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10 yr old football highlights: MUST SEE


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Too funny... 2 years ago I had a 10-year old as well -- oddly, his number was #1 too -- and he delivered better hits that those. Luckily, I taped the games.... and basically our year-end team highlight video mostly consisted of his hits -- we couldn't play kids both ways except for 4th downs. So we played him on defense... and he made 90% of our tackles.

Because of him... we had 6 kids quit our team after less than 2 practices... and he was averaging knocking 3 kids out of each game. Total beast.

You can't help but watch... and laugh at the kid. Because he's BLOWING up kids... and you watch this kid's intensity... and he locks on to runningbacks and chases them down with complete focus and determination. It's actually kinda scary.... kids were running away from him out of pure fear.

We had to teach the kid to STOP blowing up blocks to get to the ballcarrier... and take better angles. There are videos were he'd literally blow up a double-team and knock both guys airborne and on their butts.... and then make the tackle on the ballcarrier. Incredible.

I'll see if I can transfer the DVD into video files.

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I believe there at kids at his age and his skill level throughout the country. I know of two kids that are that good or better.

One of the playersr is a kid I call "Little ST". He is like a mini Sean Taylor. He even wears #21. I saw him earlier in the season in a game where the other team was scared to tackle him. He had 4 touchdowns runs of greater than 50 yards. He plays QB and he plays in the defense backfield/LB (they typically use a 5/4/2 at this level...or 5/5/1) . Since the other team was WAY out manned, I wasn't sure if he was that good or the other team was that bad.

Anyway, I Officiated a playoff game a few weeks ago that his team was playing in. Late in the 4th quarter...the play that convinced me this kid was domintate was when the other team ran a reverse...the WR had nothing but green ahead of him...the whole side of the field was open...it was coming to my side (I am Line Judge) and I thought he might score. All of a sudden "Little ST" comes across the field like he was shot out of a cannon. The WR got about 2 yards past the line of scrimmage and "Little ST" BLEW HIM UP. The WR was about 3 yards inbounds and after getting hit ended up 2 yards out of bounds and the ball ended up 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage. "Little ST" jumps up...picks up the loose ball and takes it 70 yards the other way for a score. His team wins 21-7. The game went from possible being tied to over after one major hit.

That was impressive in my opinion.

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