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Is the PS3 worth the money?


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Dont forget the built in WiFi, if thats important. Does Xbox still charge you $100 for the adapter? I think PS3 gives you more for your money, but if you are a hardcore gamer perhaps xbox is your best route. Of course Sports games are pretty cross-platform

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Dont forget the built in WiFi, if thats important. Does Xbox still charge you $100 for the adapter? I think PS3 gives you more for your money, but if you are a hardcore gamer perhaps xbox is your best route. Of course Sports games are pretty cross-platform

the adapter is still like 75/80 bucks I think. I agree that for the money PS3 offers more, with no yearly subscription fee. Graphics blow the doors off of Xbox 360 as well.

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What about NHL 09 anyone have some experience with it

Dude yes, dopest hockey game ever imo. Get the PS3, get NHL 09, then give me your PSN ID and i'll play you online.

anyone else play NHL 09 online?? if so, what's your PSN ID?

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I have all four systems, 360, PS3 and Wii, and PC.

Overall experience: Build you a gaming PC. It will cost you a ton of money (I am up to about $4000 on mine right now, $1600 in video cards alone) But the graphics, the games, etc are so much better than any console. Plus you can do anything on them. :D Plus mouse and Keyboard>>>>>>>>>controller in FPS. COD4, Crysis (beautiful game), MMO's, etc

Console Gaming: 360 hands down. Exlusive titles are much better, controls feel better, online play is better. Everything is just better about your gaming experience. You can even play certain games with PC users, which expands your online game play experience. It sounds like money is an issue so unless you feel like spending $30 on Blu rays. Go with this.

Media: PS3 excells at this. I have a few games on PS3. Like Metal Gear Solid, but I have yet to finish any of them. I use my PS3 daily as a blu ray player. I love it for the Blu Ray alone. If you want blu ray, go with this.

Novelty: The Wii for me is a novelty machine. I use the Wii fit, sometimes if I have company over we play some of the Wii sports games like bowling and stuff. Its fun for families, but if you are a hard core game.....meh. Graphics are not all that great.

Note: For any of these machines to truly shine you need at least a 720p TV. I had my 360 connected to a 4:3 projection screen for a while and while I enjoyed the graphics I didn't know what i was missing. When I got my 720p LCD.....WOW, huge difference. Now I have them all on 1080p.

If cost is an issue, go with the 360. While you have to pay for your online experience $50 a year, it is more than worth it. But seriously, upgrade the TV first.

I bought an Alienware computer, and yeah I love games like Spore and all the Civ games are better on PC and I like the Empire's collection too.

I wish they would make a hybrid controller/mouse . Like a base that sits on your lap with a left handed analog and trigger or a buton on top of the analog stick, and then on the other side of the base is a pad and mouse or track ball. on the mouse pad could be a couple of "soft" digital buttons (digital ''click on") that you could point and click on with the mouse.

I know they have them for PC, but im talking baboutfor a gaming console...

FPS's on consoles would be so much better.

Patent pending...:D

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If you still love some of your ps2 games then get an 80 gig ps3 because it is backwards-compatible. I bought one on ebay a few months ago for $300. Not bad at all in my opinion. Since then, I have become addicted to ncaa football 2009. The ps3 is a marvelous creation. Nothin better than having FREE online access.

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yeah im sorta leainging towards the PS3 any game recommendations?

NCAA FOOTBALL 2009!!! Even though I'm much more of a Skins fan than a fan of my college team, I can't deny that the NCAA games are much better than madden.

Also, the 2K series of NBA games are still really good.

Away from sports I would recommend call of duty 4, burnout paradise, and grand theft auto 4.

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I would pay 1000 bucks for a system if the games werent so expensive. 60 bucks for a game ? Lets talk 20-30 bucks.

If you are going to play a lot of games, go the rental route with Gamefly or Gamerang. We pay about $20 a month and play as many as 50 different games over the course of a year.

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If you are going to play a lot of games, go the rental route with Gamefly or Gamerang. We pay about $20 a month and play as many as 50 different games over the course of a year.

I have spent 60 bucks or so on gaming in the last 5 years. I just outgrew it.

Certainly I am not spending money on something that I wont use though.

