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Marcus Mason cut by Jets


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Actually, I wasn't one of those who "pined" away for Mason, but in hindsight, he may be just what we need in the backfield. We lack speed. Did you watch Pierre Thomas hit the holes last night? Portis is our tough back. He isn't going to get 50-70 yard runs anymore. Mason has the speed to hit the holes. I'd love to bring him back and cut one of our safeties, or put him on the practice squad in hopes that no one will claim him again. He is a good change of pace back we lack. And Betts is not a change of pace. He's the same type of straight ahead tough runner (but fumbles) that CP is.

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Interesting how this dude gets cut all the time by people who watch him practice all day, yet a bunch of people who have seen him play in a couple pre-season games think they know more about his talent level than the coaches.

I never ever use this....but....QFT.

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Wrong thread, but I just read Derick Dockery's brother, Cedric Dockery, is a gaurd coming out to the draft this offseason. Might be worth looking at. Although we need a Tackle and Center more than a Gaurd.

I like your sig. I could go with that. I would almost predict that Danny and Vinny would break down and get an offensive skill player with our second pick though.

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He would not be a waste of space. We have no young back to develop and really can't afford to draft one, I'd really like to see them give Marcus a shot

I agree. Betts and Rock have had a good stint here and Portis only has 1-2 good years left in him. Maybe more if we get him some help and limit his carries to around 15 a game. Something has to be done for next season. At least find a nice fast young free agent changeup to go with Portis

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He would not be a waste of space. We have no young back to develop and really can't afford to draft one, I'd really like to see them give Marcus a shot
The Skins have other holes right now. RB is their strongest position. Right now, I mean, not the future. There is simply no real spot for him.
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