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Al Sharpton, AT IT AGAIN!


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Look back a few posts where I wrote that I don't have any problem with the message, I have a problem with him.

It's hard to ignore the messenger when he's such a scumbag prancing around in the guise of a decent human being.

There's better messengers.


Understood bang...I respect that. But here you and I are talking about Al, when MJ did more than that Al has done for the world, let alone the black community.

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Al is absolutely right. Absolutley. The NY post calls Michael Jackson: Jacko. They called him that since his indictment in 2005. They haven't acknolwegde his talent, but the controversy. And that brings me to another point...."what controversy"? MJ was acquitted of child abuse. If he wanted to bleach his skin, or get a few nose jobs so be it. He was never caught cheating on his wife, doing illegal drugs, or killing anybody. He was just a guy that had emence talent, sold the most records ever, turned his fame into a cause, and was ostosized for it. He was a flawed man, saw flaws where most saw perfection. Hell that is what Virgos do. But the media has highlighted those differences. Yes he was different, he was a bona fide genious. He was able to take what we knew, change it, and blend it with a sense of magic. He was one man, with one mic, and he tried to change the world.

The media has not given that stance justice. They have not given this man's life justice. He sold 109 million copies of Thriller, and yet he talked about the man in the mirror, healing the world, and showed us how to shake your booty down to the ground. He is one of a kind, and because of the media, we know are beginning to appreciate his talents.

Al is mad. I am mad. I feel cheated. The media demonized MJ. He was singing "We are the World", and the media was talking about him sleeping in an oxygen tank, or getting nose jobs. He was seen as strange way before he was seen as a benefit. This world needs magic. We need some one that can see through all the rumors of war, failing economies, and betrayal. We need some one that is a beckon in all this darkness. I mean come one, this man had millions, and yet had a social conscience way before the controversy. He was different, and the media crucified him for it.

Pills, test tube babies, nose jobs, child molestation........what happened to the millions used to feed the hungry, the charities, and inviting dyng kids to Neverland. The media doesn't speak about that. The two kids that accused him were dying of cancer. I can't even look at a needle, and this guy invites them to his house for them to experience a moment of heaven while going through hell.

Al Sharpton gets attention. He says what is need to be said. He says what so many are scared to say. He is the lightening rod. Do I agree with every stance he takes, no, but he does take a stand. He is not getting paid for this. This is his cause. He has put himself on the front line, and lets us understand not to be complacent. We has some much to do socially to realize our destiny as a country. He is a man that stands for change and challenges the constituency to recognize the darkness hovering over this country. He is not a racist. Just because he speaks about a situation, doesn't mean that situation wouldn't exist without his words. You guys are chumps if you think he causes the trouble he speaks about. He isn't a beckon like MJ, but he is a beckon none the less. If you feel he mirrors the darkness, so be. Atleast you have a chance to take a look at it, and make a change.

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He is one of the reasons why the "race issue" will never go away.

Are you serious? I mean are you people serious? You really think Al Sharpton has that kind of power. Do you think Al Sharpton is the reason racism exist in this couontry? Do you even understand the word. Hold on let me explain. A racist has the oppurtunity to influene, whether it's enterprise, commerce, social adgendas, etc. They have the ability to intiate policies that effect people as a hold, and use prejudice ideals without merit. Who is Al Sharpton hiring? What bank does he control? When have you ever felt Al Sharpton infleunce effecting your everyday life? You tune him out, you can turn down the volume. I still have to face the fact that more african american men are in prison than college, and a country that feels their intiatives had nothing to do with it. I mean come on. Al Sharpton did this? It's Al's fault?

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Al Sharpton did lead the crusade against the duke lacrosse players trying destroy their lives and didn't so much as apologize when it was discovered they were innocent. **** Sharpton and all his racist hate.

And the catholic church used to serve black people communion only after every white person was served, but black people didn't get an apology for that...so your point is what?

We can go back and forth all day with who didn't apologize to who fast enough. :silly:

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And the catholic church used to serve black people communion only after every white person was served, but black people didn't get an apology for that...so your point is what?
I'm not a fan of the Catholic church either. Besides they are an organization, you can't put them on the same level of individual accountability as a single person as members of the catholic church today are not members of the catholic church from back in the day. Al Sharpton now is the same Al Shaprton who back in the not-so-distant past was perfectly willing to ruin the lives of a bunch of white people without any evidence just because the supposed victim was black.

