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Your opinion on jerseys, ect.


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I wear a jersey (football, baseball) every Friday no matter what. And I will wear a football one just because I can.
And I can wear women's clothing because I can, but whats the point:silly:

Uh, that would be a little ghey, whereas BigMike's suggestion freakin' rocks.


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Yeah, I assume each player has their own preference for sleeves and what not that they have tailored but the authentic jerseys that you can buy at nflshop or where ever are the same things the players wear.
Wow. I didn't think there was anybody left on this site that believed that still.
My biggest qualm with jerseys is much they cost. I've heard of people paying hundreds of dollars or whatever, seems like overkill. I got my Art Monk jersey for $22 off ebay. And it looks somewhat real. I get compliments on it every time I wear it.
Well, if you buy a $300 retail authentic, by the time you get it home, it ain't worth spit. If you buy a $300 gamer, chances are that it will retain its value because it has collectors value.

If you buy a $22 knock-off, it might retain its value too. :)

The $300 jerseys are completely different from game issued/worn jerseys. If you were buying an 'authentic' Albert Haynesworth, it would not have the linemans cut (no sleeves virtually) - it would be VERY ugly.

Check out Marks jersey thread

Thank-you, Ned.

Yes. "Completely different" is the key phrase. As in white and black, night and day, sunshine and rain. Etc.

Well aside from the sleeves and the length, which I think players have tailored to their preferences.

Aren't the authentic jerseys, essentially football jerseys? As in, they are the same material, same layers, and you could wear shoulder pads under them?

Thats my question about the authentic jerseys.

They're copies of football jerseys, but lousy copies. The fact that they're called "authentic" is horribly misleading. It's ironic that just over the past year or so, the Redskins retail authentic jerseys have finally, finally started making some of the styles with spandex fabric and diagonal seams in front. Took them long enough. What's ironic about it is, at the same time, the players have just about completely abandoned the loose sleeve, which is the only thing available by retail. Oh, they have the snug sleeves too on the retail authentics, but that's crap.
Definitely football jerseys, but not the same cut at all. As stated before, real gamers have spandex sides and actually hugs the players bodies. You COULD wear pads under them, but you COULD wear pads under a Pink Portis Replica that a woman would wear.

They are not the same, really. Wait for Mark the Homer to chime in

I think you chimed in well enough. ;)
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Yeah, I agree, to an extent. The exception being, I think its perfectly fine to wear a jersey to a game. But just in everyday life? No, I don't get that either. Like you, I have TONS of Skins gear. But only a few jerseys.

The worse thing to me, though, is all these clowns that wear just anyone's jersey. Its not even their favorite team or anything. Those aren't even real fans imo.

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Well I'm 50, and I'll wear one of my jerseys whenever, and wherever, I damn well please. Don't care one bit what somebody else thinks of my attire. Be it a jersey, or a polka dot dress with striped lace.:paranoid:

My only jersey "do not's" is that I don't own, or wear jerseys of any current player. Free agency took care of that. And, I don't buy the expensive ones, since I actually wear them out, eventually.

Currently own throwbacks #9, and #43. And moderns #81, and #21.

To each, his own.

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Well I'm 50, and I'll wear one of my jerseys whenever, and wherever, I damn well please. Don't care one bit what somebody else thinks of my attire. Be it a jersey, or a polka dot dress with striped lace.:paranoid:

To each, his own.

Damn straight! :thumbsup:

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I dont see anything wrong with wearing a jersey on game day. Its supporting your team, and your favorate player. I can be an adult and still have a favorate football player cant I? Not a hero, not a role model, but someone I feel gives 100% and who's talents I admire? Surely that is ok isn' it?

I cant really wear a football jersey in the offseason though, and that is something that gets me. Im also 29 and so Ive grown out of the jerey wearing faze. Its like Jay-Z says

"and I dont wear jersey's, Im 30+, give me a fresh pair of jeans and a button up".

However, to each their own. If someone wants to wear a T-Shirt with someones face screen printed on it, who am I to judge them or put them down by forcing my opinion on them?

The OP makes the mistake of inferring that because children idolize athletes and look up to them like "Hero's" that this is th ereason adults wear jerseys. I wear Jerseys on game day to rep my team. I pick a players jersey not based on if that player is my hero or if i look up to that player. I pick a player based on their play and if they remind me of myself when I used to play ball, or simply for a player who's talents and skills I admire. No looking up to any player and no hero's involved. With that said, still only on game days. The exception is that when the Redskins make a big move in th eoffseason, or if a Redskin dies, or under any circumstance like that, I will don the burgundy and gold.

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if we're talking about what's cool and what's not cool when wearing jerseys, it'd be really stupid to not say something about the fools that put their own name on the back of a jersey. that's whack. iontop put his es name on his, that's about the only thing that could be worse.

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I am critical of jersey use too:

1. Anyone can wear a jersey, but not anywhere. Only for sporting events or when you are sporting it the day before or after a game.

2. NO, NO, NO to jersey's of former players, or ones that changed their number. Unless, it is a throwback. But not a raggedy original throwback, but a fresh one.

3. Jerseys have to be fresh. Once the number, name, and strips start to crack and tear away, time to hang it up.

4. No, jersey's of a team to a game where that team isn't playing.

i disagree.

i love an old worn out riggo jersey.

it's not a fashion show, amanda.

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if we're talking about what's cool and what's not cool when wearing jerseys, it'd be really stupid to not say something about the fools that put their own name on the back of a jersey. that's whack. iontop put his es name on his, that's about the only thing that could be worse.

definitely. WACK!!!!

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if we're talking about what's cool and what's not cool when wearing jerseys, it'd be really stupid to not say something about the fools that put their own name on the back of a jersey. that's whack. iontop put his es name on his, that's about the only thing that could be worse.

LOL Hey im going to do that with my replica Arrington Jersey, he WAS my fav player while here but he burnt his bridges with the team and fans as far as im concerned. Plus i never had my name on my jersey in HS or in semi pro's so i think it would look cool :) I already have 2 jerseys with "Butz" on em ;)

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I definitely rock my Jerseys during the season on Sundays.

Funny story, first Redskins game I took my now wife to, I had my jersey on, flags on the Car, and Redskins Magnets on the Doors and Tailgate. She was actually EMBARRASSED on the ride to the game. The Screams and "WOO WOO's!" to other fellow fans on the way in didn't help. Until we got closer to the stadium, and pulled in. She then understood what it means to be a REDSKINS FAN!!!!!!!! Never heard another peep about it, and now she owns 4 jerseys herself.......


I think I'll put my Cooley on when I get home from work today!!!!!!!!!!


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LOL Hey im going to do that with my replica Arrington Jersey, he WAS my fav player while here but he burnt his bridges with the team and fans as far as im concerned. Plus i never had my name on my jersey in HS or in semi pro's so i think it would look cool :) I already have 2 jerseys with "Butz" on em ;)

don't do it dude.

just find the next best #56 as a redskin and change the nameplate to that.

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