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Picky Woman with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome complains about dating


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It seems to be me that she has a disconnect between her actual value on the dating scene and self image she has of herself. I think the problem is that she has a beautiful face which is a highly desired trait for a woman. Due to this she beliefs that she deserves a man of high status. She seems to be sub conciously in denial that her disease is a serious flaw in terms of mate selection and that an alpha male would not choose to be with her. She is unwilling to settle for a guy that would accept her and thus sets her self up for a series of romantic disappointments. This is effect is made much worse by the fact that she uses her pretty face to kind of ensare a potential 'good' guy which envitably leads to that guy with much better genetic options to predictable ditch her. What do you guys think about this article?

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Agree with the OP. I mean, I have sympathy and compassion for someone with a condition like that and I feel bad for them. But because she's pretty doesn't discount a strange defect like that.

She'd be better off from a dating perspective missing an arm or being 100 lbs heavier or having a bad burn on her back or being in a wheelchair. Same goes for a man. Though he can make up for it by being famous or incredibly rich.

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i didn't get a sense that she was overwhelmingly stuck up or picky from reading that. It just seems to me like she's had a hard time coping with her disease all these years, and that because of that, she's been more prone to shy away from giving guys too much of an oppurtunity.

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How can you have sympathy for her? she never even gets to a point with a guy where she has too reveal herself, she gets too scared. Now she is in this cycle of first dates for fear of getting rejected, yet hardly lets a guy get close enough to her to where she can feel comfortable telling him.

Her problem has nothing to do with her disease, it's how she approaches dating. "Tell me you're happy to be out with someone smart and attractive and see if I call you again." WTF???? so what you want a guy to tell you are a fat ugly wench? I though that was your problem in high school, that led to these unhealthy self image issues.

How can you possibly expect to find your soul mate when you don't even get the chance to know them? any # of dates don't count as getting to know someone, since most people only give you the perfect picture of themselves on dates and rarely reveal their flaws.

To tell you the truth, a woman who only goes on first, second or third dates to me kinda sounds like a whore-not a sexual one per say, but a whore who doesn't mind having drinks or meals payed for by her dates and then ditches them so she can start all over again with a new guy.

You got dealt a bad hand with your disease, but don't fold it before the game starts, it just might win.

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i didn't get a sense that she was overwhelmingly stuck up or picky from reading that. It just seems to me like she's had a hard time coping with her disease all these years, and that because of that, she's been more prone to shy away from giving guys too much of an oppurtunity.

Just turn the lights off!Right?:D

I agree with you.I think she needs to go see a shrink.

We all have problems!I'll show you mine at the picnic.:D

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Everyone has issues. Hers are tough ones, admittedly. However, we have to be up front about them, rather than hide them and then spring them on people out of the blue and get pissed when they react accordingly. Blind dating after providing people with misleading information is not ever going to be successful for her.

If I ever dated her, I would run far away, not because of the medical issue, but because of the way she deals with it and with me.

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Everyone has issues. Hers are tough ones, admittedly. However, we have to be up front about them, rather than hide them and then spring them on people out of the blue and get pissed when they react accordingly. Blind dating after proving people with misleading information is not ever going to be successful for her.

If I ever dated her, I would run far away, not because of the medical issue, but because of the way she deals with it and with me.

That's what I said.:movefast:

She'll be always like "Are you looking at my left or right leg?".

I'll be like "Ok my right foot is 1/2 inch bigger than my left.Is that ok?

She "It's ok.Ok ask me anything."

And I'll be like "well is your" .....................nevermind!:D

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I have a question would you guys date a girl with K-T? I think from a theorethical question most normal guys would say no. That's why I think that she hides it to get the guys interested to see where it goes. I think that everybody does this. No one is forth coming about their most embrassing traits to potential gf/bfs. Because you much more likey to accept a major flaw if you get to know a person.

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I gotta agree with Predicto on this. A dating service is probably not the best way to go for her. She can be as picky as she wants. We all should be. But starting off in a situation where the person you are out with only knows a few trivial things about you is the wrong approach. If you want people to see you and like you for who you really are, warts and all, you need to get out there for real and meet people. Join some clubs, do some activities where you can meet new people and make new friends. And don't be shy about yourself.

If you need someone to see past the superficial don't go the superficial route. That's her problem, not her condition.

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These guys aren't running away from her because of a physical deformity, they're running away from her because she drinks PBR. Would you date a woman who did that?

Is her one leg bigger than the other?:silly:

And are all her toes ok?:silly:

I used to drink PBR in my young days it was cheap and still is.:)

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basically what people here are objecting to is that this woman is soooo "new york"

(she seems like she wants to pull herself straight out of "sex in the city", although I have only seen that show once)

she is high maintenance Manhattan... it is what it is, no?

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You know -- I read this a couple of times, and looked up some of the images on Google -- they're pretty intense.

From her perspective: If a guy is only commenting on her body, how is he every going to accept her deformity? Obviously, she's rejecting before she gets hurt. It must be very, very difficult for her.

(If any women are touched by this honest show of chivalry and sensitivity, PM me!)

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basically what people here are objecting to is that this woman is soooo "new york"

(she seems like she wants to pull herself straight out of "sex in the city", although I have only seen that show once)

she is high maintenance Manhattan... it is what it is, no?

This is interesting. Maybe the reason that she is like that is because she is an environment that fosters such attitudes. As well, as people with such attitudes gravtitate towards Manhattan. So in the social structure of a place like that, it would really suck to be her because they are probably less understanding to some place that is more down to earth. She is like the unpopular ugly low noble's daughter of 18th century Versailles.

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