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Prank Help


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So I have a story and Need help.

So a couple months ago I silly stringed my friends car.

Last night he responded.

He took my keys when I had put them down somewhere, and filled my car with shredded paper. As of right this second its still filled as I haven't been able to fill it. I want to try and get him again in August before we leave for college. So any Ideas would Help. [Obv. I do not want to Damage is car in anyway. Its all in fun, and no damage should be a result from it. Or can cause from a resolt of it.]

Also, if you would like, you can share some funny pranks you have pulled on people or people have pulled on you.

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Well there's always the putting an ad up on Craigslist with his number...funny when you do it to some one, not funny when it's done to you :mad:

I went to my buddy's house last year when no one was home and put all of his boxers in pot of cold water then stuck it in the freezer...thought that was pretty funny.

And one night when my friend was working I took her keys and moved her car to the back lot so she couldn't find it when she got off...

Don't know how big of a prank you want to pull...you could always Saran Wrap his car :D

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If he leaves his windows or sunroof open, then get a few stink bombs (the ones in glass vials) and break them inside of his car.

Put some Vaseline under his windshield wiper blades

or get a dead fish and pull off one of his kickpanels or rear panels, and put it in there.

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Forgot to give you my ALL TIME FAVORITE.

Cake some dog **** under his door handles - THE best laugh you will ever get if you see it. The inital "Oooh, what's this", followed by what everyone does when they get something unidentifiable on their hands, "The sniff test", followed by pure disgust.

I did that to a few stuck up chix in High School, and too this day laugh my ass off about it.

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Running a jumper wire from the horn to the AC or brake light switch is fun...if a bit technical.

A wad of roofing cement on one of the tires is good for a laugh too

Till they pay ya back;)

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Forgot to give you my ALL TIME FAVORITE.

Cake some dog **** under his door handles - THE best laugh you will ever get if you see it. The inital "Oooh, what's this", followed by what everyone does when they get something unidentifiable on their hands, "The sniff test", followed by pure disgust.

I did that to a few stuck up chix in High School, and too this day laugh my ass off about it.

This sounds like something you'd do to an enemy, not a friend. Its a good friend of his, bro. I don't think this would go over too well. At least it wouldn't with me.

FWIW, I wouldn't even do this one to someone I didn't like. Just not a very cool thing to do.

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Here is a picture I took once I saw what he did before I cleaned most of it out. There is still a lot in my back seat I cleared out the front so I could go out tonight.

HA, that is hilarious, you definatly need to get him back, but I think you need to leave the box of "revenge must come in the form of doing something to his car", anything should be fair game, as long as it doesn't go too far.

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You just keep it simple.It's fun to watch.:D

Get his key.

1.Move all the mirrors.

2.Move seat all the way up front.

3.If he has electric seat.Move it to some dumb place.

4.Steer wheel all the way up or down.

5.If emergency brake is on take it off if not put it on as hard as you can.

6.Open glove box.Just let it hang open.Same with center console.

7.Put the kind of music he hates on the radio.Or if he has a cd player go buy the song that he hates.Burn that song on to a cd maybe 10 times and place into player.Turn the volume all the up.Take the keys out.

8.Turn signal on.

9.Wind shield wipers on.

10.Take his car mats and put in trunk.

11.Fill the trunk with any random things you can find.A blow up doll would be nice.Beer bottles.Etc.

12.Take the battery - lead off.

Sit back and enjoy.:hysterical:

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You just keep it simple.It's fun to watch.:D

Get his key.

7.Put the kind of music he hates on the radio.Or if he has a cd player go buy the song that he hates.Burn that song on to a cd maybe 10 times and place into player.Turn the volume all the up.Take the keys out.

12.Take the battery - lead off.

Don't do those at the same time though...

Err... wait... that would work... it's late... I need sleep...

Change all of his presets in his radio...

But the key to pranking is: Do a prank that is easily figured out... So that he thinks that he's got off easy, but the real prank has yet to be discovered... That would involve something in his trunk... You could always hide in his trunk, and if he's got a car with fold down back seats, sneak into his car while he's stopped at a stoplight or something and scare the living crap out of him... (Don't do this while he's driving)

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This sounds like something you'd do to an enemy, not a friend. Its a good friend of his, bro. I don't think this would go over too well. At least it wouldn't with me.

FWIW, I wouldn't even do this one to someone I didn't like. Just not a very cool thing to do.

Maybe not very cool, but definitely funny as ****

OK, on a lighter note:

Get some "Gay Pride" and "Rainbow" or "Family Truck" stickers and put them on his car where he may not notice them.

Get some MaxiPads and a bottle of ketchup. Put aforementioned MaxiPads on his LOWER rear bumper (they have an adhesive backing), apply aforementioned ketchup to pad.

I did both of these to a friend of mine - he noticed the gay pride stickers, but not the maxipad for about 4 days. HILARIOUS

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