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I have all four systems, 360, PS3 and Wii, and PC.

Overall experience: Build you a gaming PC. It will cost you a ton of money (I am up to about $4000 on mine right now, $1600 in video cards alone) But the graphics, the games, etc are so much better than any console. Plus you can do anything on them. :D Plus mouse and Keyboard>>>>>>>>>controller in FPS. COD4, Crysis (beautiful game), MMO's, etc

Now that is some Hardcore gaming right there.

If you are going to play a lot of games, go the rental route with Gamefly or Gamerang. We pay about $20 a month and play as many as 50 different games over the course of a year.

But they take so long to get from CA to DMV. Unless they put some headquarters closer to the area I am not going back to Gamefly.

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thanks for the help but the thing is i really really dont want to have to pay for online and no more BC sucks cuz i hve a bunch of old games for PS2

I was in the same boat as you about 2 moths ago, PS2 went dead, got a quote to fix it for $120 + tax. I have a small flat panel TV (not flat screen, no HDTV-24" bought in 2001), and questioned whether or not to get a PS3 and finally bit the bullet.

Am i ever glad I made that purchase. the PS3 has been great, with the only problem being that the controller that came with it was had a problem (sent it to sony for repair under warranty, waiting to get it back) DVD's look better on the TV than they did with the PS2, and blu ray looks better than DVD's even on my regular TV. (I bought the 3 color component cables- the green, blue & red plus 2 audio- to hook up to the TV)

I do not have a wifi connection, but hook onto any unsecure network I can find. I never thought I would like online play, and I didn't even like first person shooter games until I played Call of Duty 4 online. The online play is great and it is also free. I know nothing about wireless connections and I set up my account and connection in less than 2 minutes, very eady to use.

The browser is nice, but it wont replace internet explorer or firefox, but you can do pretty much everthing a normal browser can and they update the firmware regularly to add new features like copy and paste text. If you want to use the internet browser regularly, I suggest getting a wireless or USB keyboard, since typing with the controller or key pad attachment (sold sep) is a pain in the arse.

as for Backwards compatability, I was concerned with that as well, sicne I wanted to finish Gran Turismo 4 when the ps2 went down, but after getting the PS3, you will not want to play the old ps2 games anymore.

Unless your planning on using the PS3 as a media storage device (i.e lots of movies, photos and music) I would go with the 80GB model. The extra $100 for the 160GB version is not worth the moeny IMO since you only get 80GB of extra storage, and you can buy 100GB external hard drives that connect wia the USB port for around the same price.

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the adapter is still like 75/80 bucks I think. I agree that for the money PS3 offers more, with no yearly subscription fee. Graphics blow the doors off of Xbox 360 as well.

You're doing it wrong. Don't blame Microsoft because you decided to buy their overpriced wireless router when you can get just about any wireless bridge for $20 bucks or less. Yeah I don't like paying for LIVE either but it's got Party Chat an imo a better online experience compared to the other two. Also I've never had to pay full price for it since there's always a sale or two every year to get it for $30.

Oh and for the OP

I'm sorry but it looks like you made your decision already so I can't really figure out why you made this thread. Seriously though both are great systems and you really can't go wrong in your decision. The best thing you can do is buy the one that most of your friends play on, because gaming this gen online gaming seems to be standard.

Have fun with your PS3 and might I suggest you get Killzone 2, MGS4, and Uncharted. If you're going to use the Blu Ray then your TV better have an HDMI slot because while a component cable can get you 1080p for games and Blu Ray movies, it won't let you upscale your DVD movies unless it's through HDMI. Something about copyrights or whatever.

Add me if you want to play some LBP or MGS4. P_Wright just make sure to tell me your from ES.:)

Novelty: The Wii for me is a novelty machine. I use the Wii fit, sometimes if I have company over we play some of the Wii sports games like bowling and stuff. Its fun for families, but if you are a hard core game.....meh. Graphics are not all that great.

Maybe your not looking hard enough.:( There have been some great games that have come out on the Wii lately. Try focusing more on the third party games that have come out and you will find many hardcore games that are exclusive. I'm currently trying to beat HOTD: Overkill, and getting a better score in MadWorld before getting around to buying PunchOut and maybe The Conduit if I can ever find a way to get bored of Left 4 Dead on the 360. Just don't have enough time in the day to beat them all with a full time job.

