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Obama's Cairo Speech


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Now if he would practice what he just preached, we'll be better off. Wish he hadnt used his power to nationalize more businesses that any other POTUS in history.

not only a political science phd but an economic phd as well.

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I thought it was a good speach. I read the spin on Al Jazeera and it seemed to be received very well in the Muslim world.

I'm certain though that a speech like this, seen as "reaching out" to Muslims after 7 years of war with Muslim countries, will be looked at as a sign of weakness by many radicals. They are animals and they think like animals- they won't be able to help it.

So don't be surprised when the speech is used as propoganda by radicals as proof that they're winning and breaking the will of the Americans.

Just my cynical take.


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not sure I understand.

are you somehow saying that he hasnt increased federal power?

Corporations leveraging themselves into nothingness and 8 years of nonexistent regulation increased federal power, not Barack Obama.

edit: also, federal power? Really? They want to get out of business as quick as possible. If you don't think that, then you are completely uninformed. This problem was a long time coming, only an idiot would blame a 6 month President.

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3 out of the 5 Nobel Peace Prize winners, or something like that, were Muslim's.

I hope this speech is the Genesis of the next evolutionary step in the human race: use common goals and interest to promote and accelerate technology for an automated, resource-based society.

Great speech, but now let's see some action.

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Its about time the US and specifically the oval office recognized the daily humiliations being forced on Palestinian people by Israeli occupation. I mean, most Americans have no idea what peaceful Palestinians are put through on a daily basis. Of course, its not really their fault, because the news only reports bus-bombings in Israel by Hamas, not "Joe Palestine took 4 hours to get home, because he had to go through 3 check points in the blistering heat between his house and the local market."

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Then they'll look at body count numbers and realize that they aren't winning at all.

That means we really WON in Vietnam right?:cool2:

just for clarity

When the enemy has much greater numbers,they can afford high body counts.

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i thought it was good was well. I was suprised how he came down a little tough on Israel.

And what has BHO ever said or done that would lead you to believe that he was a friend of Israel? No surprise there especially given the people he was speaking to.

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and what has bho ever said or done that would lead you to believe that he was a friend of israel? No surprise there especially given the people he was speaking to.


The % of Jewish voters Obama won. I guess some people thought he might be a friend to Israel.

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I listened to it on the way in to work. I'm fairly critical of Obama, but all in all it was a good speech. Some points he missed on. Like the idea of getting rid of all nuclear weapons. Or the fact that america doesn't impose democracy on other countries.

I thought Obama did state the broad goal of ridding the world of nuclear weapons, and tied it into stopping the nuclear arms race in the ME...

As for not imposing democracy on other countries. I don't think you can say we don't do that. That was certainly the cornerstone of the Bush Foreign policy in the ME and one of the justifications for the Iraq war. Remember the statement "democracies don't attack other democracies"?...

the fact that it wasn't a well thought out, or intelligent policy doesn't mean it wasn't our policy.

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And what has BHO ever said or done that would lead you to believe that he was a friend of Israel? No surprise there especially given the people he was speaking to.

I agree i believe we should be tougher towards Israel. I think he is the first president to ever mention Palestine.

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That means we really WON in Vietnam right?:cool2:

just for clarity

When the enemy has much greater numbers,they can afford high body counts.

That was sarcasm...as I assume this -----^ is. :silly:

And what has BHO ever said or done that would lead you to believe that he was a friend of Israel? No surprise there especially given the people he was speaking to.

Your signature is:

A) Un-American

B) Cowardly

C) Could potentially get you on lots of fun government lists that you might not want to be on (although I doubt any CIA employees are on ES but you never know ;))

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And what has BHO ever said or done that would lead you to believe that he was a friend of Israel? No surprise there especially given the people he was speaking to.

Maybe the fact that Obama said in the speach that the American's strong relationship with Israeli was one based on mutual culture, history, and common interests and that would never change.

How exactly was he hard on Israel?

Saying the illegal settllements had to stop? That's been US policy for more than 40 years. No American administration has ever recognized or agreed to Israel's settling of her occupied territories. It's one reason our Embassy in Israel is still in the pre 67 capital of TeleViv and not in Jerusalem.

Calling for a two state solution? Again Clinton and Bush both held that position.

Not giving Israel an advanced copy of the speech? Hell I didn't get an advanced copy either and I'm a US citizen. We shouldn't need or want Israel's rubber stamp on American foreign policy. It shouldn't offend Israel for America to have it's own opinions about the world we all live in.

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Your signature is:

A) Un-American

B) Cowardly

C) Could potentially get you on lots of fun government lists that you might not want to be on (although I doubt any CIA employees are on ES but you never know ;))

He's had comments on it before, including from the staff.

In the meantime, he's banned indefinitely for trolling. D90, if you care enough you can send an email to staff @ extremeskins.com. Of course, if you cared about being here, you wouldn't have the sig to begin with.


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I came away with quite a bit. Saddened by most of it.

Obama wanted to talk with the muslim world and iron out some issues. Problem is, the peaceful muslims aren't the ones we have issues with. It's the extremist ones who are blowing stuff up that we have issues with.

Therefore, talking to the peaceful ones, while great, doesn't do a dam thing with regard to the violent ones. Does he think he can change their minds about us?? I ask a quesiton I already know the answer to.....yes he does. Stupid stupid man!!

