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It's not easy being a Washington fan sometimes


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Man was last night ever deflating. I got out of class around 8:00 p.m., take a metro ride, rush to my car and flip the radio on to learn that the Penguins are winning 4-0. As I'm pulling out of my parking spot, they make it 5-0. Sure, the Caps scored a few goals later in the game, but it was basically checkmate at that point.

Life as a Washington fan is tough. There are few memories of success in my 29 years:

Redskins. I was 8 when they won the Super Bowl in '87, steamrolling the Broncos. I have a few memories of this game, but thety mostly deal with my older sister feeling crushed (she was from Colorado) when the Broncos lost more than any happiness I felt at a Skins victory. And yet oddly, I remember this game more than 1991, when I was 11. I played a ton of sports but watched very little on T.V. I remember reading about the Skins being undefeated midway through the season, and looking good, but little else. Since I became a more self-aware Skins fan...well, it just hasn't been that pretty since the mid-90's.

Nationals. I'm going in preference order here, and baseball is my second favorite of the "Big 4." This one is a gigantic kick in the nuts. Baseball is the game closest to my heart, I played it for 17 years and love all the nuances of the game. And yet, I never had a team. I could never bring myself to root for the Orioles, so I really just followed players, specifically pitchers since that's what I was. We finally got a team, and had that magical first year, but since then, it's been downhill. I realize this team is a few years away from being a contender; I don't expect a lot right now. It's just tough dealing with the fact that I didn't have my own team for the first 24-25 years of my life.

Caps. Well, we all saw how last night turned out. I've always been a casual caps fan, and the last few years have admittedly piqued my interest as they're finally competitive. I still remember 1998, and I still hate Esa Tikkanen. I remember wondring why Rod Langway was the only player not wearing a helmet when I was younger. But other than 1998, and a few other years, all I really remember is bad teams, or losing to the Penguins in the playoffs. I'm glad more people are discovering hockey, going to a game live was what finally got me fo become a full-blown fan, before that I couldn't watch the game on T.V. This team is built to win and gives Washington its best chance of a championship in the near future, but man does last night sting.

Wizards. Basketball is #4 for me, but I still enjoy the Wizards, last seasons cluster**** not withstanding. I suppose hitting the lottery would help, but in general, this team feels like it's treading water. They won the NBA championship the year I was born, and there hasn't been much in the way of success since. They've had a run of playoff appearances recently, but have rarely made it out of the 1st round. Basketball has not contributed a hell of a lot of positive memories in my life, though I admit watching big Gheorghe lumbering around always made me smile.

DC United. I can't watch soccer. Love playing it, can't stand watching it. I'm glad they've won a few, but I never felt like I could really get up and celebrate since I'm not a big fan as I am with the other 4. When they stop faking injuries to get cards on the other team, going down like someone has shot them, etc., call me. Until then, DC United winning is like Penn State winning the NIT last year, great for a day or two and then out of my mind.

Mystics. I'll get the chauvinism out of the way early, I have a hard time watching women's basketball. In fact, I won't unless the tickets are free. This team has "attendance championship" banners hanging in Verizon Center. Enough said.

Freedom R.I.P. Women's soccer is enjoyable, but they can't ever seem to create a sustainable league.

Excluding soccer, it's been what, 18 years since this city has had a championship? That's a hell of a drought. I'll soldier on, I was born here and Washington teams are in my blood. It would sure be nice to have all the sweating, nail-biting, T.V. screaming and so forth eventually lead to one of the Washington teams hoisting a big trophy at the end.

I await that day.

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Well, Maryland Women's Basketball has had some bright spots. :)

(and I'm not necessarily being sarcastic - I enjoyed watching Toliver and Coleman the past four years)

Doesn't do it for me, I not a big fan of Maryland in general. I rooted for the 2001 team, but mostly because I thought Gary Williams deserved it and I liked the story of Juan Dixon, not out of any real love for the school.

Also, I won $50 off an Indiana fan.

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Somebody said it on here (not sure who, but they get the credit):

"Being a Redskins fan prepares you for life".

