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This is the movie staring Will Smith. I watched it last night, but will have to watch it again. It might seem a bit slow, but it's a good movie imo.

Just curious if anyone else has seen it, opinions. I recall it getting a lot of press when it first came out, but never really heard much after that. Will Smith is one of my favorite actors. He can play any role, from comedy to action to this dramatic piece.

Link to the trailer http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi2170028057/

I don't want to say too much for those of you who haven't seen it. It's nearly 2 hrs long, but if you like Will Smith, appreciate good acting and good dramatic movies...two thumbs up. (it's def not a chick flick)

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HN- you gotta stay focused. I left for a minute to make some tea and I was totally lost. Had to rewind.

I'm going to watch it again tonight, I'm sure there is more I will catch.

Yeah I plan making sure our 3 year old is asleep before we start it. If not we'll be interrupted the whole time.

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Okay, I'll be the Debbie Downer here...I didn't like the movie. It was just too unrealistic to connect with. That's not how things work in real life in regards to what Smith did. I guess if something's supposed to be realistic, I want it to be completely realistic.

I also thought it was kind of predictable. Like, you knew what he was going to do halfway through the movie.

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I really liked it as well, and didn't think I would...

You kind of know what's gonna happen after the first 5 minutes, though lol...but the movie doesn't exactly try and fool you, it's almost as if it shows its hand to the audience. However, I will say that I didn't quite get exactly how and why everything happened the way it did until like the last 10 minutes.

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i'm going to continue my trend of bumping movie threads.

i saw this one last night as well.

i thought it was really good and was very moving.

it really made me appreciate the life i live and what i take for granted every day.

i couldn't imagine living with congenital heart disease like rosario dawson's character at such a young age

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