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First Draft Movie Lines


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Mufasa: Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.

Young Simba: But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?

Mufasa: Yes, Simba, but let me explain. After we eat them, we take a ****, which fertilizes the grass. The antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connnected in the great Circle of Life.

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Some classics..

"You dirty rat!.. You killed my goldfish!"

"Top o' the stairs, ma! Top o' the stairs!"

"Play it again, Elmer." (I know this line actually isn't in the movie..)

"Frankly, Scarlett, I'd like it if you introduced me to your sister."


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"Say 'what' again. Say 'what' again, I dare you, I double dare you mother****er, say what one more Goddamn time!"


"Stop it!"


"Quit saying that!"


"You're pissing me off!"


"I'm tellin' Marsellus."


"**** you!" Storms out the door.


Mummbles, "*******."

Off in the distance you hear, "What?"

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Dyin' is not a sound career decision.


This is a .357 magnum, the sexiest handgun there is. It's like blue steel Viagra. Now you gotta ask yourself, punk.. is he turned on and going to make me do things my mama would be ashamed of, or is he going to shoot me?

Well, you wanna get lucky, punk?


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