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I would pay 1000 bucks for a system if the games werent so expensive. 60 bucks for a game ? Lets talk 20-30 bucks.

used games from EB games or game stop FTW. I got Madden (vince young cover-that version of the game suck BTW), NHL08, Call of Duty 4 and Grand Theft Auto IV for less than $100 with a discount card. ($115 or so without).

if you do it like that, you get down to your $25/unit price range.

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I would pay 1000 bucks for a system if the games werent so expensive. 60 bucks for a game ? Lets talk 20-30 bucks.

Hmmm games use to be pretty expensive back then too. I remember my Dad spending $75 bucks on DKC64 for Christmas one time an my mom use to take me to thrift shops to purchase NES an SNES games because she wasn't paying full price for my gaming hobby.

I miss the old PS1 days when you could get games for $40 on average. Just one of the cons thanks to High Definition.

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PS3 is worth every cent. Start with your sports titles, then go to GTA 4 which you've been missing out on (FANTASTIC) and then come into my current addiction - Call Of Duty World At War. I had never played a FPS, let alone online. MP online is F-ING AWESOME. Hope to see you in Dome sometime :D

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yeah im sorta leainging towards the PS3 any game recommendations?

stay away from the Madden with vince young on the cover, I have it and it sucks. wait a few months and buy the last madden (with favre on the cover), where a new or used copy should go for under $20.

If you played any grand theft auto games, then get GTA IV, big game, huge fun, but no planes like in GTA San Andreas (they do have heli's though)

Call of Duty- either #4 Modern Warfare or Worlds at War. I bought #4 on a friends recommendation and liked it even though I usually do not play first person shooter games. The online for COD4 is great and addictive, hard to get started but you'll get the hang of it. It might also be on sale soon since modern warefare2 is almost ready for release.

Worlds at War has a great mini game-Nazi Zombies. There is a thread on just this mini game in the tailgate, do a search and see what has been said, its pretty popular.

Don't get gran Turismo 5 prolouge since it is not a full version of the game. I bought it and returned it the same day, just wait for the full version to come out, which sounds like it will be the end of the year.

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If you still love some of your ps2 games then get an 80 gig ps3 because it is backwards-compatible. I bought one on ebay a few months ago for $300. Not bad at all in my opinion. Since then, I have become addicted to ncaa football 2009. The ps3 is a marvelous creation. Nothin better than having FREE online access.

you must have an older version of the 80GB ones. I bought my new 80Gb in March and there is no BC.

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But they take so long to get from CA to DMV. Unless they put some headquarters closer to the area I am not going back to Gamefly.

Gamerang has a warehouse much closer - NJ I think.

Probably why we picked them over Gamefly.

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I have all four systems, 360, PS3 and Wii, and PC.

Overall experience: Build you a gaming PC. It will cost you a ton of money (I am up to about $4000 on mine right now, $1600 in video cards alone) But the graphics, the games, etc are so much better than any console. Plus you can do anything on them. :D Plus mouse and Keyboard>>>>>>>>>controller in FPS. COD4, Crysis (beautiful game), MMO's, etc

I kinda hate the mouse/keyboard route. It always hurts my hands plus I am stuck sitting in an uncomfortable chair instead of on my couch.

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lol, and why is that?

The term "get at me". That is some straight up DMV slang right there. As of matter of fact, I was thinking about putting that on some personal tags. But now that I said it, somebody is going to steal it :silly:

Gamerang has a warehouse much closer - NJ I think.

Probably why we picked them over Gamefly.

Oh yeah, then it should only take about 2-4 days instead of a week (3 Days to get there, 3 to come back :doh: )

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I hate that I got hooked on Black on PS2.

I had no intentions of ever buying a PS3 until I heard there is going to be a sequel to Black released in December. Black is my crack, gotta have it.

Before anyone mentions that it will likely be on Wii and 360, I have been a Nintendo hater since its inception ( I was an Atari and Sega fan), and 360 just does nothing for me.

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