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Why is a boring, unwatchable sport like soccer the most watched sport in the world?


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hey mang! y u haten futbol ese? come over to my hoodie and I show how fun it be homes!. In all seriousness, Soccer is a lot of fun and if you are just thinking of soccer as in the MLS then you obviously have no clue of how soccer should really be played. European soccer as well as other leagues throughout the world are more competative as well as entertaining for the exception of US Womens soccer now they play with pation, plus as many have stated it has to do on your culture. I was born in Peru and all we did was play soccer in the streets as well as watch it whenever it was on TV and to be is one of the best sports. To me is just as fun as football. To each his or her own. Best solution to your soccer hatred is to quite simply not watch it.

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This guy is ignorant if he thinks Soccer players don't get hot chicks. There are worldwide websites dedicated to soccer players WAGS (Wives and Girlfriends) and alot of them are hot.

I can watch soccer, but it all depends on who is playing. I like MLS, but it will take them decades to catch up to the other leagues around the world as far as skill. For all of you busting on MLS, the rest of the world has taken notice and some of the better players from other leagues are starting to come over and play. Not just Beckham.

A couple of things about soccer that disturb me, but it won't drive me to drink.

1) Talk about baseball season being too long? At least they have an offseason (Oct-Feb). English Premier League (Tottenham fan here) goes from August until the following June. They literally have about 1 month off, not to mention all the in season tournaments and games the clubs play outside of their league.

2) Flopping and faking a fall is one thing, but the thing that gets to me is when I see a player get kicked in the shin, the guy rolls around the ground like he just suffered a compound fracture of his tibia. YOU'RE wearing shin pads, no? I've played soccer and yes it hurts, but not rolling on the ground I'm dying hurts.

For those bashing NASCAR, well, you just have to know more about the sport to appreciate what they do. Try wearing a fire suit in 100 degree temperatures inside a hot car with no air conditioning for 4 hours, while lugging a 3000 pound car around a track while trying to avoid 42 other cars. Baseball is the same, you just have to know more about the game instead of saying they sit around and scratch.

If there are 2 sports that I can say I cannot truly enjoy is Tennis and Golf. You don't have to be in shape to play golf, you just have to have the skill. You have to have the skill and endurance to play tennis, but I consider both to be sissy sports if you want to label a sport a sissy sport.

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What do you have to justify? Just off the first look, NFL looks so much more cooler even from a foreigners perspective, who would you rather want to be: a 250lb musclehead quarterback that gets all the chicks when he wins the state championship or some 170lb soccer weakling immigrant who doesn't get any chicks because no one cares about girly soccer? Look at football players with their wide shoulders pads and how intimidating they look with the war paint and helmets, they are essentially warriors...and then look at soccer players mostly skinny guys with names like Arriaga who prance around and kick a ball. The most unathletic, unskilled and uncool position in football is the kicker, and kickers are basically star soccer players who graduated onto the better sport.

In my opinion, the only reason the NFL isn't the number 1 sport in Britain and Europe is because you guys can't afford the equipment or because you don't have enough big guys to play football, rugby players are small not 300lb.

this muther****er is worse than mass skins fan. ignorant prick. you must of been picked on alot when you were a kid.

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this muther****er is worse than mass skins fan. ignorant prick. you must of been picked on alot when you were a kid.

Dude don't stress about it. I bet he's getting a kick out of getting people like you riled up from his nonsense. All I know is at the end of the day soccer is the most popular sport in the world and there is absolutely nothing bconngemini can do about it. :D

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who would you rather want to be: a 250lb musclehead quarterback that gets all the chicks when he wins the state championship or some 170lb soccer weakling immigrant who doesn't get any chicks because no one cares about girly soccer? Look at football players with their wide shoulders pads and how intimidating they look with the war paint and helmets, they are essentially warriors...and then look at soccer players mostly skinny guys with names like Arriaga who prance around and kick a ball.

sniff* sniff*, am I smelling racism?

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As a red-blooded patriotic american I hate soccer. Yet I can't ignore that its still the most watched sport in the world, while great exciting sports like NFL and MLB aren't. Someone explain to me: how can such a boring, sissy, unappealing sport be watched by people overseas...is it because foreigners like sissy sports and like being bored? Don't they like excitement like the NFL?

Trying to figure out why people waste their time watching Soccer is nearly the same as trying to understand women in the middle of a shoe buying frenzy on black Friday. (Somethings just go unexplained)

To Americans like myself there are a lot of positives when it comes to soccer.

1. Its a drug free cure for Insomnia.

2. I.C.E. has the perfect place to scoop up illegals aliens.

3. Moms have a legitimate reason to drive a gas guzzling SUV

4. It gives credibility to sports programming like blackjack and Texas Hold em

5. Paint drying and grass growing videos have more favorable ratings on youtube.

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A couple of things about soccer that disturb me, but it won't drive me to drink.

