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Tatoo Question


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So, since I have been age 15, I've wanted a tat. I'm in my 30's now and I have always said when the right design pops in my head, I'll get it. So far I am Tat-Less.

I don't know if it was the alcohol or just divine intervention tonight, but I saw my tat. A Zorro letter "Z" with 378 across the middle. Maybe a little blood trickle from the sword slash marks.

My daughter who turns one year old in a few hours, her name is Zoe. She was born on March 7, 2008, hence the 378.

What's anyone thoughts?

Help me spice it up, I love it cause its a tribute my most favorite person in the whole world, my baby girl.

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So, since I have been age 15, I've wanted a tat. I'm in my 30's now and I have always said when the right design pops in my head, I'll get it. So far I am Tat-Less.

I don't know if it was the alcohol or just divine intervention tonight, but I saw my tat. A Zorro letter "Z" with 378 across the middle. Maybe a little blood trickle from the sword slash marks.

My daughter who turns one year old in a few hours, her name is Zoe. She was born on March 7, 2008, hence the 378.

What's anyone thoughts?

Help me spice it up, I love it cause its a tribute my most favorite person in the whole world, my baby girl.

You have my 2 biggest words of advice covered. 1) Make it original, do NOT for any reason pick your tattoo off of the wall and 2) make it personal, it will be with you for a very long time.

After that, picking the artist is a HUGE step. Do not get it done at the 1st shop you walk in to. Talk to some artists, get a feel for their style, ask to see their living portfolio (I never trust pictures). Look for cleanliness. Ask to see the autoclave, make sure it is in working order and that it is clean.

PM if you want any more advice or have any questions.

For what it's worth, I have 11 tats and have spent roughly 48 hours under the sting of that humming tattoo gun.

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thats sweet, if i'm ever lucky enough to meet a girl I wanna have a family with I hope I have a little girl.

If it's a tribute to your daughter I might steer clear of the blood thing you were talking about.

Yeah, that makes sense. I've always wanted some bloody bursting guts hanging out tat though............it is my daughter, so maybe I make it bloodless lol

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So, since I have been age 15, I've wanted a tat. I'm in my 30's now and I have always said when the right design pops in my head, I'll get it. So far I am Tat-Less.

I don't know if it was the alcohol or just divine intervention tonight, but I saw my tat. A Zorro letter "Z" with 378 across the middle. Maybe a little blood trickle from the sword slash marks.

My daughter who turns one year old in a few hours, her name is Zoe. She was born on March 7, 2008, hence the 378.

What's anyone thoughts?

Help me spice it up, I love it cause its a tribute my most favorite person in the whole world, my baby girl.

Don't do it, bro.

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Get some hearts or stars coming out of it (no homo). As long as it's for your girl, it won't look as ghey.

yeah but then he'd have to explain to everyone. people that don't know him aren't going to know that it's for his daughter.

They are just going to see a guy tatted up with hearts and stars.

I'd say if you are set on getting the tat, just go with the Z with her her B-day and initials in it.

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yeah but then he'd have to explain to everyone. people that don't know him aren't going to know that it's for his daughter.

They are just going to see a guy tatted up with hearts and stars.

I'd say if you are set on getting the tat, just go with the Z with her her B-day and initials in it.

I like this comment. Also, and this is just me. I like my pieces a little bigger, and more intricately done with fine line work, grey shading or negative space. If you get a smaller piece, and then decide you want anotehr one, and get another smaller piece, and get it put in the same general area as the last, it may look cluttered or like a mural that you hadnt intended on getting. larger pieces, while they are just that, usually have more time and effort put into them. Have you thought of a background behind the Z? It ddoesn'thave to be a landscape, it can be a swirling smoke, or a cloud or a tree, anything to give the tattoo depth and a little accent besides just a "Z". it can be something sentimental, or something she would only know. This is just my suggestion. I love ink, I love the process of getting it, I love the feeling, and I love the results. Be sure you are in love with what you get. Also, what you see on paper is what you get, it wont look much different just because its on your body. It is what it is, love it before you get it.

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perfect thread to stumble into. I actually have an appt to go get a tat this afternoon after work.

