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Per JLC/RI & PFT: Cody Glenn Says He Lied About The Reason For His Suspension(Merged)


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We've officially passed the Bengals... Good thing Al Davis is still alive to make us look better than we are at evaluating talent.

what a ridiculous comment....you don't even know anything about the subject nor does anyone yet you group our whole team on the team that has had felons and thugs all over the place.....sheesh.

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Per JLC/ Redskins Insider

Cody Glenn Says He Lied About The Reason For His Suspension

Updated 7:50 p.m.:

Redskins fifth-round pick Cody Glenn was suspended for three games by Nebraska last season, this much we know.

Over the weekend I had sources with two other NFL teams say that from the information they had on the player, Glenn was suspended for a ticket-scalping incident.

And on Sunday, minutes after the linebacker was drafted by the Skins, we asked Glenn on a conference call why he was suspended. Trust me, it was no huge deal, no big probe, just one direct, open-ended question. And Glenn said that he was suspended for a ticket scandal.

Then, this afternoon an Associated Press story moves on the the wire from Nebraska, where a reporter spoke to Glenn. And Glenn told this reporter that he made up the story about the tickets when he spoke to the Redskins beat reporters on Sunday.

According to the AP story, Glenn said he told us the story about the tickets to get us off his back (although one innocuous questiuon during a conference call hardly constitutes a major inquest; if anything Glenn, who played at running back before switching to LB for his senior season, has made this a bigger issue than anyone ever perceived it to be).

"It's me being dumb, just trying to have people leave me alone," Glenn told the AP when asked today about why he gave the Washington media the story about the tickets. "It's something I said that I probably shouldn't have, looking at it now."

Sources from two NFL teams also said that when they asked Glenn at the scouting combine why he had been suspended, he told them it was for ticket scalping.

"Good luck whenever he gets waived," one NFL source said, noting that the teams Glenn lied to at the draft -- which could number quite a few -- will not be pleased that he misled them.

According to the AP, Nebraska's athletic department said yesterday that it had no knowledge of the player selling any tickets. Glenn refused to tell the AP what the real reason for the suspension was, saying it is a private matter between him and the school. Calls to Glenn's agent, Kevin Robinson, were not immediately returned.

Well, for a kid who earned academic and citizenship honors in college, he's managed to make the first 72 hours of his NFL career way more interesting than they needed to be. He was a reach pick in the fifth round, given his lack of defensive experience and slight frame, and rather than being another unassuming rookie, I'm guessing he's going to get a much bigger dose of the D.C. media when he arrives for minicamp Friday, complete with multiple follow-up questions and all.

Bizarre. Rarely a dull day at Redskins Park, even in the dog days of spring.

Rut roh!!! :doh: Oh to be a fly on the wall when the dynamic duo (Danman and Boy Blunder) heard this... :D

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Not a very good start to find out the person you took lied to you. That is not a good first or second impression. Though it's only a 5th rounder, our later picks carry more weight because of our depth issues. It's not major, unless his suspension was for something more than being mischievous in nature.

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before you start throwing stones, Have you ever lied?, thought so....

LMAO! I'm not throwing stones...point to one statement where I cast a stone. Ha...you can't! Regardless, I think it is news worthy in that it does fall on his character and the initial impression. It can also tell you that he's young and possibly not that mature. All of this doesn't mean he can't play ball. Heck, I hope he plays GREAT and we stole a player in the 5th round. Until that, we only know what is there and right now there is a young man lied and basically is saying that he hasn't taken responsibility for his actions.

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Stupid and not what I want to hear but he's a kid. What young person (or those of you that were young at one point) here hasn't lied about something before?

This definitely isn't how you want to start your career, and I'm curious what he actually did to warrant lieing about it. Even so, these guys might be rich but they're still kids. Living your life under a microscope certainly can't be easy, and I know there are plenty of things I would probably lie about if I had to go under the scrutinty these guys do and I'm a deans list student. I can't imagine the trouble I'd be in if I was big man on campus.

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I'm not really sure how much potential he has, but this isn't the way to start your career. All he had to say was "That was in the past and I want to focus on the future." But instead, he lied about it.

Maybe you didn't read the article?

I want to put this behind me and start clean in Washington and start playing football.
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