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MSNBC/AP: Gates' 911, radio tapes to be released


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What tickles me is the only time race gets an audience is whne the victims over reacts. What about Shaun Bell? Oh yeah that is not what this case is about.

Boobie you forgot the NY Cops were justified for the 50 rounds they put into that car and killed Sean Bell. :silly:

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What tickles me is the only time race gets an audience is whne the victims over reacts. What about Shaun Bell? Oh yeah that is not what this case is about.

You're right. That's not what THIS case is about.

It's about Gates.

So why bring up Bell?

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Boobie you forgot the NY Cops were justified for the 50 rounds they put into that car and killed Sean Bell. :silly:

Thank you both for providing more evidence to support what I am saying. You've brought in a completely unrelated event, and are using it to justify the ections in this one.

Professor Gates' actions, or his blief that he was being profiled, have absolutely NOTHING to do with Shaun Bell. None. It's this kind of constant excuse making that has people up in arms about this.

Shaun Bell was the victim of profiling, or brutality, or whatever, so that gives Gates the right to claim the cop in his incident MUST be acting the same way as those other cops?

Total bull****.

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Thank you both for providing more evidence to support what I am saying. You've brought in a completely unrelated event, and are using it to justify the ections in this one.

Professor Gates' actions, or his blief that he was being profiled, have absolutely NOTHING to do with Shaun Bell. None. It's this kind of constant excuse making that has people up in arms about this.

Shaun Bell was the victim of profiling, or brutality, or whatever, so that gives Gates the right to claim the cop in his incident MUST be acting the same way as those other cops?

Total bull****.

Kilmer I wasn't even doing that...I was responding to boobie's post and u saw the emoticon I used...As many times as I have posted in these threads regarding this issue you know I don't even feel that way...it was a joke calm down.

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Can you post a link to back up the claim that he had pictures of himself all over the place. Or do you just want to admit you made it up?
Lighten up, slick. Its from an old joke about exactly this kind of situation.

<edit>Yay! Another thread about this same thing!

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Hey, we can laugh at the idiocy of race-baiting and cops with fragile egos. It's not an either/or. There's plenty of ridicule to go around in this situation.

Well I'm still waiting for evidence of the "race-baiting."

Say it did happen though, it's a shame that that should be the focus and not the BS arrest. Apparently a false accusation is more important than false imprisonment.

EDIT: Oh and I love the 911 caller telling the dispatcher that she thinks that they might live there. What an epic fail. It just blows my mind that people are defending the cop on this.

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Well I'm still waiting for evidence of the "race-baiting."
Umm, have you not listened to Prof Gates comments after the incident?
Say it did happen though, it's a shame that that should be the focus and not the BS arrest. Apparently a false accusation is more important than false imprisonment.
False imprisonment? He was arrested for disorderly conduct. A charge that was later dropped. Imagine for a minute that Gates wasn't the owner of the house. If the police had taken Gates' word and left him there, and the house gets ransacked, the owner would be suing the pants off the PD for leaving. This whole situation could have been avoided if Gates had produced an ID with tha address on it. Like a drivers license. Instead, he showed his Harvard employment badge. Like the badge I use everyday to access my work site. You can't tell what state I work in, much less where I live. Did the cops handle this 100% correct? No, but the majority of the blame falls on Gates.
EDIT: Oh and I love the 911 caller telling the dispatcher that she thinks that they might live there. What an epic fail. It just blows my mind that people are defending the cop on this.
In other words, no matter what facts come out (like the cop in question being the Cambridge PD race profiling expert) the cop is to blame.
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