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Ask a Girl Thread - You Can Post Your Questions Here! (KEEP IT PG-13!)

Special K

What could be the Skins biggest Achilles heel this season?  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. What could be the Skins biggest Achilles heel this season?

    • Decline in production by London Fletcher
    • Decline in production by Portis
    • Lack of contribution by Thomas, Kelly and Davis
    • Suisham kicking staying the same or getting worse
    • Strong Side Linebacker performance
    • Haynesworth pulling a Dana Stubblefield and playing lazy
    • Defense not creating turnovers
    • Cooley not getting into the endzone enough

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Okay, so I found one of my roommates for grad school on craigslist, and she's a girl. I've never lived with a female outside of my sister and mother, so I guess I'm just curious if anybody has any advice about living with a girl that isn't a girlfriend or relative (especially if you're a girl that has lived with a guy, or a guy that has lived with a girl). We won't be sharing a bathroom so the seat down seat up rules may not apply, but I know about not getting involved with your roommate. What else?

We (and when I say we, I mean she) are currently looking for a third roommate and her preference is a male, so there will be two males and one female. She seems like a guy's kind of girl.

I clean up after myself, but my room is my territory and I treat it as such.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Wow, this girl wants two male roommates...from craigslist? Yikes. Not a knock against you at all, I suppose I'm a lot more cautious than that.

Anyway, that's besides the point.

First rule: If you borrow her clothes, ask first, and always return them dry cleaned, damnit :ols:

Okay, for real. First you seriously need to have a talk with her and determine what she expects in a roommate. Then proceed accordingly.

Other issues I've dealt with with people who I've lived with that drove me up the frickin wall:

- Stinky, dirty laundry left around for days. Throw it in the wash.

- Dirty dishes. Rinse them and put them in the dishwasher.

- Candy wrappers, granola wrappers...belong in the trash can

- If you see the trash needs to be taken out, or something needs to be picked up or cleaned, just do it

- If you're going to bring chicks home, at least give it the old college try to be semi-"quiet" ;)

- Don't hog the remote

- Don't play your music too loud

I don't know, these are just typical roommate rules I would expect any roommate to follow, male or female...

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Wow, this girl wants two male roommates...from craigslist? Yikes. Not a knock against you at all, I suppose I'm a lot more cautious than that.

Anyway, that's besides the point.

First rule: If you borrow her clothes, ask first, and always return them dry cleaned, damnit :ols:

Okay, for real. First you seriously need to have a talk with her and determine what she expects in a roommate. Then proceed accordingly.

Other issues I've dealt with with people who I've lived with that drove me up the frickin wall:

- Stinky, dirty laundry left around for days. Throw it in the wash.

- Dirty dishes. Rinse them and put them in the dishwasher.

- Candy wrappers, granola wrappers...belong in the trash can

- If you see the trash needs to be taken out, or something needs to be picked up or cleaned, just do it

- If you're going to bring chicks home, at least give it the old college try to be semi-"quiet" ;)

- Don't hog the remote

- Don't play your music too loud

I don't know, these are just typical roommate rules I would expect any roommate to follow, male or female...

Well said, Special K. I've only had 2 female roommates in this life, and only 1 was cool. We followed the 'kharma rule'...bring Pepsi home.:ols: And communicate. Knowing who's doing what & when, makes it easier.

Had 1 male roommate who was a true charm. He was ex-Marine, I'm ex-Navy. We had no issues. Ever. Remained good friends even after I moved.:point2sky

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Wow, this girl wants two male roommates...from craigslist? Yikes. Not a knock against you at all, I suppose I'm a lot more cautious than that.

Haha yeah pretty much. Out of the 15+ responses I've gotten only one of them has been male, and I swear I didn't put in my listing that girls think I'm a big teddy bear :ols:

I made a remark to somebody about how odd it is there is so much demand for a male roommate where I'm looking, and they said "well having a male roommate may also be a safety/protection thing," to which I laughed. On Craigslist they're searching for safety and protection?

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I made a remark to somebody about how odd it is there is so much demand for a male roommate where I'm looking, and they said "well having a male roommate may also be a safety/protection thing," to which I laughed. On Craigslist they're searching for safety and protection?

That's actually true. I've had girls ask me to be their room mate for that reason. That and guys are "less drama."

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That's actually true. I've had girls ask me to be their room mate for that reason. That and guys are "less drama."

Yeah that was in a few of the listings that contacted me, but a comedian I saw once said the first girls to say they're "not all about that drama" are the ones that are

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I made a remark to somebody about how odd it is there is so much demand for a male roommate where I'm looking, and they said "well having a male roommate may also be a safety/protection thing," to which I laughed. On Craigslist they're searching for safety and protection?
Seriously. What ding dongs.

Personally, I would never live/room with someone I didn't know, or who didn't come extremely highly recommended from trusted friends.

That's actually true. I've had girls ask me to be their room mate for that reason. That and guys are "less drama."

Well, guys are less emotional drama, typically. But daaaaaaang some of you dudes are serious slobs :ols:

Drama vs. Being full-time maid...

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Mom, wife, sister, girlfriend, full-time maid . . . call it what you will . . . six or one-half dozen.


So everyon knows the half plus 7age rule. But i mean how do girls see it? Like someone 24 and 19. or 18 and 22? I always wondered how girls factor age. Im sure it changes based 20s 30s 40s etc

I have not heard of this rule before.

