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SportsCenter: Stock UP/Stock DOWN (Redskins)


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I love how all these experts are acting like cash is a four letter word. Yeah, we paid Haynesworth a bunch of money, but only really for the next 4 years. I don't recall them having such a hooplah when Mike Vick became the first 100 million dollar contract.

I believe they are reacting to the 41mil guaranteed...one injury away from disaaster....

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I understand, and for the most part I agree. But it's not just about the cap money we are spending ... we cut/released three guys that were not performing up to their contracts (Springs, MW, Taylor).

We saved about 20 million in cap space this year with those cuts ... then we add DHall, Haynesworth, and Dockery. Sure, we still end up paying a bitmore, but we may get back MW, Evans and Daniels for 1/5th of that 20 million (should we resign them).

I'm not a number cruncher, but by basic deductive logic, including the increase in cap each year, we are spending more, but we are acquiring more depth and getting rid of dead weight, for the most part.

These are just "off the top of my head" thoughts, without getting caught up too much in the numbers game.

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Ill admit that we payed to much money for a player when we actually have problems being able to pay another player at a later date. Until then every analyst that quotes paying to much as our downfall is grasping at straws.

For right now it looks like almost every mistake made by the redskins front office involved DRAFT PICKS.

It was there they screwed the pooch.

Over paying for players has never caused us a noticeable impact other then loosing picks for depth over the years. I am sure right now we could sign a few other guys if we wanted to but probably wont make any more big splashes.

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This is so stupid. Spending a lot of money has never gotten us in trouble. Making dumb trades (mostly being careless with draft picks) and drafting badly in the later rounds is what has gotten us in trouble. Snyder continually pwns the salary cap and it has never really come back to bite us. Why cant people see this?

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Whatever. They get paid to sit and talk. We need to start winning and they will talk good about us.. WHo really cares what they say. Eagles and COwboys are their man crushes so so not be suprised.

It seems like those ESPN analysts are angry about Eagles not signing Houshmenzadeh 2. It seems like they are all Eagles or Cowboys fans. Whatever though. Hail 2 the Skinz.

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I still don't understand why they are saying our stock is down. From last year to this year we have lost Springs, Washington (maybe?), and Taylor. We added Haynesworth, kept Hall, and added Dockery to the OL.

Looking at it from that perspective, I don't see how anyone could say our stock is down. Money has nothing to do with it.

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Whatever the Eagles do they are always STOCK UP. They could sign a bunch of guys or not sign a bunch of guys....end result is they will be labeled as "THE" favorite to win it all. It happens every year...last year, the year before and years before that - and likely will occur again as soon as the Preseason Books/Predictions start to hit the newswire...just watch.

Here Here.... I totally agree, They should have their stock taken away for letting Dawkins go to Denver. I am so glad the Skins do not have to contend with him twice a year anymore. Even though he is on the "downside" of his carrer he was their heart and soul, great in the community & locker room, the fans favorite and the vocal face of the franchise (not mcnabb). Why more so called "experts" are not giving them crap for this move, or lack of move on their part, I do not know. I think ever since the Rush Limbaugh BS, which was justifiably wrong, the national media just kisses the Eggles Butts.

They have not added a Go-To WR since T.O. (and we all know how that went) and every year they seem to have an abundace of Cap room, but also every year they are picked to make the playoffs, voted offseason "winners", and guys like schlereth make them out to be NFL model run teams and orginizations. Excuse me, but haven't the Eggles have won just as many Super Bowls as the Skins in the Reid-Mcnabb era, None? Oh yeah that is right, they have NEVER won one! Nuff Said

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It looks like i am the minority here but i feel that Schlereth generally does a good job.. And its not his view that our stock is dropping, go to nfl.com and they all say the same thing. Until our method is proven to work our stock should drop when we continously do the same offseason tactics, but come out with little rewards.

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Yeah were down:

We added youth and talent to the OL with Dockery.

We added probowl talent, youth and a true #1 CB with Hall.

We added the most dominate defensive player available and fill a major need with Haynesworth.

He say were down because of money issues. What a block head.

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Why is it that ALL ex-Dallas Cowboys love the Boyz and are hired by ESPN while ex-Redskins love to HATE the Redskins.

Of course more Cowboys get hired than the Redskins so we notice it more.

But the Cowboys are a CULT! When you go there you love them for life. Many Skins leave and then hate on the Skins.

There is just something there about the STAR. Maybe Jones has some kool-aide mixed up in the back. I don't know, but certainly being able to produce winning seasons has something to do with it and right now the Skins are erratic and are not winners.

--Good point, the Cowboys are a CULT!! It is a part of their image and America loves image. But what have the Cowboys won lately?

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I'm sorry, but money most likely won't be an issue after this year. The way its looking 2010 will be an uncapped year. I do like the players the Giants signed,but that doesn't mean our signings are bad. Haynesworth,Hall and Dock would have received the about the same amount of money from some other teams. So we decided to give alittle more for the players we really wanted. These signings aren't like the ones we made in the past when we overpaid for older players like Deion Sanders, Bruce Smith, Mark Carrier. Haynesworth,Hall, and Dock are all relatively young and in their primes.

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Yeah were down:

We added youth and talent to the OL with Dockery.

We added probowl talent, youth and a true #1 CB with Hall.

We added the most dominate defensive player available and fill a major need with Haynesworth.

He say were down because of money issues. What a block head.

Ding ding ding!

Even if these signings don't turn out to be the best, we still made the best decision at each of these positions when you look at it from a holistic viewpoint.

I don't necessarily fully agree with signing Haynesworth, I'm still wary after Stubblefield, but we still made a very sound decision there given the data available.

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Oh how the talking heads hate the Redskins.


If the Redskins would do something to shut them up it would be great, but they constantly make all of these splashy moves and are still mired in mediocrity. Until we get out of mediocrity we will always be shunned.

Before you say Dallas is mediocre (which i would agree with you), the media will always run a positive Dallas slant because of the perceived large amount of Dallas fans out there. They don't want to trash the team of so many of their viewers which might hurt their ratings.

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