This is where Obama thinks he can sit down with the mean ones and explain to them how good americans really are and that we don't mean them any harm and show them how nice we are and maybe they will realize it and stop bombing us and others.:doh:

I noticed alot of pandering, but that's expected and rather pathetic.

His talk about isreal and palestine was misguided. Yes the people want a homeland but thier leaders do not. Palestine (leadership) doesn't want land, they want isreal gone. There is proof of this, suffice it to say that had it been about land, this confilict would have been over long time ago.

What I find so sad about all this, is that He's weak and pathetic. He goes to other countries and just can't help himself from bad mouthing america. Yeah he talked about good thigns, but he also said some things that weren't so good.

I particularly liked how he took a jab a bush and his forcing democracy comment, saying that each country has thier own culture and traditions and we cannot force our ideals on you, than procceeds to talk about womens rights.

Telling a race of people who don't allow womens rights to allow womens rights.

And that's different from forcing democracy on them how......?

I noticed he didn't point out how much the united states have helped out the muslim world through our soliders shed blood.

while some of the speech was noble, the rest was liberal drivel wanting to appease the crowd. It's almost like the world is the "IN" crowd in high school and Obama is making his rounds trying to convince them why he and america should be let in.

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I thought Obama's speech was brilliant. He was smart, engaged, aware and respectful. I also thought he was persuasive, and accurately represented our ambitions in the region. Demonstrating leadership.

Every time the guy opens his mouth I like him more and more.. It's wonderful when you hear your leader speak and both trust him, and am persuaded by him.

It was a historic speech. Reaching out to our enemies and frends; expressing our values in a non confrontational manor.

If I had a complaint on the speech it's that it wasn't specific. It didn't demonstrate grit or implementation. Obama stated as much in his overview. His goals are very ambitious, maybe too ambitious; but I like that. We should be ambitious.

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I came away with quite a bit. Saddened by most of it.

Obama wanted to talk with the muslim world and iron out some issues. Problem is, the peaceful muslims aren't the ones we have issues with. It's the extremist ones who are blowing stuff up that we have issues with.

Therefore, talking to the peaceful ones, while great, doesn't do a dam thing with regard to the violent ones. Does he think he can change their minds about us?? I ask a quesiton I already know the answer to.....yes he does. Stupid stupid man!!

This is where Obama thinks he can sit down with the mean ones and explain to them how good americans really are and that we don't mean them any harm and show them how nice we are and maybe they will realize it and stop bombing us and others.:doh:

To be frank you dont make any sense. Wasnt it the conservative who said they would never sit down and talk to "mean terrorists"? I think he chose the right audience, the audience most effective to recieve the message he wanted and I think the United States in general want to send. Our acts in the region havent done much in the way to help our image and have fostered anti-American sentiment even amongst the "peaceful" ones. By targeted the "peaceful" ones, he is showing that we do indeed care for the average Muslim, for the ones who are killed daily in suicide bombings and we sympathize with them and we really do have the same struggles. The peaceful ones far outnumber the the bad ones and if you can slowly turn their heads and make them realize that we arent that bad and one sided then I think the peaceful Muslims will start to ignore the extremists and thus greatly diminish their influence and power. It's the smart way to go about it, not go in there and say "and to you extremists we will drive you out of your homes and caves until there are none of you left!" What does that do for 99.9% of your audience who have nothing to do with it? Nothing

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It's wonderful when you hear your leader speak and both trust him, and am persuaded by him.

His goals are very ambitious, maybe too ambitious; but I like that. We should be ambitious.

I agree with both of these points. I admire his ambitiousness and hope that it translates into a better America by the end of his term.

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That's the one thing that is sticking with me and I can't understand. How he described Muslims and all of their great contributions in our country and the wars they've fought in alongside of Americans. Also, there was a mention to Nobel Peace Prizes.

Does he have a clue that the real unsung heroes are the Jews? All the **** they've gone through and they've always pulled through. Also, 23% of individual Nobel Peace Prizes have gone to the Jews, yet they only make up about .25% of the world's population. THAT is contribution....

it's because of a little thing called context. i trust you were around for the previous administration's demonization of Islam? i trust you are aware that the conventional wisdom over there is that America is at war with the Muslim world, and firmly in cahoots with Israel? Obama is making a special effort to dispell those perceptions. it is a necessary step if any progress is ever to be made.

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Therefore, talking to the peaceful ones, while great, doesn't do a dam thing with regard to the violent ones.

Dude. It was speech. For people who are willing to listen. Hence the focus on talking.

There are extremists who won't be listening. They get a message delivered by Special Ops and others in the Armed Forces, covert action and drones.

When the Special Forces in Afghanistan and the drones flying in Pakistan are dropping copies of his speech rather than ordinance, you'd have a point.

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it's because of a little thing called context. i trust you were around for the previous administration's demonization of Islam? i trust you are aware that the conventional wisdom over there is that America is at war with the Muslim world, and firmly in cahoots with Israel? Obama is making a special effort to dispell those perceptions. it is a necessary step if any progress is ever to be made.

To be 1000% honest, under Bush I was 14-22. I didn't really have any clue what was going on, nor did I care. In the past year or so I've begun to care and have done my best to pay attention and follow things. Forgive me if I'm ignorant at times :)

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