I'm 22. The last time the Redskins won the Super Bowl I had no clue :wtf: was going on. The last time my Blackhawks won a Stanley Cup my dad was new to this world. At least there is always next year (or this year still for me!) :)

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I was 5 when the Skins won their last Super Bowl. I barely remember much about it other than I was at my grandparents watching it because it was my grandfather's birthday. I'm also an O's fan, I've never seen them win a World Series, although I did see them make back-to-back ALCSs in 96 and 97, but that seems so long ago now. I don't really have a favorite NBA team, like you were with baseball, I just have a few favorite players that I follow and thats about it. I recently started getting back into hockey again and was really hoping the Caps could move on last night. If it wasn't for UNC basketball, I wouldn't know what winning a championship felt like as a fan.

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Somebody said it on here (not sure who, but they get the credit):

"Being a Redskins fan prepares you for life".

I'm 22. The last time the Redskins won the Super Bowl I had no clue :wtf: was going on. The last time my Blackhawks won a Stanley Cup my dad was new to this world. At least there is always next year (or this year still for me!) :)

Out of curiosity, how does one become a Redskins fan and a Chicago Blackhawks fan? Not confrontational, I ask this because I suscribe to the idea that you're born to your city from a pro sports standpoint. Thus, I'm a Washington fan in all sports. I've never understood how someone could have teams in different cities unless they had a family member playing for the team or in the front office.

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I've never seen any Redskins Super Bowls. Although I was around in the late 80's and the early 90's, I was practically unaware of sports until 9th grade in 2000. So there's a lot of memories I skipped out on.

The best Redskins memory I have is probably that run to make the Playoffs in the second year of Joe Gibbs' return. Beating the Eagles, then the Bucs to make the second round. 2nd one is the Miracle in Dallas, and the 3rd is the blocked FG returned by Sean to set up that field goal. That was one of the craziest endings I've ever seen to a game.

Caps memories are this year, finally getting past the first round.

Nats memories are their first year where they did surprisingly well before faltering down the stretch. O's have had few positive memories.

The best Wizards memories I have are beating Chicago in the 1st round. Also Jordan coming back again with the Wizards, even though he was 40 years old he was still kicking butt and putting up 40 points in game lol. Jordan actually had the most 40+ point games for a 40 year old, that's amazing.

Hopefully there will be better memories in the future for all DC sports teams.

PS : I once knew someone from another forum who claimed to have been from Chicago yet was a Red Wings fan. How does that happen? I am a strong believer in the "fandom from your birth city" view, and am a strong supporter of all DC area teams because I've been born and raised in this area. Except United, United can **** off ;)

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Out of curiosity, how does one become a Redskins fan and a Chicago Blackhawks fan? Not confrontational, I ask this because I suscribe to the idea that you're born to your city from a pro sports standpoint. Thus, I'm a Washington fan in all sports. I've never understood how someone could have teams in different cities unless they had a family member playing for the team or in the front office.

I'm very offended :box:


Here's my story:

My grandparents emigrated from Italy in the 50s to D.C. My grandpa became a fan of the Redskins when he moved there and raised his kids in the same fashion. I was born a few months after my dad was transferred down here (South Florida). Being good parents, I was raised to be a fanatical Redskin fan. The only other sport my dad was into was baseball and he was a fan of the game (at the time) and had been a Senators fan. Concerning hockey, he wasn't too interested and I wasn't raised rooting for any particular team.

When I was 7-8 I had been on a field trip with my summer camp to Galaxy skateway (we went a few times a week). While there I saw a beautiful girl in her teens with a Blackhawks jersey. Being raised a crazy Redskins fan, that symbol was a very prideful one to me and I loved it. The Blackhawks indian head, being similar, had me instantly hooked. A few years later I got a Tony Amonte jersey which I still wear today, over 10 years later.

Does that help? :)

*Also, when I'm watching any sport I naturally pull for DC teams (outside the Blackhawks).

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When I was 7-8 I had been on a field trip with my summer camp to Galaxy skateway (we went a few times a week). While there I saw a beautiful girl in her teens with a Blackhawks jersey. Being raised a crazy Redskins fan, that symbol was a very prideful one to me and I loved it. The Blackhawks indian head, being similar, had me instantly hooked. A few years later I got a Tony Amonte jersey which I still wear today, over 10 years later.

