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USA Today: Tim Hasselbeck tees off on former teammate Plaxico Burress


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Tim Hasselbeck tees off on former teammate Plaxico Burress

Tim Hasselbeck didn't throw many passes in his six-year NFL career -- actually, all 177 came with the Redskins in 2003 -- but he threw a few figurative haymakers Plaxico Burress' way today and cautioned any team that may be considering adding the wideout to its roster.

Hasselbeck, now an ESPN NFL analyst, called out Burress today on NFL Live, saying:

"When you're looking at Plaxico Burress, there's no doubt that he can be a dominant receiver at times on Sundays. We've seen it. But with that being said, I played with the guy. I was in the locker room with him for two years. He's a disaster as a teammate. He's a disaster as a guy that you have to coach.

“And what do I mean by that? If you want to wait for a guy to show up to meetings, if you want to have to beg a guy to run full-speed in practice, if you want a guy that would disappear in games because he doesn't get the ball early -- then look, Plaxico Burress is your guy.

“But if you don't want those distractions, and you don't want to deal with the other headaches that come along with Plaxico Burress, then you better stay away from him.”

Hasselbeck, who is the younger brother of Seahawks QB Matt Hasselbeck, was Burress' teammate on the New York Giants in 2005 and 2006. Tim Hasselbeck backed up Eli Manning and saw brief action in two games in 2005 but didn't attempt a pass.

Burress has been charged with criminal possession of a weapon after accidentally shooting himself in the leg at a New York nightclub last November. Yesterday, Burress' case was adjourned until September.

Burress' lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, says several teams have expressed interest in his client, who was released by the Giants in April and is free to sign with any team.

Burress has not yet been disciplined by the NFL and may not be until the case is resolved, and that could take a while if it goes in front of a jury.

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I think he'd look great with a star on his helmet.


Not that it will change their opinion, but all those that argue talent outweighs character should read the above, "straight from the horses mouth" piece.

Enjoy Sing Sing Plax man, or whichever NY state facility has the pleasure of your dumbass company the next 2 or 3 years.


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I think he'd look great with a star on his helmet.

Yeah? How'd he look with the NY on his helmet?

Dominant? Lke a Super Bowl hero? Like a guy who made Eli look competent?

He looked like Carlos Rogers' owner whenever we played him.

How about we wish to see him in a Chiefs helmet.


Not that it will change their opinion, but all those that argue talent outweighs character should read the above, "straight from the horses mouth" piece.

Yeah, who needs that Super Bowl he won for the Giants with that TD catch at the end of that game against the unbeaten Patriots? I'm sure they'd much rather have a citizenship award than that. Good Conduct is so much better than championships!

Super Bowl. Game winning catch. Character or not, when it came time to put up he gave every Giants fan what we'd LOVE to have.


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Yeah? How'd he look with the NY on his helmet?

Dominant? Lke a Super Bowl hero? Like a guy who made Eli look competent?

He looked like Carlos Rogers' owner whenever we played him.


How'd TO turn out for the pukes?

I'd take my chances with another locker room cancer on their team.

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Am I the only one who imagines TR1 with some sort of spidey sense that causes him to wake abruptly thinking, "Someone just posted something negative about an NFC team"? I do.
I know he has it for Cowboys threads, but not sure how strong it is for the Eagles and Cowboys. The sense is strong in that one though.
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How'd TO turn out for the pukes?

I'd take my chances with another locker room cancer on their team.

TO wasnt as bad as some of his offensive players made him out to be. He turned Romo sits to pee into a Pro Bowl Qb. Didnt someone post a stat that was he was responsible for about 40% of the teams offense. It amazed me how Romo sits to pee and Witten wanted the guy off the team and now that he is gone they think the offense is going to be so much better.

You dont get rid of your best offensive player and get better that is just retarded. Compared to how TO mouthed off in Philly I think he was far better in Dallas. He had his moments but while still a Cowboy he didnt throw Romo sits to pee under the buss.

To comment on the thread topic I would take Plax on the skins in a heart beat but it would only be an incentive laden contract and the moment he ****ed up he would be gone. He has shown he has issues of putting in 100% all the time.

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How'd TO turn out for the pukes?

I'd take my chances with another locker room cancer on their team.

There is a HUGE difference.

Plaxico and the Giants WON the Super Bowl, and he was instrumental in making it happen. He made his QB better.

The goal was attained, and now that he's gone the big question in NY is "how will Eli deal with not having Plaxico?" It's led to doubt of the Giants, who won the SB 2 years ago and had 3 RBs with a 5 YPC avg last year. They won the division again last year and people doubt them now because Plax isn't there. No one is saying they will be better without the horrible cancer that is Plaxico like they're saying about the Cowboys and TO. (incorrectly)

"What will Romo sits to pee do without TO?" is what should be asked.

The Cowboys and their fans tell themselves they're better off without him, but I bet deep down they know better.


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Bang, I'm right there with you.

Living in Jersey, I know a lot of Giants fans who weren't (and still aren't) happy that Plaxico isn't on the team anymore.

I still don't know where the locker room cancer stuff came from either. Laying out the "incidents" Plax had last year.

1)- Holdout for a new contract

2)- One game suspension for violating team rules.

3)- Shot himself like an idiot in a nightclub.

None of those three scream bad teammate to me.

I'm quite sure 1 & 2 happen or could happen to everyone in the league. Coughlin made an example out of Burress last year, that's the only reason he was suspended.

As for # 3, whether we'd like to admit it or not, NFL atheletes as a whole, aren't good people. I'm sure more than half of them are all out rolling with guns, etc.

What I do know about Plax, is that he is the reason that the Giants won the Super Bowl that year. I know a ton of credit (and rightfully deserved) goes to the defense & the front four, but they don't make the Super Bowl without Burress (think of 11 for 154 in the NFC Championship game). He played the entire season on an injured ankle, and he put up huge numbers all year long.

The Giants offense ran as well as it did last season because of Burress. You have to double him, which opens up Boss, Toomer, Smith, and most importantly, the running backs. If you don't get Jacobs at the line, he's going for 6 yards a carry. You need that extra guy in the box, but you can't put him there if you have to worry about Plax.

Bottom line, Plax is an idiot, but so are tons of other NFL players. He is not a T.O. He doesn't throw teammates under the bus. I would take him in a second on my team & not give it a second thought.....

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I always felt like the guy was probably the purest "athlete" in the game in terms of what he could do. And it showed at times.

Unfortunately I think his mental state prevented him from being the best to ever strap on cleats... which imo he could have been.

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Way to call it Bang. I'd take Burress. I'm thirsty for a winner and Burress would do for JC what he did for Manning. Imagine the impact on Moss also.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks TR's act is past old.

BTW Zoony. I've always thought the same about Plax. The only person that can stop Burress is Burress.

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Plaxico Burress always impressed me with his ability. It seems like he made the big catch whenever it was needed.

Certainly, it appears that he still has some maturing to do, but he has demonstrated that he can be a valuable asset to an offense.

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Yes, the rookie caught the pass on his head. It was still Plexico Burress that sealed the deal with a simple grab in the endzone.

When everyone knew it was going to him. I think anyone who knows football knew he was the guy, and that was the pattern. I called it after they converted on Tyree's catch.

I would hate to see him with a star, eagle, or ny on his helmet.

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