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Al Sharpton, AT IT AGAIN!


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Go check out your hero and the Tawana Brawley lie, the barricade and incitement for the people to take up arms against the police over a bald faced LIE, the Crown Heights riot he instigated with his racism, Freddie's Fashion Mart riot he instigated with his racism in 1995.

Go learn about your boy and then get back to me on who sounds like a fool for following this fat Pied Piper as he uses your people and your struggles to further himself.

Ask yourself why he's even there. Elvis and Sinatra have not been treated so nicely since they died.

Sharpton makes it sound as if Elvis and Sinatra were just lauded as Gods with no foul words ever passed their way.

As usual, he's lying through his teeth.

I don't hate his message. I can't stand HIM. He's a lying charlatan, a fanner of flames. He is not about harmony, he's a bigot who is about perpetuating disharmony. Without it, he might have to get a real job.

There's much better messengers with much better methods.


Bang - Thank you; Al Sharpton is exactly what you said and I bold highlighted your statement; only you used "nicer words" then I would ever use.

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lmao i was gonna post in the MJ tribute thread that all the obama haters now have a finger to point!

it was michael jackson that got the ball rolling on his presidency!!!!

MJ was the **** but jesus magic johnson saying he made him a better basketball player made me crack up

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Wow Al, way to bring race and politics into the memorial service. Can he seriously not avoid thoes topics for more than a minute to pay tribute to MJ?

Like SSM said, I too am not a big fan of Sharpton, but he gave a very good speech. I think some of you guys need to stop assuming everything the man says is racially motivated.

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Anyways, its a dying bread.

bread or breed??:silly:

I love Al Sharpton. Tells it like it is and makes folks nervous.scares the system and calls their bluff.

Well done Al.

Calls what bluff? Scared of what? I am absolutely not scared of him, nor do I think most are scarred. Most are offended- he is divisive- I would have much more respect if he stopped playing victim, and started to actually do something to bring people together. Problem resolution- that is what we need not more ****ing and complaining.

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I love Al Sharpton. Tells it like it is and makes folks nervous.scares the system and calls their bluff.

Well done Al.


No. No matter what it is, Al Sharpton tells us it's racist. Because Al Sharpton loves racism. He feeds it, caresses it and whispers sweet nothings in its ear. Al Sharpton secretly goes to sleep at night hoping there is some stupid, drunk, white kid somewhere in America saying or doing something stupid and racist so he can fly there the next day and get his face back on TV and denounce the sins of America.

And if there isn't some stupid, white kid doing something stupid, then he can always just take something completely mundane and trump it up as a racist outrage. Because in a world without racism, Al Sharpton would be unemployed.

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No. No matter what it is, Al Sharpton tells us it's racist. Because Al Sharpton loves racism. He feeds it, caresses it and whispers sweet nothings in its ear. Al Sharpton secretly goes to sleep at night hoping there is some stupid, drunk, white kid somewhere in America saying or doing something stupid and racist so he can fly there the next day and get his face back on TV and denounce the sins of America.

And if there isn't some stupid, white kid doing something stupid, then he can always just take something completely mundane and trump it up as a racist outrage.

Sharpton, Jackson, etc all have a vested interest in keeping racism alive. It's their paycheck!

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I love Al Sharpton. Tells it like it is and makes folks nervous.scares the system and calls their bluff.

Well done Al.


Attitudes like this are why crooked skeeves like Marion Barry always have a ride home from jail.


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LOL- no ****- and he wouldn't even have black kids. Doesnt' that bother anyone in the black community? That he turned himself white and had white kids with a white woman? Where's Sharptons outrage on that?

What kinda assanine statement is that??? The black community has more things to worry about than what color his kids are...it doesn't bother me that he had white kids...just like it doesn't bother me that angelie jolie and madonna adopt African kids. Those are kids no matter what his race was. Get the hell outta here with that bull:pooh:

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I am not a very big fan of Sharpton but I thought his speech at the memorial was very good.

I bet half of the people blasting Al didn't see what he said. He talked about MJ breaking down barriers, and all that is being done is blasting Al. Not for what he said, but what he has said that is not related to MJ.

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I bet half of the people blasting Al didn't see what he said. He talked about MJ breaking down barriers, and all that is being done is blasting Al. Not for what he said, but what he has said that is not related to MJ.

And then there's the half of us who have been around for Al's entire time in the spotlight, and have long since understood what he is.

If you've heard what Al has said in the past, how he's defined his racism, how he's incited violence, how he's used lies and cheap stunts to line his own pockets, if you cared about what he's proven himself to be, then you'd see why those of us blasting don't care what he has to say today. IMO the fact he's there is an affront to decent people everywhere.

Liars and racists should not be given the credence Al is afforded. May as well give respect to David Duke.


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If you've heard what Al has said in the past, how he's defined his racism, how he's incited violence, how he's used lies and cheap stunts to line his own pockets, if you cared about what he's proven himself to be, then you'd see why those of us blasting don't care what he has to say today.

Liars and racists should not be given the spotlight.


But see that's the thing...it ain't about Al...it is about MJ.

And I don't fool with Al Sharpton at all...but I can look past the messenger, and understand the message.

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But see that's the thing...it ain't about Al...it is about MJ.

And I don't fool with Al Sharpton at all...but I can look past the messenger, and understand the message.

Look back a few posts where I wrote that I don't have any problem with the message, I have a problem with him.

It's hard to ignore the messenger when he's such a scumbag prancing around in the guise of a decent human being.

There's better messengers.


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