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Why do women not listen??


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SO - I didn't mean for the comment to come off that way ....

If she is depressed - you could be in for an emotional roller coaster ride - and you need to be prepared. Holidays are rough for folks, but for a depressed person - the holidays can suck major balls.

I don't doubt that you want to help her. You just have to be prepared and willing to stick around to help her out. :)

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It's because they are thinking about shopping and don't have time to hear your BS.

This is legit. I swear, if I could get a doctor to find the part of the brain that makes women think about shopping, make-up, and diaper genies, I'd have him remove it.

Bet they would listen to you then.

Women who don't have that gene are called lesbians.:silly:

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I might be an ass Candace but I'm not a prick, I wouldn't say something like that I don't mean, ;). Back on topic.

Depression is what I originally thought but when she's up and about she's damn near happy as can be and she's not one to fake anything. As far as the doctor goes, I could sit down and ask her to go, let her know I'd like her to go and that I'd go with her and we'll see how that goes. Much appreciated.

Just becuse she is acting happy, doesn't mean she is....even if she isn't one to normally fake it. When someones mom dies, anything can happen. I can't even imagine what I will do, or how I will act when that day comes. My vote is that she is depressed.

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I could care less if a woman listens to me or not.

What pisses me off more than anything is that they can't admit a freaking mistake. EVERYTHING is our fault. And if she ****s up, it's because WE did something that MADE her do that. :rolleyes:

No. I'm not bitter. Why do you ask? :)

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I could care less if a woman listens to me or not.

What pisses me off more than anything is that they can't admit a freaking mistake. EVERYTHING is our fault. And if she ****s up, it's because WE did something that MADE her do that. :rolleyes:

No. I'm not bitter. Why do you ask? :)

but HH IT IS YOUR fault.:silly:

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I could care less if a woman listens to me or not.

What pisses me off more than anything is that they can't admit a freaking mistake. EVERYTHING is our fault. And if she ****s up, it's because WE did something that MADE her do that. :rolleyes:

No. I'm not bitter. Why do you ask? :)

I call that deflection syndrome more commonly known as spoiled bratty ***** syndrome. Not all suffer from it, but many do.

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In situations like these I'm friendly at first but I'm not afraid of getting loud and angry either. Waiting too long can be a death sentance when something is obviously wrong. So here is what I would do:

Nice: Tell her she needs to get checked out just to be safe. Offer to go with her, pay, and support her in anyway possible. Be firm about her having to go to the doctor.

If she refuses

Not nice: Tell the giant baby that to drag her ass to the doctor because you refuse to sit by and watch her in a free fall. There are times to make calm arguments and there are times to impose your will. When you see a loved one doing something destructive and all else fails it's time to insist. Strongly. If she were to get hurt because she took to long to be convinced you'd feel bad. Make if clear that she's going to the damn doctor one way or another!

I've actually experienced this scenerio. A family member of mine was very sick and refused to get help claiming she only had a cold. After the rest of the family failed in their begging I went over to her house and gave her the option of going to the hospital now or I would call the hospital and claim she tried to kill herself, one way or the damn other she was going. She cussed me out the whole way.

She had pneumonia. It was bad. She ended up having to stay for 3 days and the doctor said she was very close to passing the point of no return when she was admitted. Imagine if I had just resigned myself to letting her make up her own mind?

Screw that.

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There will come a time when these jokes are no longer funny, however that is yet to happen. Very nice work, peckerheads.

Here's the backstory, my girlfriend has been very tired lately(not like trying to not have sex tired) I mean literally sleeping for 14 hours a day type stuff. She has also been suffering from nsoebleeds(no it's not coke binging either). According to what I've been reading, it's all relevant to her eating habits, that she's not getting enough calories, vitamin K and fruit. So I of course attempt to tell her this and the answers I get are as follows.

1. I'm just tired alot so I sleep

2. I've never heard that before

3. I eat plenty, my diet is fine

4. **** you

Mononuclusis or whatever its called my cousin had it she would sleep forever.

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Very possible, her Mom died from cancer last June.
Oh, didn't see this before. Sounds like she is exhibiting the classic symptoms of depression. She really should see a doctor about it. Try your best to gently explain your concerns and your reasons for why you think she needs to seek medical help and encourage her to do so.
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It's a miracle that fool proposed to you. ;)
See, money CAN work miracles...I'm still trying to find out how much money my parents paid him.


Okay, fine, that was a good one. :silly:

Men. They just don't get it. We don't have to listen b/c we're always right. I'm hopeful that one day they'll pick up on this.:D
If they ever did reach this enlightened state it would make life so much easier for them...
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What do you tell a women with 2 black eyes? Nothing you already told her twice.:D

But ya,it's going to be a tough holiday this year for you and your girl.Good luck hang in there.

I lost my Dad last March. I can see some the OP's problems coming from my Mom.

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