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Girl arrested for texting in class


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In what universe is a teenager texting in class or even cheating on a test, cause for law enforcement involvement. I'll tell you. One where the parents refuse to let the schools do their job. If that was my child, the school administrator would have my permission to sit on her and take the fricking phone if she refused to hand it over. Then they could stomp the phone into a million pieces in front of her to put an exclamation point on it. And she'd never get another phone until she moved out and bought her own. These kids need to be made to behave and the schools need the support of the parents to be able to make them behave. I don't care how stupid my kids or I think a particular school rule is. If you break the rule you get punished. No excuses.

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In what universe is a teenager texting in class or even cheating on a test, cause for law enforcement involvement. I'll tell you. One where the parents refuse to let the schools do their job. If that was my child, the school administrator would have my permission to sit on her and take the fricking phone if she refused to hand it over. Then they could stomp the phone into a million pieces in front of her to put an exclamation point on it. And she'd never get another phone until she moved out and bought her own. These kids need to be made to behave and the schools need the support of the parents to be able to make them behave. I don't care how stupid my kids or I think a particular school rule is. If you break the rule you get punished. No excuses.

I'm not disagreeing with you saying that she shouldn't have been punished for texting in class. But to arrest her because she wouldn't tell the officer where her phone was is a little much, don't you think? Would you want your kid arrested at school for something like that? I remember my senior year of high school, one of my friends came to school drunk and all they did was suspend him and have his parents come get him. They didn't make a big scene and have him arrested, and whats worse, under age drinking or texting in class?

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but i think the disorderly conduct was disrupting the class and lying to the security guard about having a phone. are those really reasons to arrest a teenager?

Nope, not at all. I don't see where any of this warranted more than a 3 day suspension. Now if as some insist we have not heard the rest of the story, I say we have. If she assaulted the security guard then the charge would be there. But the only charge I see is "disorderly conduct". That means to me that the school and security guard overreacted, and this is a cover-all charge they can use.

The police should not have taken this girl in, they should have laughed in the face of this "security guard" and told him to stop wasting their time with this nonsense.

Sure, the kid shouldn't have been screwing around in class, and yeah, she shouldn't have lied about it. But damn, talk about a complete meltdown of responsibility..

Her parents should rightfully sue the **** out of the school board.


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I'm with you on this. I'm also a fan of banning cellphones while driving, period. And I have nothing against cells. But they're the most misused item on the planet.:2cents:

Well VA is on the verge of passing a no texting while driving law.

Even though arresting her is a little harsh, you know she won't do it again though :silly:

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CA has the hands free rule and you cant text either.

personally I like it but nobody listens to it.

With all of the traffic incidents that we have already, the last think people need to be doing is texting while driving. I put on my earpiece on for the rare occasion I have to talk to someone while driving, or I put it on speaker.

Most of my friends/family know that I hate to text anyway so they just call. Even if I don't answer whatever they wanted they can leave me a message regarding it. I will get back to them when I can.

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With all of the traffic incidents that we have already, the last think people need to be doing is texting while driving. I put on my earpiece on for the rare occasion I have to talk to someone while driving, or I put it on speaker.

Most of my friends/family know that I hate to text anyway so they just call. Even if I don't answer whatever they wanted they can leave me a message regarding it. I will get back to them when I can.

hell man, i even know you hate texting now :silly:

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I'm not disagreeing with you saying that she shouldn't have been punished for texting in class. But to arrest her because she wouldn't tell the officer where her phone was is a little much, don't you think? Would you want your kid arrested at school for something like that? I remember my senior year of high school, one of my friends came to school drunk and all they did was suspend him and have his parents come get him. They didn't make a big scene and have him arrested, and whats worse, under age drinking or texting in class?

Yes, I agree 100% with you. It was completely stupid. I'm sure there's more to the story. I'm not sure what we can expect administrators to do when they can't restrain an unruly teenager. It might just be they went that route to protect themselves legally. I see it as a symptom of parents failing to do their jobs and failing to allow school administrators the leeway to do theirs. My brother got paddled in school. My parents asked why. He told them it was because he kept talking when he was asked not too. My parents told him he got what he deserved and he better not get it again or it would be worse at home. Can you imagine a kid getting paddled today. Call out the suits.

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this qoute from the story I found interesting. Not sure if it came from the MOM or the writer.

I was unaware that schools employ security officers whose job appears to consist of covering for teachers' inability to get their students interested in algebra.

It also says that she was known by the school police for prior incidents. Translation: she's trouble maker and problem student.

SInce my wife is a teacher, if a student is unreponsive to requests to obey the rules in class, than yes teachers will call security who than take the students to the office for disiplinary action.

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it says the her phone was in her "buttocks area" so they had to physically search her. i just think they went through way too much trouble. i would've said fine if you don't have a phone and we here about you texting in class again we're taking the phone and you'll get suspended. there was no need to arrest her and search her for a cell phone. thats just my opinion...

As a teacher it's better to err on the side of too strict than too lenient. It's always easier to relax your rules later on than to tighten them.

That said, an arrest is over the top unless there truly is a lot more to the story than meets the eye. Like Bang said though, any kind of physical confrontation that would have legitimately led to an arrest would've been charged as such.

The only problem I have with texting is that people use shorthand and generally the conversations don't even look like they are in English. And I have to wonder if that doesn't carry over to their regular writing in class and whatnot. Its a lazy form of communication. I usually text the way I would write something, in general. That way I don't get into a habit of using bad grammar.

It does carry over into their work.

These kids need to be made to behave and the schools need the support of the parents to be able to make them behave. I don't care how stupid my kids or I think a particular school rule is. If you break the rule you get punished. No excuses.

I agree with you, but here's the thing: 95% of parents will say that. Maybe 20% of them stand behind it when it comes to their own children being disciplined.

Even though arresting her is a little harsh, you know she won't do it again though :silly:

I wouldn't bet on that.

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As a teacher it's better to err on the side of too strict than too lenient. It's always easier to relax your rules later on than to tighten them.

So true. My poor German teacher in high school didn't establish authority over us in his first year and we walked all over him for 3 years. His other classes weren't so bad because he established authority with them early on.

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