Does that help? :)

No, you should switch to the Caps.;)

Although I have to admit, I didn't really notice the logo similarities...that's a new way of associating two teams together.

Very well then, I'll support the Blackhawks for the rest of the playoffs.

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No, you should switch to the Caps.;)

Although I have to admit, I didn't really notice the logo similarities...that's a new way of associating two teams together.

Very well then, I'll support the Blackhawks for the rest of the playoffs.

I actually have a personalized Caps jersey with my last name on it that I got for my 21st birthday from family. It's an old school one.

I guess when I was younger that was how I associated things. The Blackhawks welcome you :cheers:

Actually, let me go take a pic of that Caps jersey.

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I guess when I was younger that was how I associated things. The Blackhawks welcome you :cheers:

Actually, let me go take a pic of that Caps jersey.

Very well, but it's a short welcome. As soon as the playoffs are over, the Blackhawks are dead to me again. That needs to be made clear.;)

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Women's pro football may be the thing for you.

The DC Divas have had a couple of unbeaten seasons and national titles. Haven't really kept track of them since 2007 when I did my feature on them though, but they may be your salvation. Being a DC sports fan is rough even the Terps and Georgetown have been more down than up in recent years.

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Very well, but it's a short welcome. As soon as the playoffs are over, the Blackhawks are dead to me again. That needs to be made clear.;)

I don't know....people get hooked when watching Blackhawks hockey, especially with the kids now ;)

Here's the jersey:


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I'm from Rochester, NY...

I'm a Redskin and National fan.

For hockey (I don't follow it close enough to have just one favorite team, and I know it's blasphemy) I'm a Buffalo Sabres/Washington Capitals fan.

I'm also a Boston Celtics fan for basketball.

Just the way it was. These were the teams I've always liked, or grown to like and cheer for.

As you can see... 3 of those 5 teams are from Washington... One is local and one is a team that for some reason my father liked that grew on me.

I absolutely despise the Wizards, despite my love for all other Washington sports.

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The Hockey insiders have expected us not to go beyond this point and predict that we will be a juggernaut in 2 years thanks to the prospects coming up from Hershey in the near future.

I was able to see every Redskins Victory though I was either on a ship or in South Beach when we beat down Denver.

Georgetown Basketball changed my view and approach to playing ball right after they lost to the Tarheels and continued their NCAA tournament run.

I've always viewed women's basketball Mystics aka the Mistakes like Futurama's planet Amazonia episode (duh,we can not dunk buts its good fun dah mentals) with a long loud laugh.

Baseball I'm happy we have a team but really wish we had the people who actually busted their tail to make this a reality, owning the team. When baby birds hear, Lerner Lerner, they mistake it for "cheap cheap" and run to the source.

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I guess people my age are lucky. We saw and remember vividly the Skins of the 80's. We were in high school/college. We saw the Orioles win. We saw the Bullets win. I still have fond memories of going to Bullets games sporting my Elvin Hayes jersey, Orioles at Memorials stadium in the $3 bleachers, RFK when the stadium would visibly rock, Caps games when people would stomp on the metal bleachers and make an awful racket.

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I guess people my age are lucky. We saw and remember vividly the Skins of the 80's. We were in high school/college. We saw the Orioles win. We saw the Bullets win. I still have fond memories of going to Bullets games sporting my Elvin Hayes jersey, Orioles at Memorials stadium in the $3 bleachers, RFK when the stadium would visibly rock, Caps games when people would stomp on the metal bleachers and make an awful racket.

Dear GrapeApe,




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I guess people my age are lucky. We saw and remember vividly the Skins of the 80's. We were in high school/college. We saw the Orioles win. We saw the Bullets win. I still have fond memories of going to Bullets games sporting my Elvin Hayes jersey, Orioles at Memorials stadium in the $3 bleachers, RFK when the stadium would visibly rock, Caps games when people would stomp on the metal bleachers and make an awful racket.


I remember those days so well.

Still never liked the Bullets though.

O's, Cap's, and Redskins will always be my teams though.

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At least you are still loyal to your teams. That is what counts.

The people who drive me crazy are the fense-walkers, those whom start cheering for another team just because they are winning.

Keep the faith, don't be a fense-walker.

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