The bottom line is, Sharpton is a racist and an opportunist who speaks for money rather than for justice.

We can go back and forth all day with who didn't apologize to who fast enough. :silly:

Feel free to name other who didn't apologize for destroying people's lives without cause, but that won't make me hate Sharpton less.

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Understood bang...I respect that. But here you and I are talking about Al, when MJ did more than that Al has done for the world, let alone the black community.

I hear you, and you're right.

I have zero problem with Michael Jackson. While I wouldn't consider myself a full-on fan, I've never disliked his music, in fact I've liked more than a few songs.

All respect goes to his contribution to our collective culture.


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For many years now (since 1980's at least) RACISM in the United States has been pretty tame. For the most part, people of all races get along fairly well. (yes, there are certainly isolated instances where just the opposite is true)

Wanna know how RACISM is kept alive? Wanna know who fans the flames of RACISM? That's right....guys like Al Sharpton and the LIBERAL MEDIA! The Liberal Media secretly LOVES racial instances the same way they love train and plane wrecks, earthquakes, and celebrity deaths.....the more ugly and bizarre, the better.

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Tawana Brawly anybody? Huh? Yeah, some of us have pretty good memories that still work. The made-up story of white police officers spewing human waste on an innocent black girl (her name is Tawana Brawly) .....yeah look it up, and you'll find out it was AL SHARPTON himself leading the way with trumped up bogus charges against the police. It was all a lie, and the innocent officers were cleared of any wrong-doings. Anybody who is willing to honor any of the words this clown spits out from his lying mouth should really do some research and find out who the real Al Sharpton really is.

NOTE: My apologies if this offends, (keep in mind we all share a love for the Skins!) but I cannot sit back and allow such a bad guy like Sharpton spew his hate, and then have others defend his lying words.

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So would if feel better to those who hate Sharpton or Jesse if someone else said what he said? Just because Sharpton said it, doesn't make it any less true. In fact Jamie Foxx talked about how MJ's legacy is being potrayed in some sections of the media.

I mean let's be real: when Elvis Presley died, was he remembered as an overweight, drug-abusing racist who dated a 14 year-old, or was he eulogized as The King of Rock and Roll? When Woody Allen dies, do you think the media will focus on the controversy behind him marrying his own stepdaughter, or his films and how great they some of them were?

MJ's musical accomplishments FAR outweigh the false allegations of child molestation. I mean it is not even close. This man changed the face of music, MTV, music videos, etc.

Why would people try to tear down a man who constantly used his power, money, and influence to help others? Why would people express such disgust and contempt for a man who constantly sang of love and peace, and used his talent to entertain, uplift, and inspire millions?

As MJ said: I guess it's Human Nature.

I am just gonna let the man's music live on.

I don't know where people get this Elvis was a racist garbage.I could give you 10 to 15 examples that would prove otherwise.I have already listed several illustrations in a different thread.Really people should have a clue before they go spouting off on a subject.No one that knows anything about Elvis remembers him as a racist.Are you making that statement based on what Chuck D, who never even met Elvis said? Who is really the racist there?Elvis dated this 15 year old under her family's supervision and later married her.Yes, Elvis was aknown perscription drug user as Michael obviously was.Why try to tear down Elvis' legacy to promote your favorite?There is room for both very talentent performer's legend.Why would you tear down a man you obviously know nothing about?Elvis also inspired millions,entertained,uplifted,and opened doors that Michael would have not walked through if it wasn't for him and other musical pioneers of the 50's and 60's.

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Are you serious? I mean are you people serious? You really think Al Sharpton has that kind of power. Do you think Al Sharpton is the reason racism exist in this couontry? Do you even understand the word. Hold on let me explain. A racist has the oppurtunity to influene, whether it's enterprise, commerce, social adgendas, etc. They have the ability to intiate policies that effect people as a hold, and use prejudice ideals without merit. Who is Al Sharpton hiring? What bank does he control? When have you ever felt Al Sharpton infleunce effecting your everyday life? You tune him out, you can turn down the volume. I still have to face the fact that more african american men are in prison than college, and a country that feels their intiatives had nothing to do with it. I mean come on. Al Sharpton did this? It's Al's fault?