1) Talk about baseball season being too long? At least they have an offseason (Oct-Feb). English Premier League (Tottenham fan here) goes from August until the following June. They literally have about 1 month off, not to mention all the in season tournaments and games the clubs play outside of their league.

2) Flopping and faking a fall is one thing, but the thing that gets to me is when I see a player get kicked in the shin, the guy rolls around the ground like he just suffered a compound fracture of his tibia. YOU'RE wearing shin pads, no? I've played soccer and yes it hurts, but not rolling on the ground I'm dying hurts.

For those bashing NASCAR, well, you just have to know more about the sport to appreciate what they do. Try wearing a fire suit in 100 degree temperatures inside a hot car with no air conditioning for 4 hours, while lugging a 3000 pound car around a track while trying to avoid 42 other cars. Baseball is the same, you just have to know more about the game instead of saying they sit around and scratch.

If there are 2 sports that I can say I cannot truly enjoy is Tennis and Golf. You don't have to be in shape to play golf, you just have to have the skill. You have to have the skill and endurance to play tennis, but I consider both to be sissy sports if you want to label a sport a sissy sport.

I think when people say that the baseball season is too long, it's that they play too many games. Like in football, each game means so much to your postseason chances. In baseball, they lose a game and it's like "oh well, we'll get them tomorrow... or the next day... or the next day... or the day after that..." etc. I don't like how there is no emotion in baseball after a loss, but you can't really blame the players because of how often they play... I mean, how exciting can it be when you play like 26 days out of the month?

And if you're gonna bash tennis and golf and support something like NASCAR by saying that you have to understand it to appreciate it, then why not give the same support to tennis and golf? I agree about golf, it's all skill, but having played tennis at a high level, its pretty obvious that you don't understand it. I didn't think it was a sissy sport when I saw a guy have his orbital fractured when he got whacked with a ball at close range at the net. Or my favorite moment when I hit the ball the opposite way my opponent was running, who turned quickly, slipped awkwardly and did a faceplant onto the court. I'm pretty sure he got a concussion from it.

I mean those are two extreme examples and certainly don't happen all the time in tennis, and to the casual viewer I can see it as being labeled sissy, but there are times when **** happens... kinda like, you know, NASCAR.

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Dude don't stress about it. I bet he's getting a kick out of getting people like you riled up from his nonsense. All I know is at the end of the day soccer is the most popular sport in the world and there is absolutely nothing bconngemini can do about it. :D

awesome post:applause:

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I think a lot of it has to do with the soccer people are exposed to...

and because most people dont know about the rivalries

watching argentina play brazil is a think of beauty to me because of the history of the two teams

anyways..you know how people say dont argue with another person about religion or politics

soccer should be added to that saying lol

ive never seen such blind hate for something people dont understand

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Trying to figure out why people waste their time watching Soccer is nearly the same as trying to understand women in the middle of a shoe buying frenzy on black Friday. (Somethings just go unexplained)

To Americans like myself there are a lot of positives when it comes to soccer.

1. Its a drug free cure for Insomnia.

2. I.C.E. has the perfect place to scoop up illegals aliens.

3. Moms have a legitimate reason to drive a gas guzzling SUV

4. It gives credibility to sports programming like blackjack and Texas Hold em

5. Paint drying and grass growing videos have more favorable ratings on youtube.

This man should be our president, well said sir. Nobody watches soccer its the Insomnia-Cure sport, and probably the most watched soccer video on youtube gets at most several hundred views. I know Obama doesn't care about illegals, but if you want to solve the illegal aliens problem, simply look at which neighborhoods in America watch soccer and I bet its all illegals. No real American doesn't hate soccer.

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1 - If you think soccer is "unathletic" it's clear that you don't have clue #1 as to what athletic means. If you think star soccer players would leave soccer to become NFL kickers you're out of you mind and have no idea what star soccer players make.

2 - Why don't you ask women what sport tends to be populated by more attractive males, soccer or football?

1. Name me one player who gets more than a NFL kicker other than Beckham.

2. Most women prefer manly men, not girly foreigners. Ask any girl between the all-American quarterback and some soccer queer, and guess which one most women will take? The quarterback always gets the cheerleader.

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I think when people say that the baseball season is too long, it's that they play too many games. Like in football, each game means so much to your postseason chances. In baseball, they lose a game and it's like "oh well, we'll get them tomorrow... or the next day... or the next day... or the day after that..." etc. I don't like how there is no emotion in baseball after a loss, but you can't really blame the players because of how often they play... I mean, how exciting can it be when you play like 26 days out of the month?

