLine was my main concern coming into camp. I really think they will be the weak link again. We really haven't done much to improve the glaring needs from last year. Let's just pray that they mesh and can pick it up.

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Great recap, guys! If you really want to see whether or not our O-Line is worth their salaries, consider our preseason schedule. I'm actually very happy we play Baltimore, Pittsburgh and New England our first three preseason games. This should give us a pretty good idea of where we stand. Game 4 at Jacksonville will amount to seeing how our backups and rookies stack up. In a way, it's one of my favorite preseason games because it can give some guys one last shot at possibly making the team. I think Chris Horton solidified his spot last year in the last "meaningless" game.

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Constant stream of Big Al dominating everyone so far... then VOR points out how the OL really aren't helping each other out. Question back to both of you - have you seen AH get doubled much? How does he play then? I think that might be the real indicator of his focus and motor.

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Constant stream of Big Al dominating everyone so far... then VOR points out how the OL really aren't helping each other out. Question back to both of you - have you seen AH get doubled much? How does he play then? I think that might be the real indicator of his focus and motor.

Yep, and he's still working just as hard. He hasn't given up on any play I've seen him in there for. If he gets double teamed, he engages both blockers and tries to free up the guy lined up next to him, and when that happens that other DL has had success getting to the QB.

I'm grinning ear to ear typing this, you should know.


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Great recap, guys! If you really want to see whether or not our O-Line is worth their salaries, consider our preseason schedule. I'm actually very happy we play Baltimore, Pittsburgh and New England our first three preseason games. This should give us a pretty good idea of where we stand.

First off, Jimbo, FANTASTIC sig.

I laughed, which I don't do often since I run a British orphanage in the 1600's.


STBC21 and VOR you guys are killing it. I LOVE your recaps and look forward to them everyday. I think combining forces is a great move.

I'm not worried about the oline.

1) It takes a bit for an oline to gel. Give it a few weeks for their chemistry to develop.

2) The D is full of stars who hopefully will make even above average lines look like doo.

3) As some have stated, oline is not double teaming or helping much right now. So for the most part we are seeing completely raw iso's.

4) Like Jimbo said, we'll get a better idea come preseason, in my mind particularly week 3.

5) Either way, at this point the D SHOULD BE way ahead of the O. If they weren't, THEN we should be worried.

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man i hope the offense can get things figured out. it seems like the defense has been amazing the first few days. is our offense that bad or is the defense just looking that good? hopefully, its our defense looking great. which should help the offense since they'll be going against one of the best defenses in the league daily.

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I agree. I'm loving what we're getting from VOR and STB. Add to that Phoward12, Murf/JimmiJO and TK's tweets and this is easily becoming an enjoyable training camp from my living room (or the free wifi in Panera Bread).

That's all good, but are you planning on making it down to training camp at all this yr?:D I've got a good excuse, but I want to hear what yours is. I was hoping to get your perspective on training camp as well.:(

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My couch gets lonely. I've got to keep her company. You understand don't you?


Considering what the past few days have been like, I guess it does beat feeling like a wet dog that was left outside. Don't tell me you got multiple media going, i.e. television and computer with multiple screens going, and a nice cold brew on the side? Thank God we have the fearless VoR and STB21 to aid our info addictions.;)

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Great in-depth recaps, guys :applause: :cheers:...As someone else said, I like reading multiple recaps and getting perspectives from lots of people to round out how I feel things are going in camp, but you guys are one of the better reads. :thumbsup:

I'm curious...is it possible to both be excited about the DLine AND be pessimistic about the OLine? lol...It would seem like you'd have to be one or the other. (not you guys specifically...I'm talking about any of us). For instance, can we get excited and feel that the DLine is playing lights-out when we ALSO think the OLine is playing pathetic and is nothing but 5 turnstyles? lol...Wouldn't any DLine look fantastic against an OLine like that?

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I'm curious...is it possible to both be excited about the DLine AND be pessimistic about the OLine? lol...It would seem like you'd have to be one or the other. (not you guys specifically...I'm talking about any of us). For instance, can we get excited and feel that the DLine is playing lights-out when we ALSO think the OLine is playing pathetic and is nothing but 5 turnstyles? lol...Wouldn't any DLine look fantastic against an OLine like that?

I'm in your boat. I'm concerned about the OL, but ecstatic about the DL. The last time the 'Skins had a solid DL was 1991. Seriously, it's been THAT long. So, here's hoping it translates to the regular season.

I'm going to continue to be concerned about the OL until I see improvement, but I'm not pessimistic that it won't happen. There is a lot of time between now and then. BMW is getting beat pretty badly, but he's going to need some time to knock the rust off. Dock/Rabach/Thomas are not going to be able to handle Haynesworth 1-1. Period. But, the good news is that AH plays for us, so we won't have to face him. :)

The pre-season games should be a great test. Especially the games against Pittsburgh and New England.

Thank God we have the fearless VoR and STB21 to aid our info addictions.;)

I've never in all my life been called fearless before.

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btw, I'm glad folks appreciated the thread. I really enjoyed writing my side of the write up, the fact others found it useful is kindof a nice bonus. :)

I plan on going on Tuesday and Thursday, and will provide write ups, but since I do have to work, they might be later in the day.

From the fashion police:

- Less cute girls in 'Skins jerseys due to the weather.

- I just can't get over the khaki pants and t-shirt look that Zorn has going. He looks like he should be in film room, not a practice field. I don't know. Just looks out of place.

- For the exactly 0 people who care, Kelli Johnson dumped the hideous green plaid shorts, and had on regular black ones, and looked like a normal person again. (And no, I didn't go look for her, she walked right in front of me.)

As an aside, she did a pretty nifty little piece on BMW on sportsnite, which is worth checking out. I think it's been around for a while, and they used it as filler for today's show. But it's cool. And she tried to interview Mike Sellers after the skirmish, and that didn't go so well. But was funny.

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