For myself, I don't really have a rule. It's highly unlikely I'd ever date someone younger than me, at least more than a year or two. And I'll probably go up to around 40. That's not a hardset rule though, I don't have any hard rules regarding age.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm more looking for a guy who has his **** together and is at least semi-responsible in life. Among other things :)

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I have not heard of this rule before.

For myself, I don't really have a rule. It's highly unlikely I'd ever date someone younger than me, at least more than a year or two. And I'll probably go up to around 40. That's not a hardset rule though, I don't have any hard rules regarding age.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm more looking for a guy who has his **** together and is at least semi-responsible in life. Among other things :)

I was glad you brought up you were willing to date 10 yrs older cuz i had another question. Where do girls in general stand on dating older guys?

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Ladies, which would you prefer: short and good looking guy or tall and ugly guy.
they are probably going to ask you to specify short and tall. short meaning under 5'3? That's probably a deal breaker for most women

yeah 5'3 is waaaay too short. I am biased, though, because I'm 5'9. So I'd probably rather have a tall not as attractive guy. Usually, the personality of a guy makes them more attractive anyway. Now, if you're talking about someone like Sam Cassel or Terrell Suggs.... personality can only do so much.

My boyfriend right now is about 5'8/5'9. That is probably the shortest I'd deal with. If I was 5'2, I would probably not mind a shorter man.

---------- Post added July-5th-2012 at 10:37 AM ----------

I was glad you brought up you were willing to date 10 yrs older cuz i had another question. Where do girls in general stand on dating older guys?

I don't know about girls in general, but I see nothing wrong with dating older men. I don't know if I'd go up to 40, but then again, I don't really hang out with 40-year olds, so they're not really part of my social scene. There are definitely some attractive 40-year old men out there. It would just depend.

One of my coworkers is 22 and is dating a 36-year old.

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Well, guys are less emotional drama, typically. But daaaaaaang some of you dudes are serious slobs :ols:

Drama vs. Being full-time maid...

Honestly, if you're consistently picking up after your room mate, boy or girl, there's something wrong. It's time for one of those awkward talks...

So everyon knows the half plus 7age rule. But i mean how do girls see it? Like someone 24 and 19. or 18 and 22? I always wondered how girls factor age. Im sure it changes based 20s 30s 40s etc

I think it's interesting how generally men prefer women who are younger than they are, and women prefer men who are older. I've never gone out with an older girl, I prefer girls who are 2 to 5 years younger than I am. That gap will probably widen as I get older though.

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I think it's interesting how generally men prefer women who are younger than they are, and women prefer men who are older. I've never gone out with an older girl, I prefer girls who are 2 to 5 years younger than I am. That gap will probably widen as I get older though.

I am a consistent older woman dater, usually 2-3 years older....not sure why the older ones like me, I dont discriminate.

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I am a consistent older woman dater, usually 2-3 years older....not sure why the older ones like me, I dont discriminate.

It's all good with the older ones right, gotta get your cougar on when need be, lol.

Kinda similar, im 5'10" but i've always attracted and have been attracted to taller women, usually 5'8" and up.

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Not a woman, but here are three rules to keep a female roommate happy, in addition to the general rules about keeping any roomate happy like pay the rent on time and do your dishes...

1) Don't hit on her, or even joke about hitting on her (Duh)

2) clean the bathroom occasionally (for some reason guys just ignore the state of the bathroom. Women don't, so if you ignore it, you in essence are assuming that she's going to clean it eventually - not fair)

3) Don't criticize her dates/boyfriends, not even in fun (when it comes to their relationships, women don't enjoy that kind of ribbing that male roommates do to each other).

I learned 2 of these rules the hard way, back when I was young and stupid. The first was obvious even to me. :silly:

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Ladies, which would you prefer: short and good looking guy or tall and ugly guy.

I don't care at this point in my life. Seriously. My experience with dating and marriage (short and good looking guy, fyi) has made me a hell of a lot smarter in regards to what I'm looking for. Obviously I have to have some kind of physical attraction/chemistry, but being a stable, responsible, family-oriented person is way higher on my list than it was in college or even grad school...I was really, really stupid my first time around :doh:

I was glad you brought up you were willing to date 10 yrs older cuz i had another question. Where do girls in general stand on dating older guys?

I don't know about girls in "general." I will date an older guy, but probably not any older than 10 years my senior.

Honestly, if you're consistently picking up after your room mate, boy or girl, there's something wrong.

Yep. It's called no respect for others. AKA selfishness.

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  • 2 weeks later...
they are probably going to ask you to specify short and tall. short meaning under 5'3? That's probably a deal breaker for most women

I'm 4'10...6'4 is the deal breaker!!!

---------- Post added July-14th-2012 at 11:06 PM ----------

Curious if the ladies get descriptive or not when describing bedroom antics with one another. Basically, do you talk as vulgar as guys?

Gotta be a really good friend...certain characteristics of the male physique may be left out or thrown in, depending on the audience. And certain habits/lack of habits, as well, lol.

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No, that's embarrassing. Some of my girlfriends do though.

I think this is the right answer...almost. It's not that it should be embarassing, just that it's private.

Now past relationships...sure, why not ? Present relationships should be vague. Same as I talk about women of my past.

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