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MSNBC/AP: Gates' 911, radio tapes to be released


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Gates' 911, radio tapes to be released

'Tapes will speak for themselves,' Cambridge police chief says

updated 6 minutes ago

BOSTON - Copies of the 911 call and radio dispatches made during the controversial arrest of black Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. will be released shortly, police in Cambridge, Mass., said Monday.

Police Commissioner Robert Haas told reporters that the "tapes will speak for themselves," when asked if police should have done anything differently.

The call led to the arrest of Gates on a disorderly conduct charge, and a resulting national debate about racial profiling.

Source: MSNBC


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From another story...


Gates says it's time to ‘move on’

Harvard scholar hopes to use encounter to improve fairness in system

The Associated Press

updated 11:45 a.m. ET, Sun., July 26, 2009

BOSTON - Black Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. says he's ready to move on from his arrest by a white police officer, hoping to use the encounter to improve fairness in the criminal justice system and saying "in the end, this is not about me at all."

After a phone call from President Barack Obama urging calm in the aftermath of his arrest last week, Gates said he would accept Obama's invitation to the White House for a beer with him and Cambridge police Sgt. James Crowley.

In a statement posted Friday on The Root, a Web site Gates oversees, the scholar said he told Obama he'd be happy to meet with Crowley, whom Gates had accused of racial profiling.

"I told the president that my principal regret was that all of the attention paid to his deeply supportive remarks during his press conference had distracted attention from his health care initiative," Gates said. "I am pleased that he, too, is eager to use my experience as a teaching moment, and if meeting Sergeant Crowley for a beer with the president will further that end, then I would be happy to oblige."

Change in tone for Gates

It was a marked change in tone for Gates, who in the days following his arrest gathered up his legal team and said he was contemplating a lawsuit. He even vowed to make a documentary on his arrest to tie into a larger project about racial profiling.

In an e-mail to the Boston Globe late Friday, he said: "It is time for all of us to move on, and to assess what we can learn from this experience."

In a statement to The Associated Press, Gates promised to do all he could so others could learn from his arrest.

"This could and should be a profound teaching moment in the history of race relations in America," Gates said. "I sincerely hope that the Cambridge police department will choose to work with me toward that goal."

Gates, 58, did not say in his statement if he planned to file a lawsuit.

.... I think Mr. Gates loses more steam as more of this event is revealed.

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Tape: Cop called Gates uncooperative

updated 8 minutes ago

BOSTON - A police sergeant who responded to a 911 call about a possible break-in at the home of black Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. can be heard calling Gates uncooperative during a radio communication with a police dispatcher.

Sgt. James Crowley said he was with a man who claims to live in the house and with identification showing he was Gates. Crowley said the man was not cooperating and told the dispatcher to "keep the cars coming."

Another voice can be heard in the background of the transmissions, but it is unintelligible and unclear if it is Gates.

Source: AP


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"This could and should be a profound teaching moment in the history of race relations in America," Gates said. "I sincerely hope that the Cambridge police department will choose to work with me toward that goal."

in other words "I'm still right and the cops are still racists".....

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Sgt. James Crowley said he was with a man who claims to live in the house and with identification showing he was Gates. Crowley said the man was not cooperating and told the dispatcher to "keep the cars coming."

Another voice can be heard in the background of the transmissions, but it is unintelligible and unclear if it is Gates.

So basically, "This guy lives here and I have absolutely no reason to be here any longer but he's not bowing down to my authority so send some more cops over so we can escalate the situation and I can ruin his night."

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yeah, but the police report says that the woman who called in the 911 alert met Officer Crowley when he pulled up and said she observed two "black men with backpacks" trying to enter the house...yet she herself has gone on to claim that not only did she never say she saw "two black men", but that she never even SPOKE to Crowley lol...

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So basically, "This guy lives here and I have absolutely no reason to be here any longer but he's not bowing down to my authority so send some more cops over so we can escalate the situation and I can ruin his night."

I believe the ID he showed was his Harvard ID not showing that he lived there, just a name and a picture (I have one for my school and it's just that). Not that that would matter because we don't let facts get in our way.

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yeah, but the police report says that the woman who called in the 911 alert met Officer Crowley when he pulled up and said she observed two "black men with backpacks" trying to enter the house...yet she herself has gone on to claim that not only did she never say she saw "two black men", but that she never even SPOKE to Crowley lol...

You mean the police report isn't accurate? Wow, I didn't see that coming.

It's a shame that all of this mess has been made to be exclusively about race when it should be about police powers. But maybe that's just old liberal me wishing for limited government.

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I believe the ID he showed was his Harvard ID not showing that he lived there, just a name and a picture (I have one for my school and it's just that). Not that that would matter because we don't let facts get in our way.

Well if the house is owned by Harvard, and he has an ID showing that he is a professor for Harvard, shouldn't that be enough? I mean is he supposed to break out his lease and show the cop where he signed?

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So basically, "This guy lives here and I have absolutely no reason to be here any longer but he's not bowing down to my authority so send some more cops over so we can escalate the situation and I can ruin his night."

No. More like "This guy has given me an ID from Harvard University with a name on it but no address, so I am still trying to verify whether or not he lives here. And he's been acting very belligerent and combative right from the start, which is puzzling and raises suspicions in my mind."

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Well if the house is owned by Harvard, and he has an ID showing that he is a professor for Harvard, shouldn't that be enough? I mean is he supposed to break out his lease and show the cop where he signed?

No, just an ID that shows his address.

Did Gates ever meet Crowleys mom?

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You mean the police report isn't accurate? Wow, I didn't see that coming.

It's a shame that all of this mess has been made to be exclusively about race when it should be about police powers. But maybe that's just old liberal me wishing for limited government.

Hey, we can laugh at the idiocy of race-baiting and cops with fragile egos. It's not an either/or. There's plenty of ridicule to go around in this situation.

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Well if the house is owned by Harvard, and he has an ID showing that he is a professor for Harvard, shouldn't that be enough? I mean is he supposed to break out his lease and show the cop where he signed?

Did the officers know it was owned by Harvard? If so, should they have just assumed that it was his when Gates was being a complete douche?

I hope to God that I have neighbors that will call the cops no matter who they see breaking into my house, even if it's me and they don't recognize me.

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No. More like "This guy has given me an ID from Harvard University with a name on it but no address, so I am still trying to verify whether or not he lives here. And he's been acting very belligerent and combative right from the start, which is puzzling and raises suspicions in my mind."

Why does he even need to show the Police an ID at all? Mr Gates should of just told the officers "Yes, sir I broke into this house and hung pictures of my self all over the place."

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Why does he even need to show the Police an ID at all? Mr Gates should of just told the officers "Yes, sir I broke into this house and hung pictures of my self all over the place."

Can you post a link to back up the claim that he had pictures of himself all over the place. Or do you just want to admit you made it up?

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