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Thank you Obama for ****ING cigar smokers and retailers


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How do you figure? No one has to pay it if they don't want to. :D

I am talking about MJ's asinine proposal to raise the taxes on the top 20 percent of American households, also known as the "upper class" in MJ's world

You know, those households with the teacher and firefighter duel income

And it really could fund those shiny new spots in ISB, which indirectly will help my family of contractors in ISB :)

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The problem is there is no way in hell taxes on the upper class is going to pay for the biggest government spending plan in US history along with the creation of the largest entitlement program and expansion of the federal government in US history (healthcare).

Oh. Glad you put those parenthesis in there. Until then, I thought you were talking about Bush.

In fact, I still think you are.

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That's correct. Otherwise we're just passing those costs onto people who can't afford them, like rdskinbill's buddy. Although somehow his customers can afford luxuries like cigars and cigs, nobody ever accused poor folks of being financially intelligent. edit: not saying they are all poor but if they are, they shouldn't be buying that stuff in the first place.

And small business is defined by the North American Industrial Classification codes.


Many "small businesses" do more than $115 million in total revenue and have over 600 employees. Those are the types of small businesses Republicans help. This is also why we are coming out with a new designation: very small business.

True Mom and pop stores do much better under Democrats.

Thanks for explaining the liberal bait and switch so well...

How many jobs do those from "very small businesses" create jobs higher that minimum wage? Also, who is going to buy more expensive items from a mom and pop store when people's incomes are reduced due to increases in taxes?

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Wait. I thought conservatives preferred consumption taxes and sin taxes over income and corporate taxes, because people had the freedom to choose whether or not to incur them. Was I mistaken in that? :whoknows:

(They prefer consumption taxes on things that poor people consume.) :)

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What Larry? What do poor people consume? Crack? Cocaine? 40's? Small girls?

Honestly, you really amaze me with some of the **** that you post.

(Wondering if maybe holding up a mirror to the first paragraph would work.)

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this quote sums up the reality of this made up outrage

"This has been a long, tough fight for all of us, and considering we are still being hit with a tax increase on cigars, our industry feels the proposed 40-cent maximum (cap) is sustainable and certainly better than the original proposals."

it's just an increase of 35.124 cents per cigar since the old cap was 4.875 cents per cigar

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What is the current tax on cigs?

-Cigarettes: $1 per pack (up from 39 cents)

-Small cigars: $50 per 1,000 (up from $1.80)

-Snuff: $1.51 per pound (up from 58.5 cents)

-Pipe tobacco: $2.831 per pound (up from $1. 097)

-Chewing tobacco: 50.3 cents per pound (up from 19.5 cents)

-Roll-your-own tobacco: $24.78 per pound (up from $1. 097)

-Cigarette wrappers: 1.2 cents per 50 (up from 1.2 cents)

-Cigarette tubes: 12.4 cents per 50 (up from 6.3 cents)

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I am talking about MJ's asinine proposal to raise the taxes on the top 20 percent of American households, also known as the "upper class" in MJ's world

You know, those households with the teacher and firefighter duel income

And it really could fund those shiny new spots in ISB, which indirectly will help my family of contractors in ISB :)

OK then, why don't you answer the question: Who's taxes would you raise to pay for the $6 trillion in debt incurred by the Republicans you voted for and the policies you advocated for years on this message board?

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Luxuries like Cigars? I have hung out with Mike at his place and have enjoyed a cigar with Penn Dot workers that sling pavement all day. They come there to enjoy a GOOD cigar. If you don't like them, too friggin bad. But do me a favor, don't generalize people that enjoy a good cigar as fat cats that light them with hundred dollar bills

Actually, if anything, I generalized smokers as poor.

And I agree with you, taxes should be progressive.

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Thanks for explaining the liberal bait and switch so well...

How many jobs do those from "very small businesses" create jobs higher that minimum wage? Also, who is going to buy more expensive items from a mom and pop store when people's incomes are reduced due to increases in taxes?

Taxes for those very small businesses are lower under Democrats than under your Republicans. You don't have an argument.

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OK then, why don't you answer the question: How do you propose to pay for the $6 trillion in debt incurred by the Republicans you voted for?

It isn't hard

A) Stop digging. The 1.8 trillion dollar deficit that this President and Congress have this year doesn't help

If you are in debt, you stop friggin digging. Right now, all we have is a goal of cutting the deficit in half in 4 years. That means we go from 1.8T to 900 billion in 2013! Woo-hoo.

Next I wouldn't build this

Next, I'd scrap any talk of increasing the public role in health care and well owning American companies

That whole Afghan/Pakistan/Iraq war thing. Well how about the President declare victory in Iraq and actually do as Senator Obama said, out of Iraq in 16 months. And how 'bout we not try this "surge" in Afghanistan

Oh yea, this President has spoken of entitlement reform. Lets see it brother.

And of course, lets raise them taxes on the top .5 percent, starting first with those fat cats who make 20 million dollars a film in Hollywood. I am sure the liberal actors will have no problem in paying higher taxes (shockingly, in these high debt times, I got no problem in taking some of Warren Buffet's and George Clooney's money to pay down what we will OWE the Chinese)

First things first, stop freakin digging.

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