To the OP, i like the originality of the tattoo. find a studio that's credible and has proven they do quality work. Then, take your idea to an artist there, and tell them what you were thinking of. Allow them a little freedom and creativity to add on to your design, or modify it. A good tattoo artist will get an idea of what you want, and typically will improve upon it to your liking. If not, you can always work with them until they have it down to exactly what you want. This is crucial, because it's going to be with you forever.

Whatever you do, don't pick where to get your tattoo based on price alone. If you want quality work, you have to pay for it when it comes to tats. Good luck figuring out your design. And congrats on your daughter's 1st birthday.

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Only advice you need...

Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. Get whatever you want.

So you think he shouldn't worry about what anyone else thinks....but that's what you think. Since he shouldn't worry about that, does that mean he shouldn't take your advice? :insane:


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It sounds like some kind of gang symbol the way you've described it (the number 378, a sword, and a Z with blood trickling out).

Put the money in a 529 for your daughter instead. Carry a picture of her in your wallet. But that's just me, the guy who never understood the allure of defacing your body with ink.

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Here's a picture of the work i got done last night from my camera phone. My wife has better quality photos on her digital camera, so once we get some of those on the computer, i can post a few of them as well.

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Looks good Drop, how much time and money was that one?

I'm still waiting to get some money for a half sleeve on my arm next.....it'll be 3 sitting and about 6 hours total.

3 sessions of two hours a piece? Why not just pony up and sit through it all in one session? You have to wait for the scabbing to stop before you go back anyways, and that's usually three to four weeks. you are talking about a month and a half to 2 months for a 6 hour tattoo?

I do five hours at a time,(one four hour session) am 15 hours into my piece and have anotherr 10 to 15 to go. Its worth it. take a codine or vicadin before you go, you'll be fine. They didn't have my outline finished in two hours.

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3 sessions of two hours a piece? Why not just pony up and sit through it all in one session? You have to wait for the scabbing to stop before you go back anyways, and that's usually three to four weeks. you are talking about a month and a half to 2 months for a 6 hour tattoo?

I do five hours at a time,(one four hour session) am 15 hours into my piece and have anotherr 10 to 15 to go. Its worth it. take a codine or vicadin before you go, you'll be fine. They didn't have my outline finished in two hours.

The 2 hours was low-balling it.

It's going to take a month and a half to do. Every 2 weeks for 3 sessions. I wouldn't have a problem sitting through one session, but that's what my artist recommended. Plus, I'd rather him be a bit fresher for each then dragging on 6 or 7 hours into it.

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I like that arm piece. Longest I've ever sat is about 4 hours at a time. It didn't hurt, but it was just annoying to sit there for that long. It was for a piece on my back and I had to hunch over some arm rest and was just so uncomfortable.

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Looks good Drop, how much time and money was that one?

I'm still waiting to get some money for a half sleeve on my arm next.....it'll be 3 sitting and about 6 hours total.

thanks for the compliments peoples. I love it.

Rdskn4Lyf, it was expensive, lol. $150 an hour for labor, i was there for 2 and half hours. plus i left a generous tip. you're talking close to 4 bills once i walked outta there. Rates have gone up though, and for quality work, you gotta pay the price.

and this tat DEFINITLEY hit on some spots that sent pulses to my finger tips. when he got on my wrist and close to my elbow, those were for sure the worst. But the slight pain is temporary, and goes away quickly. Totally worth it for the right piece.

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thanks for the compliments peoples. I love it.

Rdskn4Lyf, it was expensive, lol. $150 an hour for labor, i was there for 2 and half hours. plus i left a generous tip. you're talking close to 4 bills once i walked outta there. Rates have gone up though, and for quality work, you gotta pay the price.

and this tat DEFINITLEY hit on some spots that sent pulses to my finger tips. when he got on my wrist and close to my elbow, those were for sure the worst. But the slight pain is temporary, and goes away quickly. Totally worth it for the right piece.

Haha, I know how that is. I always tip about 20-25% so it does take quite a bit of money. Plus I've gotten every tattoo from the same guy and he's a good guy and does great work, so it's well worth it.

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