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JLC: Skins Expected to go after Dock/ Griff Details


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Jason Reid and Jason La Canfora report:

The Redskins have expressed interest in former Skins guard Derrick Dockery, who was released today by the Buffalo Bills, and, according to league sources, are expected to pursue him this weekend.


Posted at 12:05 PM ET, 02/26/2009

Griffin's Deal Saves $3 Million in Cap Space

Jason Reid rand Jason La Canfora report:

We've been telling you about the Redskins' efforts to rework the contracts of key veterans in their annual effort to create room under the salary cap and the restructuring of defensive tackle Cornelius Griffin's contract has been completed.

Griffin was scheduled to have a base salary of $4.2 million next season, and he agreed to lower his 2009 number to $1.334 million while receiving more money up front in a bonus and having a few more seasons tacked on to the end of his deal, which now runs through 2014 (it was supposed to end next season).

We're still waiting on all the details, which we'll post as soon as we get them. For cap purposes, however, the Redskins probably saved close to $3 million on the 2009 cap of $127 million.

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DOCK COME BACK HOME!!!!!!!! I would love this move.... Samuels and Dock had a great chemistry it seemed like and I would love to have him back... He is still young and hopefully is willing to take a little less money to come play for the team that never wanted him to leave in the first place!

Sign me up on the hope this happens list!

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I've got a feeling that Springs is still with team because a lack of a contract for Hall. I think as soon as Hall agrees (if he does) to a contract Springs will be gone.

Oh yeah, I would love to see Dock back. He seems to love it here and a change of scenery has done wonders for players.

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EVERYTHING hinges on resigning Hall. Once you have him signed you then cut Springs & persue Haynesworth. If we lowball Hall & **** that up, chances are he goes on to the Pats. And we're stuck with Springs/Smoot/Rogers. Unless Rogers gets traded later on.

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EVERYTHING hinges on resigning Hall. Once you have him signed you then cut Springs & persue Haynesworth. If we lowball Hall & **** that up, chances are he goes on to the Pats. And we're stuck with Springs/Smoot/Rogers. Unless Rogers gets traded later on.

Well Said TK I totally agree... but what about the whole we need Albert to get Hall angle? I hope that by tonight we do what you just said!

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EVERYTHING hinges on resigning Hall. Once you have him signed you then cut Springs & persue Haynesworth. If we lowball Hall & **** that up, chances are he goes on to the Pats. And we're stuck with Springs/Smoot/Rogers. Unless Rogers gets traded later on.

And Hall's agents know this.

I'd expect Dannyboy to slap Vincenzo in the back of the head sometime around 7:30 PST and they will get Hall's contract done before the start of FA.

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EVERYTHING hinges on resigning Hall. Once you have him signed you then cut Springs & persue Haynesworth. If we lowball Hall & **** that up, chances are he goes on to the Pats. And we're stuck with Springs/Smoot/Rogers. Unless Rogers gets traded later on.

Course, you assume that if we don't sign Hall, it is because we low-balled him.

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I seriously doubt that the Skins can afford Dockery, Hall and Haynesworth with our cap situation as it is.

Something just doesn't feel right. There's another shoe that needs to drop soon...

I agree. I think all of this is just stupid JLC speculation. But i certainly wouldnt be unhappy with it if it happened, though I still have question marks with Haynesworth's situation. But if this all went down, this team would be able to focus on the draft and getting younger in the lines without the pressure on the rookies to contribute significantly right away.

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