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Obama's Cairo Speech


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I came away with quite a bit. Saddened by most of it.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Obama wanted to talk with the muslim world and iron out some issues. Problem is, the peaceful muslims aren't the ones we have issues with. It's the extremist ones who are blowing stuff up that we have issues with.

Well we've killed quite a lot of peaceful muslims both in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just about every month you read about us blowing up a wedding, funeral, or village and collateral casualties as we try to get at Al Quada.

Likewise it didn't help our case with moderate Muslims when Bush called for a "crusade" early after 911. Fact is we did need to reassure moderate Muslims what our goals were.

I will also note that for Obama's speach seats were reserved not only for Egyption politicians but also for the representitives of her banned political parties like the Moslem Brotherhood. They're the guys who murdered President Sadat in egypt 20 years ago and by many accounts are radical anti western anti Israel folks.

Obama was talking not only remotely to the radicals, he made sure he was speaking directly to them too.

Therefore, talking to the peaceful ones, while great, doesn't do a dam thing with regard to the violent ones. Does he think he can change their minds about us?? I ask a quesiton I already know the answer to.....yes he does. Stupid stupid man!!

I agree talk is cheap. Obama is a very gifted oritator. He will have to follow up this speech with real action. That doesn't mean the speech was not meaningful, necessary, and productive.

This is where Obama thinks he can sit down with the mean ones and explain to them how good americans really are and that we don't mean them any harm and show them how nice we are and maybe they will realize it and stop bombing us and others.:doh:

Fact is extremists can be grown. Moderates can be persuaded into extremism, just like it can go the other way around. Talk followed by concrete acts can diminish the extremists over time. After all that's how the extremists became so powerful too.

His talk about isreal and palestine was misguided. Yes the people want a homeland but thier leaders do not. Palestine (leadership) doesn't want land, they want isreal gone. There is proof of this, suffice it to say that had it been about land, this confilict would have been over long time ago.

There isn't a monolithic voice on either side of the Israili / Palastinian troubles. Certainly land for peace has long been the basis of a peaceful compromise. So far however its the specifics of how much land which has derailed the situation.

What I find so sad about all this, is that He's weak and pathetic. He goes to other countries and just can't help himself from bad mouthing america. Yeah he talked about good thigns, but he also said some things that weren't so good.

I particularly liked how he took a jab a bush and his forcing democracy comment, saying that each country has thier own culture and traditions and we cannot force our ideals on you, than procceeds to talk about womens rights.

I though it was brilliant. If you want them to acknowledge their bad acts you first have to admit to your own. And we've had a few. Just brilliant.

Telling a race of people who don't allow womens rights to allow womens rights.

And that's different from forcing democracy on them how......?

Cause it's two totally different things. One which involves invasion, hundreds of thousands of deaths, and generally makes a mess of the entire region. The other is a suggestiong for letting girls go to school in order to better serve their societies.

while some of the speech was noble, the rest was liberal drivel wanting to appease the crowd. It's almost like the world is the "IN" crowd in high school and Obama is making his rounds trying to convince them why he and america should be let in.

Yep that's exactly how it is. That's how it's been for 60 years since the end of WWII and throughout the cold war. America appeals to other cultures and actively promotes itself. This has always been one of our assets.

Why would you suggest it's somehow "drivel" to seek common ground from people who you wish to coexist peacefully with. Or is that not your goal?

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Obama's speech have been so much more kick ass if there was a huge flyover of US military planes at the end.

Fun things to do while giving a speech to the muslim world:

have a great big red button for him to keep his finger on for the length of the speech.

sort of like an easy button. But rather "middle east y/n?" written on it. :silly:

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Fun things to do while giving a speech to the muslim world:

have a great big red button for him to keep his finger on for the length of the speech.

sort of like an easy button. But rather "middle east y/n?" written on it. :silly:

Before he came on stage he had a 'warm up act' of hot female dancers wearing just stars and stripes body paint.

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So what did they write for him to read of the teleprompter this time? :shot:

Oh wait... I get it! Teleprompter joke!!!! Haw haw haw!

That one also got howls of laughter at the Tea Party I went to. It's so damn clever, gets me every time. Ah ha haha!! Teleprompter...

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its sad but true. he does read too much from a teleprompter.

Yes, it's the same old recycled garbage. And he needs to fix his spelling if he is posting from a teleprompter.

Wait, were you talking about Obama or the clown poster? ;)

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Oh wait... I get it! Teleprompter joke!!!! Haw haw haw!

That one also got howls of laughter at the Tea Party I went to. It's so damn clever, gets me every time. Ah ha haha!! Teleprompter...

Oh wait... I get it! Tea Party joke!!!! Haw haw haw!

That one also got howls of laughter at the MSNBC event I went to. It's so damn clever, gets me every time. Ah ha haha!! Tea Party...


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wait, wait wait....

at least Obama's teleprompter didn't have white out on the screen like George Bush's did! Haw haw haw haw haw- you know, 'cause Bush is dumb and all. And he doesn't realize that white out is for PAPER, not a teleprompter. And... umm.... well, ****.


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Oh wait... I get it! Tea Party joke!!!! Haw haw haw!

That one also got howls of laughter at the MSNBC event I went to. It's so damn clever, gets me every time. Ah ha haha!! Tea Party...


That was pretty funny, actually. :cheers:

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There is a difference between telling a large segment of people to go F themselves and kissing their ass to the point you are sporting a thin mustache after the speech. It started yesterday with the "The US is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world" idiocy and peaked with the speech today.

Obama went to Cairo and did what he does best, schmoose. This shouldn't be a surprise.

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