He's not the reason it exist but he propogates it.You don't need to be in a position of authority to be a racist.Your definition of a racist is a partial one.Anyone can be a racist.Anyone who spews hate charged race related rhetoric is a racist.Those same banks you talk about aren't lending money to white people either.When Sharpton throws the race card out constantly he is helping no one.The part about facing the fact that there are more blacks in jail than college,where are you going with that?

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Al Sharpton is the greatest scam artist this country has ever produced, and Jess Jackson is the Greatest extortionist. Let's give these two the credit they deserve.

There are none better at what they do.

Actually I think boxings Don King holds both of those titles. "God Bless America".

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And the catholic church used to serve black people communion only after every white person was served, but black people didn't get an apology for that...so your point is what?

We can go back and forth all day with who didn't apologize to who fast enough. :silly:

I get your point, but I'm sure you can come up with a better analogy than that. Some people not getting fairly treated at communion doesn't really compare to being falsely accused of a felony with 24/7 coverage on national television. I agree with you, but your comparison is weak. Al makes me sad. :(

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Al is absolutely right. Absolutley. The NY post calls Michael Jackson: Jacko. They called him that since his indictment in 2005. They haven't acknolwegde his talent, but the controversy. And that brings me to another point...."what controversy"? MJ was acquitted of child abuse. If he wanted to bleach his skin, or get a few nose jobs so be it. He was never caught cheating on his wife, doing illegal drugs, or killing anybody. He was just a guy that had emence talent, sold the most records ever, turned his fame into a cause, and was ostosized for it. He was a flawed man, saw flaws where most saw perfection. Hell that is what Virgos do. But the media has highlighted those differences. Yes he was different, he was a bona fide genious. He was able to take what we knew, change it, and blend it with a sense of magic. He was one man, with one mic, and he tried to change the world.

The media has not given that stance justice. They have not given this man's life justice. He sold 109 million copies of Thriller, and yet he talked about the man in the mirror, healing the world, and showed us how to shake your booty down to the ground. He is one of a kind, and because of the media, we know are beginning to appreciate his talents.

Al is mad. I am mad. I feel cheated. The media demonized MJ. He was singing "We are the World", and the media was talking about him sleeping in an oxygen tank, or getting nose jobs. He was seen as strange way before he was seen as a benefit. This world needs magic. We need some one that can see through all the rumors of war, failing economies, and betrayal. We need some one that is a beckon in all this darkness. I mean come one, this man had millions, and yet had a social conscience way before the controversy. He was different, and the media crucified him for it.

Pills, test tube babies, nose jobs, child molestation........what happened to the millions used to feed the hungry, the charities, and inviting dyng kids to Neverland. The media doesn't speak about that. The two kids that accused him were dying of cancer. I can't even look at a needle, and this guy invites them to his house for them to experience a moment of heaven while going through hell.

Al Sharpton gets attention. He says what is need to be said. He says what so many are scared to say. He is the lightening rod. Do I agree with every stance he takes, no, but he does take a stand. He is not getting paid for this. This is his cause. He has put himself on the front line, and lets us understand not to be complacent. We has some much to do socially to realize our destiny as a country. He is a man that stands for change and challenges the constituency to recognize the darkness hovering over this country. He is not a racist. Just because he speaks about a situation, doesn't mean that situation wouldn't exist without his words. You guys are chumps if you think he causes the trouble he speaks about. He isn't a beckon like MJ, but he is a beckon none the less. If you feel he mirrors the darkness, so be. Atleast you have a chance to take a look at it, and make a change.

Wow. Some rant.
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I get your point, but I'm sure you can come up with a better analogy than that. Some people not getting fairly treated at communion doesn't really compare to being falsely accused of a felony with 24/7 coverage on national television. I agree with you, but your comparison is weak. Al makes me sad. :(

HOH, my point was to the guy who responded about Al not apologizing to the Duke lacrosse players. Basically Al isn't the first or last person not to apologize about wrong doings. That was all.

I just think that people are missing the message because they don't like the past actions of the person delivering the message. In this case, unlike previous situations with Al Sharpton, he is being PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE. Basically trying to let people know that MJ's legacy shouldn't be about how wierd he was, but what he did to break down barriers. But some people can't see that message because they are too busy complaining about what Al's "sins" are.