And if you're gonna bash tennis and golf and support something like NASCAR by saying that you have to understand it to appreciate it, then why not give the same support to tennis and golf? I agree about golf, it's all skill, but having played tennis at a high level, its pretty obvious that you don't understand it. I didn't think it was a sissy sport when I saw a guy have his orbital fractured when he got whacked with a ball at close range at the net. Or my favorite moment when I hit the ball the opposite way my opponent was running, who turned quickly, slipped awkwardly and did a faceplant onto the court. I'm pretty sure he got a concussion from it.

I mean those are two extreme examples and certainly don't happen all the time in tennis, and to the casual viewer I can see it as being labeled sissy, but there are times when **** happens... kinda like, you know, NASCAR.

Well, I tried to give Golf and Tennis credibility as a non-sissy sport, but I have played both and, I still think they are. I do like watching the women play tennis, because they only play 3 sets and the action is more intense. The men typically play 5 sets and fatigue sets in and the match goes to hell. But as you said, extreme injuries in tennis and golf are just too few and far between. I can appreciate their endurance and skill however. Oh, and the ladies are hot when they are sweating and the nips are sticking out.

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1. Name me one player who gets more than a NFL kicker other than Beckham.

2. Most women prefer manly men, not girly foreigners. Ask any girl between the all-American quarterback and some soccer queer, and guess which one most women will take? The quarterback always gets the cheerleader.

I actually think Victoria Beckham has uglied herself up the last few years. There are alot of soccer players that get hot chicks. I don't know their names, but google, "WAGS" and you might see how many hot women some of these soccer players get. Oh, and good job upsetting the masses. You also might want to tone the queer and immigrant thing down a bit. At least debate sensibly instead of throwing around generalizations.

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I'll start appreciating soccer again once our national teams start getting past the first round of major tournaments...every time in the Olympics or World Cup we end up getting kicked out so fast...in the last World Cup the US was ranked in the top 10 and didn't even win a game LOL (although technically if you want to save some face we did tie a game) , and in the Olympic tournament the US also faced disappointment again.

I was once a soccer fan long ago when the US actually advanced in the World Cup before they lost to Germany. That was around 2002 or something.

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this post should be stickied. no way you're serious.

you think soccer players don't get any ***** they want? you really think britain can't afford shoulder pads and helmets?

not to mention the gay innuendo about how attracted you are to guys in shoulder pads and helmets, this post is friggin' awesome.

No, its simply pointing out that football is a game of war, toughness, and gaining territory (america's game!) and soccer is a game of socialism, faking injuries and prancing on a third-world field. Just compare Marcus Washington (6'3 250lb)to the best soccer player in the world David Beckham (6'0 170lb). Football players are so much more cooler, I'd be embarassed to be seen in public with a soccer player.

And soccer players don't get the poon, football players do. How many hot chicks get with soccer player? Do you see Jessica Simpson with some soccer player? No of course women gravitate towards the alpha males, the big football players, not soccer shrimps.

And the reason football isn't the number 1 sport in the world is because other countries can't afford pads and a helmet. Soccer is just kicking a ball around, its "popular" because its cheap not because they actually like it. If people have a choice between football and soccer, guess which one wins?

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1. Name me one player who gets more than a NFL kicker other than Beckham.

2. Most women prefer manly men, not girly foreigners. Ask any girl between the all-American quarterback and some soccer queer, and guess which one most women will take? The quarterback always gets the cheerleader.

Wow, this guy is delusional.

As for No. 1, Here's a list of the top 50 soccer salaries, and # 50 on the list makes 4.5M euros, which is around $7M. Name me one kicker that makes as much as the fiftieth highest paid soccer player.


As for No. 2, have you even seen some of the wives and girlfriends that some of these soccer players bag? Just do a google image search (with filters off) and you'll see.


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As a red-blooded patriotic american I hate soccer. Yet I can't ignore that its still the most watched sport in the world, while great exciting sports like NFL and MLB aren't. Someone explain to me: how can such a boring, sissy, unappealing sport be watched by people overseas...is it because foreigners like sissy sports and like being bored? Don't they like excitement like the NFL?

beause people are ignorant and just say they hate it and cant watch it when they dont understand it. They dont take breaks every 10 seconds such as the NFL and MLB. I love the NFL and soccer, but there is no way u can compair watching an MLB game to be as exciting as a soccer game. After every pitch in baseball everyone stands there and does nothing until the pitcher is done walking around the mound and is ready to throw the next pitch. then they do that all over again. how is that more entertaining than a sport that doesnt have commercials for 45 minutes? plus soccer is way more physical than baseball

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What does it matter if we do? You'll just go ahead and say "yeah but no one knows who the hell those players are!"

But just in case. This is from last year.


Now he'll have to change his argument to "name me more than fifty soccer players than make more than an NFL franchise QB" :D

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