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Self defense or Murder? - UPDATED VIDEO LINK


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Trust me - Before you comment, Look at the video on the link....

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- A pharmacist who shot a would-be robber six times was charged with first-degree murder Wednesday, and the prosecutor said only the first shot was justified.

A security video shows two men bursting into the pharmacy May 19 and one of them, 16-year-old Antwun Parker, is shot. Pharmacist Jerome Ersland then is seen chasing the second man outside before he walks past Parker to get a second gun, returns to Parker and opens fire.

District Attorney David Prater said Ersland was justified in shooting Parker once in the head, but went too far when he shot Parker five more times while Parker lay unconscious on the floor.

"It is alleged that Parker was unarmed, lying on his back, unconscious but alive, when he was shot in the abdomen by Ersland," Prater said.

Ersland's attorney, Irven Box, said Ersland was protecting himself and two women inside the Reliable Discount Pharmacy. Box said he thinks a jury will exonerate Ersland.

"I think he did something in his eyes that protected both himself and two ladies in there," the attorney said. "He put an end to the threat."

An affidavit written by Detective David Jacobson said Ersland's account doesn't match the video or the evidence collected at the scene.

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Sorry, but I have no compassion for criminals. Give the worker a medal. One less piece of **** off the street.

*I am not saying the worker was right to come back and finish the guy, but I can't justify charging him with murder and locking him up.

Did you watch the video? While you may have no compassion for the kid that was shot - You can't just let the worker go can you? He executed him.

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I agree that shooting him once was self defense and justifiable. But shooting him 5 more times is uncalled for. After the first shot he should've just called the police and let them take care of it. I have no problem with the store owner going to jail in this case.

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Did you watch the video? While you may have no compassion for the kid that was shot - You can't just let the worker go can you? He executed him.

I've watched it a few times on news sites and again there. In my opinion when you take part in a criminal activity that threatens the life of another you just forfeited your rights. Sorry, but that **** is inexcusable.

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I've watched it a few times on news sites and again there. In my opinion when you take part in a criminal activity that threatens the life of another you just forfeited your rights. Sorry, but that **** is inexcusable.

That's not your call. That's a jury's call.

You don't get to kill someone just because you think they deserve it.

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I've watched it a few times on news sites and again there. In my opinion when you take part in a criminal activity that threatens the life of another you just forfeited your rights. Sorry, but that **** is inexcusable.

So lets say he didn't shot him and the cops came.

Would you support the death penalty for armed robbery? Even where no one was shot or killed?

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That's not your call. That's a jury's call.

You don't get to kill someone just because you think they deserve it.

QFT. Vigilante justice=bad.
So lets say he didn't shot him and the cops came.

Would you support the death penalty for armed robbery? Even where no one was shot or killed?

Good question...
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1. I'd like to congratulate him on a damn fine shot: Some cops should be so lucky.

2. If i'm allowed to shoot you in the head, i'm allowed to kill you. that's the point of a gun. its not a shoot to wound weapon.

They came into his pharmacy with intent to kill: gun was drawn and pointed.

At that point they have discarded their right to life.

(I'm pro life, but i'm pro defense of your own life also)

I'd give him manslaughter at most.

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1. I'd like to congratulate him on a damn fine shot: Some cops should be so lucky.

2. If i'm allowed to shoot you in the head, i'm allowed to kill you. That's the point of a gun. Its not a shoot to wound weapon.

They came into his pharmacy with intent to kill: Gun was drawn and pointed.

At that point they have discarded their right to life.

(i'm pro life, but i'm pro defense of your own life also)

shooting an unconscious person is not self-defense!!!!!!!!
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1. I'd like to congratulate him on a damn fine shot: Some cops should be so lucky.

2. If i'm allowed to shoot you in the head, i'm allowed to kill you. that's the point of a gun. its not a shoot to wound weapon.

They came into his pharmacy with intent to kill: gun was drawn and pointed.

At that point they have discarded their right to life.

(I'm pro life, but i'm pro defense of your own life also)

I'd give him manslaughter at most.

What an extremist ;)

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If he had pulled the trigger 6 times in succession, even if the guy went down with the first one, he gets off clean because it's heat of the moment.

That video is straight up murder. The situation and the threat was over, and the guy appeared to be calm and collected as he finished the job.

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meh, I don't see anything wrong with it. He shot dude in the head, would've been a tax burden, he made sure that tax money was not wasted.

Did you watch it? I don't think anyone has objected to him shooting the guy in the head...

But leaving the store, comming back, walking past him, getting a second gun (What was up with that BTW?) and then going back to shot him 5 times?

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If he had pulled the trigger 6 times in succession, even if the guy went down with the first one, he gets off clean because it's heat of the moment.

That video is straight up murder. The situation and the threat was over, and the guy appeared to be calm and collected as he finished the job.

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If he had pulled the trigger 6 times in succession, even if the guy went down with the first one, he gets off clean because it's heat of the moment.

That video is straight up murder. The situation and the threat was over, and the guy appeared to be calm and collected as he finished the job.

From a strictly legal standpoint, does it make a difference if the deceased was dead from the first shot?

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I saw the video. I believe it is murder, (technically).

While I don't agree that the owner did the right thing, by putting 5 more shots into the guy, I don't have any sympathy for the dead POS.

If you're going to commit a crime with a gun, you had damn well be ready to pay the consequences.

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Would you support the death penalty for armed robbery? Even where no one was shot or killed?

I would. I think our justice system should be a lot harsher than it is. But that's just my opinion on this particular question.

As for the video, can't see it at work.

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