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In regards to the rant, it may seem over the top, but let's face it, MJ was weird. The guy lived a strange life in a strange way secluded in a place called "Neverland" for pete's sake.

Curiosity is natural, especially about a star of that magnitude. He's going to sell a lot of magazines.

It's not like he just had a few quirks that got blown out of proportion, and it's not like he suffered through things others didn't. It may seem like it because he had SO MANY strange habits.

Elvis was on all the tabloids too, fat drugged out Elvis.. people forget that he was an after-thought before he went to Vegas. His career was practically dead. Once he got there he turned into a bit of a clown, what with his jumpsuits and karate moves onstage. And the tabloids made fun of it all. Comedians picked on him, joked about being fat and over the hill. And once he died, we heard ALL about EVERYTHING.

As with Elvis it won't be any different for MJ. He'll be immortalized for both the good and the bad, fans will buy his records forever. And some of them will probably see him pumping gas down at the local Texaco, or hiding behind some sunglasses at a Waffle House, and the tabloids will pick that up, too.

In fact, it's already begun.

This video appeared yesterday on ABC news, Yahoo, etc, and shows the first of the loonies.. these people claim to see Michael Jackson's face in a tree stump.

It's a gol'dang miracle, tell you what.


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I'm actually impressed with it. Concise and well written!!! Kudos!
Really? Numerous spelling and diction errors, factual inaccuracies such as MJ selling the most records (The Beatles and Elvis sold more) and the poster doesn’t know what the controversy around MJ is? To each his own I guess.
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I'm still boggled by the notion that somehow Al Sharpton keeps racism alive.there are so many examples of this free of his sphere of influence its not worthy of discussion.

Al's a racist. You choose to excuse it. And because you and the thousands like you excuse Al's racism, it remains alive.

You approve of this racist, you enable this racist, in fact you applaud this racist, and now you somehow can't figure out how permitting Al's racism isn't keeping it alive?

That's unbelievably ignorant.

Are you racist yourself? Is this something you should examine in yourself? Is any of this even going to raise a question within you?

I very much doubt it. I think you're too ignorant to even consider any perspective other than your own.

I would ask you if you could ever get behind any messages David Duke ever preached, regardless of what he said, based on what you KNOW he is.

I very much doubt you could, nor should you.

I can't understand why you don't get why I can't do it for the racist Al Sharpton. For someone so conscious of racial problems, it would seem to be fairly obvious.

But I believe you only see problems as a one way street, and as a result you're part of the problem yourself.


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Al's a racist. You choose to excuse it. And because you and the thousands like you excuse Al's racism, it remains alive.

You approve of this racist, you enable this racist, in fact you applaud this racist, and now you somehow can't figure out how permitting Al's racism isn't keeping it alive?

That's unbelievably ignorant.

Are you racist yourself? Is this something you should examine in yourself? Is any of this even going to raise a question within you?

I very much doubt it. I think you're too ignorant to even consider any perspective other than your own.

I would ask you if you could ever get behind any messages David Duke ever preached, regardless of what he said, based on what you KNOW he is.

I very much doubt you could, nor should you.

I can't understand why you don't get why I can't do it for the racist Al Sharpton. For someone so conscious of racial problems, it would seem to be fairly obvious.

But I believe you only see problems as a one way street, and as a result you're part of the problem yourself.


Very well put. I agree wholeheartedly. Along with what you said a few posts earlier "....then we need a new messenger...". To reiterate, if what he's saying now has to be said as some kind of uncomfortable truth, then somebody ELSE needs to be saying it, not this douche bag. With all the crap he pulled in the past, he doesn't get a pat on the back and a beer for one 'well delivered, on point speech'. F him.

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I'm still boggled by the notion that somehow Al Sharpton keeps racism alive.there are so many examples of this free of his sphere of influence its not worthy of discussion.

I don't think Sharpton keeps racism alive, but I do think he taps in to the prejudices in certain segments of the population and in doing so makes a ****load of money. Like any good Reverend, of course.

Still, is there really a need to start a thread for every dumb thing he says?

Maybe there could be an ongoing thread, like "Sharptonwatch," for all the angry white people to vent.

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