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Could You be Happy if the Skins only Scored 48 points next year??


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technically they could score less than 48 and win all their games. If the defense forced 1 safety per game and never let up any points it would be 32 points on the season.

Yes I know.I dont care how many points we score.Dont care HOW they are scored either.I care about WINS only.Thats the one that matters.The 48 points is just making a point thing.

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Yes I know.I dont care how many points we score.Dont care HOW they are scored either.I care about WINS only.Thats the one that matters.The 48 points is just making a point thing.

What you should care about is making posts that don't suck. The six pages of this thread calling you out is just making a point thing.

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That's the problem with improving your defense. You finally hit the wall when the opponent scores 0. You can't go into negatives. (No, a safety is not a negative and neither is an interception or fumble recovery for a score.) Zero is it.

On the other hand, improving the offense has no limts. If you score 100 points, you can still score 107.

Just one more reason to go OL.

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It's probably just me, but I'd like us to win 31-3 every week. It's alot more relaxing then 3-0 or 34-31. I think Skins fans would be happy with 16-0, but you got to admit that most fans would still say that wouldn't cut it, because like I said, 31-3 is better than 3-0. Too many heart attack games. Not good.

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I don't understand this thread really. Talking about what we need and if we could be happy scoring only 48 points in a season? Makes no sense to me really.

Look at Baltimore. They have a great defense but their offense doesn't show up every Sunday. I would hate to have that, we have a ****tier version of their team.

Our offense seems to play great in certain parts of seasons and then falls completely off and we have bad consecutive weeks.

It's more then just drafting OL and DL. Trust me, and it's just as complicated as we make it out to be, because if it wasn't, anyone could play in the NFL. The truth is and you are already reading my lips, the chances of playing in the NFL are VERY slim.

You can't win in the NFL the way this team has been run the past few years, it's not about bringing in new guys every season who are slightly overpaid or are vastly overpaid and expect the money to turn into production.

It's not about drafting the positions you need and hoping that it pans out, Vinny is right on this, that sets you up for failure. Because if that doesn't work...then what in the hell do you do?

It wasn't a bad idea to take Fred Davis in the 2nd round even if we had Cooley, I guess fans seem to look passed the fact that it's a smart move. Even if his production was very low in his first season. Normally ALL receivers have trouble getting adjusted. It can take as long as 3 years to NEVER getting it. You draft and it compliments your roster. If you have a strength (Cooley) and you add something behind it, then that makes the TE position a *treasure*.

Look at the Chargers for example. Their CB corp. Quentin Jammer = great CB, Antonio Cromarti = excellent 2nd string, Antoin Cason = excellent 3rd string. That's a treasure position for them.

HB would also be a treasure position for them with Tomlinson and Sproles. Last year they also had Michael Turner.

If you don't get the idea, I can't really help you. This is how drafting works primarily. Best player available is great way to go, that doesn't necessarily mean you SKIP a needed position or go for the BEST BEST player but you go with what can work for you team.

If you ran a 4-3 like the Redskins do you wouldn't be acquiring 3 to 4 linebackers a year if you had decent starters. If you were running a 3-4 it would be different. This is exactly where Fred Davis makes sense. We use a lot of plays that require double TE's. Especially last year when you look at our running plays along with having only 4 WR's dress up. They can't all be on the field to run a play.

Sorry if I got off track here, let me get back.

I wouldn't mind watching the Skins any day, but to watch our offense at times last year was tough. I couldn't imagine scoring just 48 points..really I couldn't. That means our kicker at most scores 16 field goals.

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Love Campbell, it's not his fault we have short recievers. He's my guy.

Love Portis, appreciate all he does...hate seeing him on sidelines on third down.

Moss...needs to learn how to forget the last down.

Cooley...love ya buddy but hold on to that ball a little tighter.

Suisam...you're still here?????

Taylor...at least act like football's your # 1 priority.

Horton...Great start, please keep growing.

Fletcher...You rawk!!!!!

D. Thomas...got potential

Zorn/Vinny...Draft more line, it's the one thing everyone here to seems to agree on. What's up with Rhinehart??? You drafted him from some pissant little school, there musta been a reason. Never saw him other then preseason.

We've already seen that 16-0 doesn't seal the deal. I'd be fine with 10-6 and a Lombardi trophy.

