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What's the story with Suggs yelling to the sidelines about Campbell?


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Yeah, he was laughing when we put Geisenger in.... It was a big pause before anyone ran onto the field when samuels came out.... then the first play he looks like a chicken with his head cutoff, eyes HUGE, scared Sh!tless.... and Suggs basically was laughing at him and us. BECAUSE WE ARE A FU(KING LAUGHING STOCK RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

profanity filters- 1 week

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And you know what else is bad? That if the situation were reversed, we wouldn't be able to take advantage of the situation. You'd like to think Jason Taylor would be our guy to school some young kid in over his head, but I doubt it. If the Ravens had a TE playing emergency tackle, we'd get stood up.

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What QB isn't threatened with bodily harm by the Ravens defense? That's kind of a no-brainer. There were plenty of plays where Campbell stepped up and bought himself extra time. There was either nobody to throw to, or he didn't make the reads.

I had hope when the Skins stopped held them till the half at 14-0. But there is no team leadership from within the players. If you needed an example of this, you should have watched the Dallas-Pittsburgh game before.

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My friend just heard that on the Junkies this is what Suggs said to Zorn after the game. The junks have a crazy inside source inside the Ravens org, I think that it where it came from.

No link, this is coming from the airwaves.

I'm gonna venture to guess that Suggs knows a thing or two about a thing or two when it comes to QB play and O-lines ...

If the issue was with JC, I don't think he would have said that.

Not a pass for JC by any means, he could play better, but this is some insight into something a lot of us have already known about the O-line.

Just becuase our O-line got blown up last night, and it is bad shape because of injury and age does NOT excuse the fact that JC has been inconsistent AT BEST for years!! When he has time to throw he holds onto the ball forever! Anyone with eyes knows our Oline is in terrible, terrible, shape. We didn't need Suggs to point it out...

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Just becuase our O-line got blown up last night, and it is bad shape because of injury and age does NOT excuse the fact that JC has been inconsistent AT BEST for years!! When he has time to throw he holds onto the ball forever! Anyone with eyes knows our Oline is in terrible, terrible, shape. We didn't need Suggs to point it out...

Ok, terrible O-Line play is a pretty good excuse for inconsistency actually.

And please, stop ranting and try to look at things objectively. You say JC holds the ball too long, but look at Romo sits to pee and Flacco yesterday. They sit in a perfect pocket, hold onto the ball for what seems like years while they scan the field and are getting great pass protection.

Everyone is seriously acting like JC is the only one to hold the ball forever when he has time to throw once in a blue moon.

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Ok, terrible O-Line play is a pretty good excuse for inconsistency actually.

And please, stop ranting and try to look at things objectively. You say JC holds the ball too long, but look at Romo sits to pee and Flacco yesterday. They sit in a perfect pocket, hold onto the ball for what seems like years while they scan the field and are getting great pass protection.

Everyone is seriously acting like JC is the only one to hold the ball forever when he has time to throw once in a blue moon.

We haven't had a terrible Oline for FIVE years. That is my point. JC has played this way all along, no matter what changes around him. If you are getting pressure then throw it away... Romo sits to pee and Flacco do just that.

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We have so many problems it's not even funny. O-line obviously.

Does JC study film? I don't think so, he threw in ED Reed's direction way too much. But the most glaring pathetic weakness is our D-line. We flat out suck. Suck! You gotta be kidding me if we don't upgrade that in this next draft. It's embarrassing. We can't figure out how to get to a rookie QB. it's a joke.

Also, I love Santana and all, and ARE is solid, but we seriously need these big receivers to step up. Santana has to make a spectacular catch when it is actually a routine ball. His being 5'10 is a serious handicap when he is our go too guy. That long pass to him down the sideline, yeah it was up and over his head enough to be an awkward catch, but it went through his hands. We need receivers big enough to adjust to a throw that wasn't really that off the mark.

So odd that good defenses are loading up on Samuals side and blitzing on him, but it's working. WHat happen to all our tightends? How come we can't figure out an adjustment there...

Why don't we bring more pressure on punts returns--Randall El is only good for 3 yards anyway? Have him faircatch everything and bring 10 guys on every punt. We need to find points from somewhere else because our O is pathetic.

Cinci has been crushed 2 weeks in a row, if we can't stomp those guys we shouldn't make the post season. Madden was spot on last night. Why do you want to squeak in? Clearly we can't play with the true defenses so what's the point.

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Two injuries to your Oline is catastrophic. Teams usually have a inside and outside O-lineman as active backups and it backfired.

I wonder what Fabini did to not be active each week. I though he was pretty solid in 07 in injury duty last year.

You answered your question in your previous sentence.

The team has Jansen and Samuels starting, with Heyer as the backup for both, the outside active backup lineman. When both tackles went down, their backup center had to step in to take one of the positions.

Fabini did nothing wrong, it's just that Heyer passed him on the depth chart. Fabini returns next week I assume.

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Yeah, he was laughing when we put Geisenger in.... It was a big pause before anyone ran onto the field when samuels came out.... then the first play he looks like a chicken with his head cutoff, eyes HUGE, scared Sh!tless.... and Suggs basically was laughing at him and us. BECAUSE WE ARE A FU(KING LAUGHING STOCK RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup, I noticed this while watching and commented about it in one of the game threads but figured he was yelling something to the CB after laughing but now it makes sense that he was yelling at Zorn/Skins sideline.

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In a pinch I thought it was ok to put Geisinger on the left side. I did NOT think it was ok to leave him without a TE to help. Cooley or Yoder should've been helping the little guy out.

That same mistake was made in the playcalling before Samuels was out. Leaving Sellers out to block two guys at least once or twice was inexcusable.

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No team would be dumb enough to hurt Campbell!!! If they did Collins would come in...

Campbell: Strong Arm, 7 step drops, will not throw the ball in traffic, bad mechanics.

Collins: Below average arm (not an issue with our 7 yard routes), 3 step drops and quick release will help our pitiful O-line.

Looks like a no brainer to me...

On most 3rd downs we had 6 in protection and they rushed 4 and occaionally 5 and still had free run at our QB. With JC's 7 step drop defensive ends run straight at him.....

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No team would be dumb enough to hurt Campbell!!! If they did Collins would come in...

Campbell: Strong Arm, 7 step drops, will not throw the ball in traffic, bad mechanics.

Collins: Below average arm (not an issue with our 7 yard routes), 3 step drops and quick release will help our pitiful O-line.

Looks like a no brainer to me...

On most 3rd downs we had 6 in protection and they rushed 4 and occaionally 5 and still had free run at our QB. With JC's 7 step drop defensive ends run straight at him.....

Aaaaannd how do you know he has a "quick" release in "this" offense...as opposed to one he ran for 10+ years.....

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I must agree that it was stupid to take that time out and play w/ 20 seconds left. Madden was saying that as well. Can you imagine if someone got hurt? Sorry Zorn bad move

Couldn't agree more... Malcolm Kelly almost got himself killed going across the middle on the next to last play of the game (I think it was the next to last, anyway... it was definitely ONE of the last plays).

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