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I'm going to be a dad!!!!!!!!!!!


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Right on. But I have heard of woman who don't want to, and not b/c of any physical hurddles. It just boggles my mind. I am hoping someone here knows of someone and the reasons.

Plus there is the fact that the mothers milk contains things that are very good for the baby that formula doesnt... Heck you would not believe some of the stuff that they put in formula... If you are able to physically breast feed, it is definitely better.

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New parents with frazzled nerves and a hungry screaming infant- let's see how long you might last if its your kid. I give you about 3 minutes before you're making a bottle :)


Spot on with that one. Only a week in for us and we've gone to formula. The babies just dont seem to be getting full off of the breast milk. It absolutely is the worst feeling in the world to have a newborn baby, in our case babies, crying and not know what is wrong. Today is the first day we've gone formula only and they seem to be sleeping better and less agitated so far, we'll see how the night goes. Only thing now is, completely unrelated to the feeding, they seem to have colds or something. Their noses are congested and theyre sneezing quite a bit. I want to put them in a bubble until they are a year old but I know thats not possible.

OP its a very very stressfull thing being a new dad. Everything bothers you. Other drivers, germs, other kids, lack of sleep. But the one thing I can say is that it is definately ALL worth it.

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  • 8 months later...
Congrats Rob!! I lost your number, if I hadn't I'd give you a call to say congrats in person. Anyway, I'm glad everything went well, and best of luck in the future.

It just hit me Monday, that my girl and I are only 3 months away from our little girl being born. It seems like just a month ago I found out. So crazy how time flies. I'm excited though.

All of these emochatkids having babies!!!! What up? (I did know about Joe Daddio, though)

Although, I have had two dreams recently that I was pregnant. Last night in my dream it was twins! (that would be good, get it all over with!)

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congrats man! it always nice to hear about the fanbase growing! enjoy the ride.... having a daughter is a very very special thing. i have a boy and a girl 6 years apart and while i love my boy ..... its my baby girl that stole my heart! its just something about them that fills you so full of love it can make ya cry happy tears!

and for what its worth.... dont getmarried just because you are having a baby. if you want to get married... then by all means do but dont let this be THE reason you do!

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