I personally feel, that going from 6-2 to 8-8 is a bigger disapointment then 0-16 could ever be. Either way I'm still a Redskin fan because it's all I could ever be.



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I need to add that they give up 0 in a 16 game schedule.This is really aimed

at the Cambell bashers.So the Skins go 16-0,would that make you happy?

What we need is a GREAT defense.right now we have a good one.

Would you be happy if our place kicker only hit 1 of 4 fg a game?Again though we go 16-0.Just want to say we don't need a new QB,K.

We need better OL and DL.It's that easy.

So I guess you JC lovers would consider JC the MVP scoring only 48 points and winning a superbowl. Why don't you people open your eyes, he blew the playoffs this year, just like he was doing last year untill Todd Collins came in and saved the season. Our recievers didn't do nothing last year untill another qb came in who could throw the ball and make the right decisions. We need another qb running this team, weather you JC lovers can see it or not.
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I should turn in my fancard because I wanted Dallas to keep the Eagles away from a SB?

Sorry this stuff is to hard for you to understand.

YOU would not be happy with a 16-0 season.I just have to know why?

Redskins fans don't root for Dallas.:wewantd:

Your premise is weak.:dunce:

I would not be happy with a 16-0 season if it did not end with a Lombardi, remember last year?:patriotsu

I would not be happy with an offense that only scored 48 points in a season.:yawnee:

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Sorry if this was over your head.Football is simple.You have to CONTROL the lines.There is no two ways about it.If you want to win games in the NFL you need superior line play.Doesn't matter who the QB is.

I take it you wouldn't be happy the Skins go 16-0 because????What?

Right, and a lot of teams go 16-0 and don't give up a point all year.

The OP is smoking crack?

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Its been proven in Pitt and with the Hogs and the Giants last year.

The front lines is where the money is: Give your QB 4 second drops and the next thing you know TIMING and rhythm are available to combine into a thing of beauty.

Running for your life in 1.4 second drops is the reason for the latest batch of QB's that are H'backs with an arm.

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Why do you think it failed?It told me all I want to know about the Skins fan base.Rather lose looking good than win ugly.

Alright my man, I'm going to try to speak as plainly as possible, so that you can understand me.

EVERY skins fan here would be happy with 16-0. Regardless of how it happens. All of us. The reason this thread is retarded, and the reason you have been ridiculed continuously, is because the scenario you laid out is beyond ridiculous. We can't shut teams out for one whole game. You want our defense to do it 16 times in a row? Do you not understand that sometimes when teams score it isn't the defense's fault? If Portis or Betts or Campbell fumbles inside the 20, or Randle El muffs a punt. BOOM. Instant field goal for the opposing team. Your theory is dead. You have to have an offense and a defense to win football games.

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I need to add that they give up 0 in a 16 game schedule.This is really aimed

at the Cambell bashers.So the Skins go 16-0,would that make you happy?

What we need is a GREAT defense.right now we have a good one.

Would you be happy if our place kicker only hit 1 of 4 fg a game?Again though we go 16-0.Just want to say we don't need a new QB,K.

We need better OL and DL.It's that easy.

wins is all that matters but we failed to get enough!

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Here's the problem. While those of us who you call "JC Bashers" would be thrilled to be 16-0 no matter what, you people who are so in love with JC that you have become JC fans OVER Redskins fans would be thrilled if JC made the Pro Bowl and we went 0-16.

That's the problem.



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Alright my man, I'm going to try to speak as plainly as possible, so that you can understand me.

EVERY skins fan here would be happy with 16-0. Regardless of how it happens. All of us. The reason this thread is retarded, and the reason you have been ridiculed continuously, is because the scenario you laid out is beyond ridiculous. We can't shut teams out for one whole game. You want our defense to do it 16 times in a row? Do you not understand that sometimes when teams score it isn't the defense's fault? If Portis or Betts or Campbell fumbles inside the 20, or Randle El muffs a punt. BOOM. Instant field goal for the opposing team. Your theory is dead. You have to have an offense and a defense to win football games.

Great post! It has way too much logic and might be over some people's heads.

If we're scoring only 48 points all year, it would mean that we're pretty inept and would turn the ball over quite a bit.

I think the OP has been playing Madden while on some heavy duty drugs or something.

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