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Without OL this draft, this team is dead


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If we somehow take BPA that aren't OL this team will be miserable (Top 5 bad) for the next two years. But you already knew that. Here are just a couple reasons why:

1) Next year, we save money by cutting Jansen, Rabach,and Randy Thomas. There's no way any of them will even be able to play after this season. (Yes this isn't completely factual, but just intelligent speculation).

2) We're going to lose probably a starting QB and CB (Cornerback, not Colt Brennan) next year which will generally require high picks to replace. Hopefully Brennan can do it, but don't count on it. We'll probably also lose a backup QB in Collins. Smoot wasn't that good last year. Imagine in two years. YIKES.

3) Portis and Betts are probably going to be ineffective by the end of 2010. Betts will be old and Portis will have sky high carries. Solid RBs generally require 2nd round picks or higher.

4) Both of our top LDEs are well over 30. This is their last year almost definitely. Our RDE is approaching 30 as well, when speed rushers get old, they lose all their effectiveness.

5) Possibility of a new head coach. This will accelerate the disbanding of the right side of the O-line (as in they will definitely all be gone if a strong head coach comes in). There's even a chance he'd dump Portis and maybe even Samuels (I really hope Samuels gets back to form)if there's no salary cap next year. He'd want to bring in his own kind of guys, but he likely wouldn't dump low-priced sophomores that we'd draft this year.

6) Less troublesome, but still to keep in mind Fletcher (can Blades do it?) and Griffin are both old and probably have only a few years left.

(I would mention Sellers, but FBs are easy to pick up in the 5-7th round, so no worries)

We could franchise Rogers to stave off a year of needing a QB, but have we ever given the franchise tag?

So needs based on year

2009: OL, OLB, DE

2010: OL, MLB?, QBx2?, CB(X2?), DTx2? (should we keep both Monty and Golston?), Headcoach?, DE, KR/PR?

2011: QB?, MLB, RB(X2?), CB, RDE?, WR (Moss and El might be gone)

Basically, we need to knock out OL this year, while this doesn't guarantee success in the future as our team is so old in A LOT of positions. But we can't keep putting off drafting OL, the future of the franchise depends on it. We all knew this, but we can just hope that Vinny knows this too. If he drafts a RB or a QB this year, we might be ok this year, but we'll be abysmal (below our normal 8-8 lol) the next two years.

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Without defensive line the past 10 years we would be dead, and we are. Phillip daniels and Renaldo Wynn will fight for a starting spot thats all you need to know.

Remember we have the #1 defensive backfield in the league.

Just because other teams build from the front 3 or 4 on doesn't mean its the only way to do it. :logo:

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Unfortunately, I'm thinking Hades isn't going to be investing in snowshoes when it comes to drafting a lineman at 13.

Heck I've been pushing to draft linemen annually since we chose Rod Gardner over Hutchinson.

But I'd love to be proven wrong.

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Remember we have the #1 defensive backfield in the league.

Just because other teams build from the front 3 or 4 on doesn't mean its the only way to do it. :logo:

Having the best backfield has done wonders for us so far. And look at all those SB winning teams who do it this way as well, hmm, nevermind.

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I'd say evey team would like a brandy new young OLINE and FRESH RB's every year. We have an idiot for a GM lets face it. We may luck up and go deep in the playoffs but so far we only patch things together for 1 YEAR and not long term. Until we start drafting better we are in for it. OL has to be the pick at 13 unless Vinny can trade back and pick up a late 1st and a 2nd.

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Remember we have the #1 defensive backfield in the league.

Just because other teams build from the front 3 or 4 on doesn't mean its the only way to do it. :logo:

And these very backfielders want the lines improved. They probably know what they're talking about since they actually play the game(unlike you, aka Mike Shanahan the GM Jr.). Checkmate.:evilg:

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3) Portis and Betts are probably going to be ineffective by the end of 2010. Betts will be old and Portis will have sky high carries. Solid RBs generally require 2nd round picks or higher.

Willie Parker - UDFA

Tim Hightower - 5th Round

Darren Sproles - 4th Round

Brian Westbrook - 3rd Round

Michael Turner - 5th Round

Brandon Jacobs - 4th Round

Steve Slaton - 3rd Round

Ryan Grant - UDFA

Derrick Ward - 7th Round

Le Ron McClain - 4th Round

Kevin Smith - 3rd Round

Justin Fargas - 3rd Round

Leon Washington - 4th Round

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It is a damn shame We have little faith in ore front office to do the right thing

Well there's a reason for that. Vinny came out only a month or two ago and defended his BPA system, saying that when you draft to fill specific holes, you end up with a bunch of mediocre players you're not happy with. Who wants to bet we draft another mediocre WR we're not happy with at 13?

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Without defensive line the past 10 years we would be dead, and we are. Phillip daniels and Renaldo Wynn will fight for a starting spot thats all you need to know.

Yeah that's pretty sad. What's even worse why guys like Rob Jackson or Chris Wilson are not even seeing the field on a regular basis. It makes me wonder what the coaches think of these guys to not even put them guys on the field.

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Willie Parker - UDFA

Tim Hightower - 5th Round

Darren Sproles - 4th Round

Brian Westbrook - 3rd Round

Michael Turner - 5th Round

Brandon Jacobs - 4th Round

Steve Slaton - 3rd Round

Ryan Grant - UDFA

Derrick Ward - 7th Round

Le Ron McClain - 4th Round

Kevin Smith - 3rd Round

Justin Fargas - 3rd Round

Leon Washington - 4th Round


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1. That is not factual at all. Rabach and Thomas should both be able to play next year and Heyer may be able to take over at OT. We could sign a FA or draft OL next year and be covered.

2. Considering JC has improved significantly every season he has played for us, I find it amazing the number of people who think JC is a bust and won't make it wiith this team. He will likely have a solid season and get resigned for the long haul. Carlos Rogers may not get resigned, but that would still leave us with two starting caliber CBs, not the strongest #2 in the league, but solid.

3. There is no reason to believe Portis is going to be cashed in at 29 nor that Betts will be done at 31.

4. Both are LDE's are over 30. Andre Carter is getting old. This is a position of need now. We can shore up our defense over the next half decade by drafting DE this year.

5. This is just speculation based upon a negative nancy view of this team. Drafting an OL doesn't keep Zorn here, nor does it mean success for whoever comes after if indeed this plays out. Also, if we use #13 on an OT, it won't be low priced.

6. Fletcher and Griffin are both old. Good thing that Monty and Golston are both young. Blades is still unproven, but all the more reason to address a defensive unit that can be the tone setting unit for this team. Defense wins championships and we may be able to give ourselves a championship defense.

7. Franchising Rogers makes no sense because he isn't so good to be worth that sort of cash. Also he plays CB, not QB.

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Oh No the SKY IS FALLING!! AHHHHHH!!!! :rolleyes:

Everybody get your panties out of a wad and calm down. Stop worrying about who we are going to sign next year or how we are going to sign them and let our crackpot accounting professionals figure that out like they always do every year.

If/when Curry, Orakpo, and the top 3-4 OTs are taken @ 13, then we take the BPA at the position we need most OR (hopefully) trade back and get more draft picks, if possible.


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Use Chad "I think I finally got it in week 15" Reinhardt as your gauge.

Buges is on record as saying something to that effect, so they could be banking on the premise that CR is going to actively contribute solid minutes, along with DDock, they may be feeling solid enough on OL to go LB or DE, possibly even RB in round 1 (if no trade down).

Time will tell....:dallasuck

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